Monday, March 12, 2012

Bell, via Kagan, on Critical Race Theory: The Constitution Is the Problem | Conservative Byte

Bell, via Kagan, on Critical Race Theory: The Constitution Is the Problem | Conservative Byte

Bell, via Kagan, on Critical Race Theory: The Constitution Is the Problem

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In November 1985, the Harvard Law Review published an article by Derrick Bell that was a “classic” in the development of Critical Race Theory. The article was edited by then-student Elena Kagan, and was cited by Prof. Charles Ogletree in support of her nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court by President Barack Obama in 2010. The article makes clear that Critical Race Theory sees the U.S. Constitution as a form of “original sin”–a view later embraced by Obama as a state legislator, and reflected in his actions and appointments. The following is an excerpt from the non-fiction portion of the article; much of what follows is a fictional story that Bell intended as a parable of racial “fantasy.”
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  • Scott C in Spring Tx
    Our Constitution is a problem for their personal agenda and it is supposed to be. That is the way it was set up and intended. If they have a different agenda go find an island in the Artic Sea and set up your own government. If you try to go against our Constitution your actions are called treason, punishable by death. It is about time in the life of this country that we start imposing this extreme penalty. First by a VERY speedy trial followed by a swift scentence. Let the heads begin to roll. I do not take pleasure in spilling blood, but it is time for some blood to spill.
  • Big T
    I agree, good call ! but mark my word if something is not done soon The Co. mander. in Thief, is going to declare Marxist Law as soon as he collapses the Dollar! and then the streets will boil.
  • Wayne Peterkin
    Sadly, you are spot on. This is Cloward and Pivens economics in action. I think Obama had hoped to engineer a complete economic collapse during his first term and now needs a second term to complete the effort, in part because of losing control of the House in 2010. He and most of his administration, including his Supreme Court appointments, are opposed to our Constitution and will undermine it anyway that they can, in spite of their oaths of office.  
  • monacall
    its not the constitution its the people wanting to change it that is the may be time for another revolution.....sad to say but I will not give up this country without a fight.... personally I hope everyone hears what I am saying.....stay away from the constitution leave this country if you do not want to comply with it....its pretty simple....
  • steamdwarf
    might be getting to the point that only the armed forces can or will defend the Constitution.  Certainly not happening at the Senate or Presidential level.
  • Dtamoria
     Why do you think we have an ALL VOLUNTEER MILITARY? The are deployed all over the world defending others while our own country is quickly going down the tubes.  In the meantime they have indoctrinated the remaining youths of our country to sit back and let others do the job.  EVER AMERICAN CITIZEN should be bound to serve their Country and not a select few.  This my fellow Patriots has been a well orchestrated plan of attack on our American Way of Life. 
  • monacall
    oh I hear you.....but I am so tired of no one doing anything.....especially our so called elected leaders I don't care if they have to stand on the rock outside the capitol to get attention they should do it.....not us, but if they insist on not doing their job then someone has to it.....besides that if "Susan B. Anthony" keep her mouth shut where in the heck would us woman be....don't answer that one guys..... am not a bit afraid of falling on my sword for My God, My country or My Family.....we can let them know without starting a revolution immediately, but we (I) need to say it to them and/or anyone else that thinks the Constitution is a living document....I am tired of hearing on the news everyday one of our children just died in afganistan or some other stupid country "for what"  to come home to this.....these traitors who are butchering them outright...we need to let them know we are tired....
  • Caped Crusader
    This left wing news media we have are just as dangerous, If not more than the politicians, Everyone should keep this in mind when thinking of starting a revolution.......Think about it........
  • oldmagicman666
    Once We The People prove the Brit has never been eligible for POTUS Kagan and Sotomayor will be removed from our Court. Nothing he has done and no Supreme Court decision since Sotomayor will stand. That's change We can depend on!
  • Tomato Cain
     No one should be banned from print, or silenced except by opposition in like, but our kids need to be schooled on all the reasons behind every ammendment. Unfortunately our media and schools are inundated with folks who have too little faith in the constitution, and for that matter in the individual. Allowing any branch of government to proceed with reckless abandon of any one statute of the Constitution is worse than allowing Wall Street to operate without regard for the rule of law.
  •  If I were a young mother now I would not enroll my children in Public Schools.  I would send them to a Religious School or better yet I would Home School Them.  They would get a proper, well rounded educations on subjects that will serve them their entire lives.
  • WillyT
    I firmly believe that NObama is an autocrat wannabe.  To stand alone in one man rule he must find work-arounds with Congress and the Supremes.  To this end, he has made it so Congress is considered nearly worthless by "the people".  This has allowed him to walk right over them with Executive Orders and by simply ignoring them.  On the other hand, the Supreme Court is troublesome.  He will ignore them but can't control them like he can Congress.  I see him working hard to take it over by replacing one more Justice with one of his.  Should he succeed, by default he will have one man rule.  The media will protect him. 
  • NancyJ
    It is time that Kagan resigned.  This is the second time something has come up that disqualifies her.
    She took an oath to protect and preserve the Constitution.  She lied when she did.  She has NO respect for the Constitution or this country.
    I recommend that she goes where progressives have succeeded so well.  Greece.
  • Rfh53
    This is the result of NOT properly vetting someone for a powerful position in government. It simply was not done for Kagan... congress gave her a pass. Not for Obama... the media gave him a pass...  and certainly not for all his appointed czars.
  • Captainjerry
    This person, what ever her agenda is , will never resign. She will have to be charged and drummed out like the garbage she is. Yes she is a socialist with an agenda that hates the Constitution. Remember, the Constitution was here long before this dike was even a dream and the world got along damn well.
  • Tomato Cain
    I wish, but there appears to be little chance of that happening. We, the People, have elected a law professor as President who has studied the US Constitution for one purpose, and for one purpose only
  • Betty
    I am terrified that you are right!
  • brchoate
    According to obama's press.  I agree with you, if he did in fact study the US Constitution it was for the sole pupose of how to destroy it and this country. 
  • Mike_Knight77
    Because disregarding the Constitution has resulted in so much peace, and prosperity for our nation, and the world in general.....NOT!  The further we stray from the Constitution the worse things get in all areas of life.  A government with no constraints is ultimately a deadly weapon of genocide because it naturally attracts the scum of society into power.
  • June9245
    If the nation's current economic crisis has taught us anything, it's that a healthy economy cannot thrive in the midst of moral breakdown. Ethical failures on Wall Street, Main Street, and Capitol Hill put us into this mess we're in today.  Do you think that crime rates, incarceration, low educational achievement, out of wedlock births, affect the economy and government spending? Of course they do, and the statistics prove this! If you want a healthy, thriving economy you've got to have a strong moral societal foundation.
  • Lrevalee
    When someone says " the Constitution is the problem", then they are no friend of the American people, and probably a serious danger to freedom loving people every where.  There is no problem with OUR CONSTITUTION, the problem lies with We The People and in those we elect to represent us in OUR CONGRESS.  We must demand that they follow the Constitution in every thing they do, for they are elected to protect us from any tyrant that attempts to assume complet power over us.  They are there to protect the rights of the people, and through them, we are able to determine our own desiny.  That is, If we have the guts to stand up and demand it.
  • brchoate
    The problem is not the Constitution but the idiots in Washington who have spent a large part of their lives tweaking it.  There is no Constititional authority for the myraid of agencies inplemented for the "betterment" of society nor the rules congress work under, or the regulations handed down by these unlawful agencies.
  • Tapol0719
    anybody that wishes for the constitution to be tarnished and destroyed are the ones in power that only want more power which ultimately leads into being a tyrant. Our fore-fathers knew about this ultimatum and placed checks and balances in order to prevent this power grab. And of course Obama such statements because of his wish to be the first black dictator in united states of America. And while he has strife for his power grab, you people have done nothing and remain quite. That is how dictators overcome and become in power in any country.
  • Dr. X
    Kagan, like obama is anti-American. She should not have been given the right to judge with the Supreme Court. She is foreign to the believes that have held this newest of Nations together, for more than 200 years. She and those like her will bring destruction to this Nation. She may not be voted out, but those whom have placed her into the position can be!
  • brchoate
    She may not be voted out, but she can be impeached.
  • EdinNola
    These Justices like Kagan and Ginsburg, who have sworn (on their honor) to uphold and support the Constitution and now (in the case of Kagan virtually as she leaves the ceremony in which she took her oath) say that the Constitution is faulty and in Kagan's case needs changing.  In both cases, especially Kagan's, the oath was taken under false colors and represents an impeachable offense.  GET RID OF THEM.  IMPEACH THE BOTH OF THEM.  NEITHER IS QUALIFIED FOR THE JOB.  The purpose of that oath was to verify that they would enforce the Constitution, a duty that they will not perform if their belief is as NOW stated.  They are effectively liars, and this is unacceptable as a Justice.
  • Sagebrush6

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