Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Follow the “M” word: More on the “National Defense Resources Preparedness” Executive Order | CowboyByte

Follow the “M” word: More on the “National Defense Resources Preparedness” Executive Order | CowboyByte

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Follow the “M” word: More on the “National Defense Resources Preparedness” Executive Order

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Not “martial law,” folks. Not that “M” word. The other one: “money.”
Ed did an excellent job breaking down the few actual differences between Obama’s new defense-resources EO and the previous version from 1994. Here are the two main differences:
1. The Obama EO elaborates vague-sounding functions for federal agencies in maintaining defense-resources preparedness (Section 103). Ed summarizes them as follows:
2. The Obama EO delegates authorities under Section 308 to agency heads. The Section 308 authorities include putting additional equipment in public and private defense industrial facilities, and modifying or expanding private facilities, including modifying or “improving” industrial processes.
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33 Responses to Follow the “M” word: More on the “National Defense Resources Preparedness” Executive Order

  1. Hold Our Politicians Accountable says:
    All of our politicians need to be held accountable including candidates. We can start by holding Congress responsible for not standing up for american citizens that they are suppose to serve.
    What we need is http://www.petition2congress.com/6195/congressional-reform-act-to-fix-congress/
  2. CaptTurbo says:
    Let’s be sure to send that dirt bag packing in November!
    • Kansas Kahuna says:
      Capt Turbo…I would be nice if we can oust the imposter at the ballot box, but if the following link is just the tip of the iceberg, we have little chance unless each state requires a photo I.D.!
      Listen for the clerk to say “Heres 15, will that be enough?”
      NOTE: In Ohio we had over 20,000 more voters in 2008 than we had registered voters. In Alabama the number was more than 32,000. And this was the trend across the whole country, but I believe it could be far worse this time because we were so easily fooled the first time, and there’s still no voter I.D. Requirements in most states – that’s the key to stemming voter fraud. —-Known writer —-
      • Kansas Kahuna says:
        First line should read “Capt Turbo…It would be nice….” NOT I would be nice…KK
        • Bob S. says:
          For crying out loud get over yourself. Unless you view this forum as an opportunity to showcase your self professed superiority in the field of English composition , I would suggest you be a little less critical and judgmental of something as innocuous as a typographical error. Who died and made you progenitor of the worth of someone’s post anyway. Seems to me it is the intent and the content that should be the subject for your review or commentary.
  3. Jacqueline L says:
    “Vague sounding” terms are a politicians favorite. They are left to wide open interpretations, few in the best iterests of the general tax paying public! Congress needs to stay in their seats until they pass a bill placing strict restrictions on when, wy and how Executive Orders may be issued. This pres has been uing them to give himself almost dictatorial powers! He has stated outright that if Congress does not do what he wants he will do it himself! Sounds more like a TYRANT FOR LIFE THAN AN ELECTED PRESIDENT.
    Vote for anyone but Obama before we can no longer vote at all!
    • Bimbam says:
      It’s just paper and ink signed by a skinny unfit illegal negro – JUST IGNORE IT!
      Carry on your life and if this stinker and Congress gets in the way again………
    • EHeassler, USN-Ret. says:
      I’m thinking that Obama will attempt to call off the November elections under the guise of a “national emergency”, award himself the expanded powers of his recently signed EO, and attempt to arrest his most vocal critics as the right to habeus corpus will be suspended. Why else would we be building all of the new FEMA Camps complete with security fencing and armed guards. I’m thinking detention or concentration camps to be a more apt description. Should we actually get to vote in November, in order to avoid an Obama led socialist-fascist state, vote for the Republican candidate even if you have to hold your nose. The alternative is further loss of our freedom.
  4. you shove your head up where the sun don’t shine or you can see the hand writing on the wall; this is one dangerous bastard.
  5. dianna says:
    Our government and Obummer IS TOTALLY OUT OF CONTROL! Can NO ONE STOP HIM? Enough is enough and yet NO ONE DOES ANYTHING! Is this really what they want? They want communism, big brother watching our every move? I fear there will be NO ELECTION IN NOVEMBER – as a man, woman and child exactly what will Americans do? I am really confused! This executive order also allows Obama to start up the Draft again! Who’s going to be drafted? Your husband, father or son? GOD HELP US ALL!
  6. Bimbam says:
    I thought the M word was going to be MONSTER!
    This is what this negro is turning out to be a – useful idiot afterall.
  7. Burrhead65 says:
    This falls into place right before summer. That is when the OWS’s will be out in full force. The White House will be directing them to go onto terrorist mode. When that happens ,the Dictator in Chief will declare Martial Law using the vague EO he has set up for himself. By the time the polititions figure out what happened they will all be out of a job accept for a very select few. It’s all coming down and there is damn little any of us can do now accept pray for a military takeover to get this maggot out of office.
  8. Amerigo M. Cimino says:
    “Follow the “M” word: More on the “National Defense Resources Preparedness” Executive Order”
    Is anyone surprised or shocked?
    Mr.Obama is very selective, on which “part” of the law or directive he selects to follow; and if it does not suit him; we will get another; “in terms of”!
    Mr. Obama has been accused of being a Muslim; and now he is trying to defend himself!
    Listen to his speeches! From his “beginning”.
    Meanwhile; press “1″ for English.
  9. Ranchman says:
    Even though there may have been some initial overreacting to this EO, it just goes to show the level of mistrust the people have of Obama. The truth is, he can’t be trusted, not at all. I became politically aware during the administration of Jimmy Carter and all I can say is, Obama is the most dangerous president to serve in that position since then. I feel he is hell-bent on bringing this country to its knees.
  10. dianna;; get yourself some weapons or get a man with some weapons;; it will be a fight for your nation and your children’s freedom.
  11. kategray says:
    When he has drained the American people of their hard working money, and our religious freedoms and all the other things that the CONSTITUTION gave the American people he will then make us a third world nation and we will be like the middle east and other countries that have dictators. The things that made America a great nation are now being stripped away at an alarming rate. The polls are rigged to make the PRETENDER the top dog. He has given away the farm and those who benefited by that will go to the polls because they want more and cannot see that they are helping this one to corrupt this nation and we will have no freedoms left.
  12. CITIZENS AGAINST OBAMA;; AND HIS suppression. Today is a good day to die for our freedom; it will not be a bloodless coup.
    • Bimbam says:
      C’mon man… he’s just a skinny wigger. Pretending to be president. Just ignore the ****ER and Congress. Carry on with your life and just ignore the stinkers and they will have no power over you.
      And if the stinkers in Congress and the wigger get in the way, 300,000,000 of us should be able to kick’em where it hurts.
  13. Larry says:
    If this SOB Barrack Obama is allowed to get away with it he will began his Dictatorship sooner than anyone had thought because he is going to loose his bid for reelection and he will use this reason for holding on to power. He will have his personal Army the Black panthers enforce his laws and keep him in power.
  14. singer23 says:
    How much longer are we going to talk about this, “Miscreant” and do something about him? What’s taking Americans so long to, “Send, Him And His Accomplices, Packing?” I, for one, am sick of him, destroying America, one piece at a time! Every day, he and his administration are picking away at our Constitution, one freedom at a time! Look at all the damage he’s done, in three years! He must be stopped and all the, “Treason” reversed! We have only one chance left and that’s November, 2012!
  15. We need to hold all of these people accountable.
  16. jim says:
    This sounds like he’s keeping His promise to build his own private army & places to keep people who oppose him for a better America ! I don’t trust him at all !
  17. Bob S. says:
    This President (ideological neophyte) has the leadership qualities of a mole. He “rules” by Executive Order and Fiat, rather than by convention and the rule of law. He enforces portions of our constitution only if they are consistent with his agenda, and goals, otherwise he disregards it’s tenets with impunity. The constitution to him has become a roadblock, rather than a road map, as he attempts to lead our nation. He has no original thoughts or ideas, he is simply a sounding board for the socialist/Marxist ideology in which he and his little cadre of czars decide what’s “BEST” for the American people (It’s called statism in most circles of enlightenment). As strange as it may be in his “highly ideological and unenlightened little world”, if he doesn’t like the current restraints of our constitution there actually are provisions in that document for changing or amending it’s content. However to do so one must follow specific procedures delineated within it’s writings which specify how such changes are to be accomplished. These changes should not be of one single man, mindset, or party, but of 2/3′s of the states, and therefore the will of the governed of this great nation. This is accomplished by ratification of such changes at the State level, rather than by a mandate or an over-reach at the federal level. This President’s hubristic belief in his own self perceived omniscience, has not served our nation well at all, but rather has overlooked and misunderstood the admirable original and admirable qualities of our original Republican form of government. If and when we ever again have a “representative government” may it be modeled after a Republican style form of government, not a democracy, for our founders knew all too well the pitfalls and shortcomings that a democracy inherently would subject our citizens to! Hence our government was created as a Republic, and for that specific reason. The authors of this country’s constitution knew that in a democracy a majority could and would walk “rough shod” all over the rights of the minority. Ben Franklin put it best when he stated, [Sic] “Democracy… Is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty… Is a well-armed lamb contesting that vote.” Guess we need to decide sooner rather than later which scenario we wish to follow, and then act upon in whatever manner is necessary to ensure the end result. We need to decide if we want the Big government knows best approach, or instead the concept of liberty and independence which that inimitable American Spirit incorporates. I’m speaking of the same American Spirit which in my mind is currently being repressed and replaced, in a most Machiavellian manner by a purely radical and secular progressive approach to governance.
  18. Robert E Lee is correct,there will be a lot of us die before our country men realize this is not just rhetoric,And the only politician calling for change and our liberties back is being rail roaded by his own complicit party,
  19. David Stovall says:
    The Preparedness Order is nothing new, other presidents have signed it. The difference this time is that it is in the hands of a president that is a Rev. Wright “God Dam* America”, socialist president that hates our country and calls the Bill of Rights a negative document because it limits government. And we don’t want the Preparedness Order or the White House in the hands of a”God Dam* America” president that wants no limits on government.
  20. JVB says:
    I don’t know about everyone else but I’ve had all the RESTORING TRANSPARENCY campaign promises I can handle.
  21. oldgringo says:
    Huff Post censors all my comments…..Hear Obama own words what he has in store for American citizens under NDAA:
  22. Delores Smith says:
    Do not fall for the scare tactics of Obama and George Soros. Do not react, and do not even consider a Revolution. This is what they want, and they will not get it. Remember this: Martial Law can only be created by a legal Leader of the United States, not by someone who is causing the chaos to achieve evil means. Trust me, there are MANY who are aware of what is going on. Turn the other cheek and smile. This is all being handled for us. Take care.
    Delores Smith Delores109@cox.net

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