Friday, March 16, 2012

CDC Starts First Anti-Smoking Campaign : Personal Liberty Alerts

CDC Starts First Anti-Smoking Campaign : Personal Liberty Alerts

CDC Starts First Anti-Smoking Campaign

CDC Starts First Anti-Smoking Campaign
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is kicking off a new ad campaign that features former smokers discussing the health consequences of their habits.
ATLANTA (UPI) — The U.S. government will combat smoking addiction for the first time in a public-service campaign health officials say they hope will help people quit smoking.
The campaign by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, scheduled to begin Monday, has a $54 million budget this year,The New York Times reported.
The U.S. tobacco industry spends at least that much in an average two days of promotional efforts, the newspaper said.
CDC Director Thomas R. Frieden told the newspaper that the TV and newspaper campaign will save lives and money.
“We estimate that this campaign will help about 50,000 smokers to quit smoking,” he said. “And that will translate not only into thousands who will not die from smoking, but it will pay for itself in a few years in reduced health costs.”
The ads are to show former smokers discussing the health consequences of their habits, the CDC said.
R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. spokesman David Howard told the Times he would not comment on the government’s campaign, not having seen it.
“We believe that adult tobacco consumers should be provided with accurate information about the risks associated with tobacco use,” he said.
R.J. Reynolds, the No. 2 U.S. tobacco company, is part of a group of tobacco makers suing the U.S. Food and Drug Administration over rules that would require cigarette companies to put graphic warning labels over much of their packaging.
A Federal judge in Washington ruled two weeks ago the rules unConstitutionally violated the companies’ free-speech rights. The government is appealing.
Smoking is the No. 1 cause of preventable death and disease in the United States, killing more than 443,000 Americans each year, Federal estimates cited by the Times indicate.
More than 8 million Americans are afflicted with smoking-related disease.
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9 Responses to “CDC Starts First Anti-Smoking Campaign”

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  1. s c says:
    It makes no sense to pretend to help when helping is not a part of the intent. When cigarette makers started adding groups of chemicals to increase the shelf time of their products, it opened a door that may never be closed.
    If food manufacturers were allowed to spike food with similar groups of chemicals, it wouldn’t take long to see the food version of what has happened to cigarettes and cigarette smokers.
    In effect, MDs are like predators waiting for an unsuspecting prey to come to a community ‘watering hole.’ If you have bad habit ‘A,’ you can expect conditions and diseases that result from what is in cigarette tobacco. If you have bad habit ‘B,’ you can expect diseases and conditions that result from what is in food.
    Even clothes makers are doing to clothes what has happened to cigarettes and food. And we’re expected to wait for the FDA to step in and save us from ourselves? The government [in the form of the AMA, the FDA and Big Pharma] are our universal saviors? It won’t happen people.
    We’re being herded into state-sized holding pens. Whether we’re treated like sheep or cattle makes no difference.
    Our bad habits won’t save us. Our “helpers” won’t save us. No, the government won’t help us. Anybody who’s busy making tons of money (or votes) through our bad habits is a PREDATOR. Whether you say moo, baaah or do you deliver [?], we’re being HAD, people. And some of us think we’re “evolved.”
  2. Witsend says:
    It should be hard to believe that the CDC wants to show graphic pictures of smoking outcomes, while pictures of a baby in the womb and the later pics of the baby after an abortion is taboo. Unfortunately, it is not hard to believe!
  3. Ted Crawford says:
    This money would be far better spent, and the Public far better served by using this money, although small by the standards of this egregious administration, on the preventitive efforts of non self inflicted diseases.
    Anecdotally, this is the same Federal Government that promoted smoking, as a calming tool, to Soldiers in the 30s and 40s giving them away and were still providing them to us in the 60s, in the ” C” rats and SP packs!
  4. TIME says:
    Can you hear that chipping sound, ( listen,) there it is – chip chip – chip – chipp chip -
    Thats the very sound of whats left of your FREEDOMS going down the toilet, — and to whom may that be?
    To Special interest groups, or persons who feel that they are in some way Superior to you aka GOD like.
    Anyone ever ask why it is that you should be controlled like a toy on a string?
    Is it really for your own good?
    Is it really for the good of everyone?
    Or is it really for the control over your life, your actions, or what makes you happy?
    Should we all have a Volt?
    Should we all work for credit to buy just what you need?
    Should we all wear the same style cloths? How about hair styles?
    How about what shoes you should wear?
    Where you can eat, or what you can eat?
    Who you can talk with or whom you can’t talk with?
    Where you can live. or even if you can live?
    Hey I don’t like smoking nor do I like being around smokers, but I have the option of walking away, thats called “Choice and Freedom.”
    Even though I may not like smoking, there is someone else who may. And thats their prerogative – to me thats what life is all about, perhaps others feel thats not what personal liberty is all about.
    So for these people I ask only one question – who died and made you GOD?
    Peace and Love, May God forgive you that feel you are GODS.
  5. Ellen says:
    Let’s look at the numbers to decide if this is foolish. Over 44 million people smoke, yet they only hope to get 50,000 to stop. They have a budget of $54 million to stop those 50,000 people. That looks like waste to me. Has our government learned nothing from Prohibition? People are going to do what they want regardless of what the government thinks. Raising the taxes has not stopped people from smoking. They simply need to allow health insurers to charge a premium for smokers to help cover their costs. Life insurers already charge a premium for smokers. This solves the problem. Smoking has already been eliminated in public buildings, which is beneficial to all non-smokers. If the health insurance premiums are adjusted for smokers, we’ve done all we can. People then choose if they wish to smoke or not.
  6. ONTIME says:
    Another anti smoking campaign? The government still wants the tax revenue and the chance to inflict more loss of freedom with their anti public agenda, so this must be another public BJ and a way to blow smoke up your rear ends.
  7. FreedomFighter says:
    I have a better purpose for the CDC
    1. Find out what is causeing a 3 to 5000% increase in cancer
    2. Find out what is causeing the mind blowing increase in autisum
    3. Find out why we have Bio-Weapons dev in under rated facilities.
    4. Find out why we are putting floride and 1000s of other chemicals in drinking water
    5. Find out WTF chem-trails are doing to us, spraying us like roaches.
    6. Find out why Monsanto an others bio crops are causeing sterization and cancer
    …on an on
    Laus Deo
    Semper Fi
  8. Leave me alone
    It’s none of your business what I do with or in my life. My habits are my business, not your’s.
    How about I raise a stink about how you spend your money and how you allow by your inaction UN-born defenseless babies to be murdered, killed even slaughterer, and you protest my smoking habit. You need a double dose of reality in your life.
    Clean up your own back yard before you complain about mine!
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