Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Forgerygate: Media Threatened With Federal Investigations If Obama Birth Certificate Story Reported | Western

Forgerygate: Media Threatened With Federal Investigations If Obama Birth Certificate Story Reported | Western

    • DrSique says:
      You are absolutely wrong and, if Americans don’t learn to stop fighting each other and focus on government corruption, we will be yoked by the tyranny that the Obama regime surely represents. I grew up in a family full of conservative democrats who felt that their interests were best represented by the Democratic Party. I am a registered independent and committee member in my home town. The facts are that the Republican Party are corporatists bordering on facism and the Democraric Party have become socialists bordering on communism. “We The People” need to stop choosing sides in the party wars that are nothing more than a power struggle between greed, corruption and power mongering. We need to focus, like a laser, on cleaning the filth out of government, at all levels. The longer that Americans bicker with one another, the more entrenched the vermin of both parties becomes. Unite or Die!!!
      • Avatar of OMGOMG says:
        But how do you accomplish that when even the press is stifled? The masses believe what they hear on the evening news. Look at the number of government officials who are keeping this story away from the people. Any time Obama’s eligibility is challenged, these government types come out of the woodwork assuring us that Obama is in good standing.
        • Avatar of sunshkidsunshkid says:
          The way you accomplish anything with a corrupt government is to kick out and PROSECUTE known members. Do NOT allow them to claim “diplomatice immunity” because that assumes they are not in their own country – diplomatic immunity is to protect DIPLOMATS (couriors or messengers) from being harrassed with petty and/or made up charges by a host country.
          When a crime has been committed, the DUTY of the courts is to hear evidence and decide what punishment, if any, is placed on the wrongdoer. In this case, the supreme Court Justices have failed to do their duty, therefore they should be derobed, disbarred and replaced, losing any chance at a government position ever again.
          We, the people, need to demand that Congress do their duty and force the Supreme Court to do its duty. If they don’t, put them on notice that they will be out of office very shortly.
  1. Avatar of IAMAVETIAMAVET says:
    If the media will not spread the truth, that we as AMERICANS must do it our selves. Send this information to all the people that you know. This is one good thing that the WWW is good for.
  2. Avatar of NPCNPC says:
    I suppose, some body will do something when the Gravy Train runs out of fuel?
    Congress you should be ashamed of your self. I thought you all took an Oath? ‘to defend this country’s principals, from enemies outside as well as from within”.
    Donald? what has happened to you?
    We need some big money, and put Arpaio in for Atty. General.
  3. Avatar of JrrmacJrrmac says:
    The government controls all radio and and newspapers. Books are burned. Critics are arrested and jailed; especially intellectuals. Jews are forced to wear The Star of David and to put it on their businesses, then they are interred and murdered in future geneocide camps throughout Europe. Hitler did all that before and durig WWII. Large corporate executives are persuaded by Hitler to join him and are rewarded with huge government agreements, making the executives rich and havin their companies grow and prosper. Hitler blasts foreign countries for criticizing him for invading neighboring countries, thus starting WWII.
    Along comes Obama in the U. S. The government under Obama, attempts to control ALL of the press, however they haven’t been able to shut down Fox News and talk radio – YET, but he’s working on it. Most newspaper,s and television/radio stations are controlled by Obama by non existent criticism, no investigations into corruption, fraud, investigations of any sort. Quesitons by the media are “softball” and no follow questions permitted. Obama’s rhetoric supports Israel, however behind the scenes, he authorizes millions of taxpayer dollars to Hamas and Hezbollah – two known terrorist groups intending to “wipe Israel off the face of the earth.” On middle east trips Obama criticizes past U. S. foreign policies. Iranian people attempts a revolt in 2011, but Obama is silent. No action taken. Libyians revolt and after the English and French take the lead, Obama sends in planes to help the people seeking freedom without congressional approval. (What happened to the War Powers Act that the Democrats enacted during the Viet Nam War)…Shhhh! No WMD there. Syria, where thousands have been killed by Assad for the past year, Obama’s action? None existent. Why? A close ally of Iran. Muddled foreign policy. That shows the American voter the price of electing an inexperienced politicians into office.
  4. Avatar of RichardMRichardM says:
    As per the comments on this story, we’d better hurry up and indict Obama and company before this POS declares martial law! Wouldn’t put it past this bastard to do this! He must be indicted and FORCED into a court of law. I don’t care who does it, it just needs to be done NOW. A grand jury needs to be convened, facts and evidence presented, and then indict this POS for his crimes against America. Obama’s crimes are so numerous, it would literally take a book to list all his crimes. Rush Limbaugh’s brother, David Limbaugh spells it out very well in his book “Crimes Against Liberty: An Indictment of President Barack Obama”. Does an honest person with character hide his records? Would an honorable person hide his records? And, if he does, what’s he hiding? Barack Hussein Obama is the most dangerous POTUS we’ve ever had. The communist left have made their final assault on America and are destroying what we value and stand for by ‘putting into office’ BHO. This is their moment to shine. To finally, at last, destroy America with the help of one Barack Hussein Obama as their puppet. This man is a national security threat as one can surmise simply by looking at his policies and his anti-American rhetoric. Some in the news have called BHO a Socialist. I, on the other hand, call him a Marxist/Communist. That’s what he is. This is why he must keep his records hidden. Apparently, they felt so confident in keeping this information from the American public, and Obama apparently is the only president we don’t have to vet, that the communist lefties in this country, felt that the time was now to pull this over on the pubic. As Sheriff Joe Arpaio has stated, “if there’s smoke. . .”
    Look, America, we know Obama’s dirty and he’s definitely NOT a person who loves America or our Constitution or our Rule of Law. They’ve got all their communist people in place in our govt. With the so-called ‘election’ of BHO, the left has committed a bloodless coup on our country. Somebody in law enforcement or the military needs to perform a coup of their own, and arrest and indict Barack Hussein Obama. The facts speak for themselves. BHO is a national security threat and needs to stand trial for his crimes against America! We cannot afford to wait any longer to indict this POS. He’s a very, very dangerous man!
  5. Avatar of berneemcberneemc says:
    Just report it and file mega lawsuits against obama and the government for the threats, viloation of free speach, just for starters and demand a trial for treason against obama, the majority of the country will be for the trial and conviction, and jail all the democrats and republicans that willfully knew and kept quiet about the fraud and treason against our constitution
  6. Avatar of HaroldhHaroldh says:
    The actual story should be by the main stream media telling who is threatening them. This would be as big, if not bigger, than the Obama forgeries. Since that isn’t happening, I suggest that the government has silently nationalized the mainstream media. In my opinion, maybe it’s time a bunch of stories started coming out about how the main stream media has been coerced and blackmailed to keep quiet about anything that would upset Obama. I think it’s time to start naming names and organizations. How about a few billboards asking major media why they put up with being blackmailed?
  7. Avatar of ZORROZORRO says:
    Remember that Barry is only a PUPPET, he is not even allow to speak without a teleprompter, the REAL government is the COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS (representing the Bilderberger Group), which control both parties. Has you notice that John Boehner when speak it sound so shallow and empty, he is no real, someone is telling him what to said and what to DO, every thing is an illusion to make “WE THE PEOPLE” think that we are in control of the government, is all a BIG LIE, the conspirators are in control to advance they secret agenda of the NEW WORLD ORDER.
  8. Avatar of sk1951sk1951 says:
    This is why it is so important for internet users to share.
  9. It just gets worse and worse, and worse, and worse! I am fast arriving at the dismal conclusion that, sadly, tragically, frighteningly, the prospect of Obama being re-elected is beginning to look like a reality. The Republicans are tearing themselves apart, they have a leader who is cowering in the corner, and Obama is lying his way to a position whereby the worst president in the history of the United States is starting to look like he can do it. Come on, America – wake up, WAKE UP, before you are dragged down by a usurper. Do you all REALLY want your grandchildren to be turning to Mecca five times a day? Éamonn, Dublin, Ireland.
  10. Avatar of LindyLindy says:
    Where is our military sworn to uphold the Constitution against our enemies, foreign or domestic? We need you now. Our country is in great peril. We need a true Patriot, a man of God, that is willing to take a bold stand for America. God send us a God fearing man, willing to stand against the evil in this world.
    If my people will humble themselves, repent, I will hear them and heal their land. God Bless America
  11. Avatar of RanchmanRanchman says:
    Maddening, isn’t it? We are left with the inevitable question, “what’s a person to do?” We have been effectively neutered, giving King Obama the power he so desperately craves. The question not being put to the American people is, where does this all lead? What’s the endgame? What in the world do the powers that be have in mind for us? When one goes down that road, an eerie realization emerges that something evil is afoot. Call it a conspiracy theory, insult it however you want, but you know that something is very wrong in this country and in the world today. For so many high placed people to commit such egregious acts of fraud and manipulation on the people, risking exposure and censure, what they stand to gain must be rather extreme. They wouldn’t risk everything if they didn’t stand to gain the world.
  12. Avatar of ONTIMEONTIME says:
    The amount of information alleging a legal problem for this fraud is becoming overwhelming and the press will reject the bullying eventually, just like they did when Clinton got his proclivity for behind the WH doors sex and the habit of groping women who rejected his advances.
    When J2FK ran agains Bush and tried to hide his infamous Nam record and was exposed for more lies than one man should tell, the press finally gave up and ran the stories but later attacked the POTUS on every cocievable level in order to get back in the graces of the Deemers to act as suck-ups. The MSM will be forced into participating in this exposure to keep from being a reason for this hoax. Trying to hide mounting facts and evidence is like trying shove a wet noodle up a wild cats butt………..Oh OH for BOzo.
  13. Obama is truly the Manchurian Candidate. I said this before he was “elected”. I use quotes around elected because he wasn’t elected he was made by Soros & his cohorts. You are right “Lindy” as retired military I remember taking the oath “to defend the Constitution of the United Stated against ALL enemies foreign OR DOMESTIC”. I am afraid of what is going to happen in this country if the man who “usurped” the Presidency is somehow illegally elected again, because that’s the only way he will retain the WH. Him and his liberal/socialist cohorts are relying on fraudulent elections to retain the WH. If that happens I’m afraid of what will go down.
  14. Avatar of Downs1Downs1 says:
    The hole is getting deeper and the sides are soon going to cave in! When will the fools learn that eventually the truth will come out! Questions are being asked, and attempts to silence the questioners will backfire as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow. When people have had enough, the blowback will be qverwhelming!. When people who have searched for answers suddenly begin to die unnaturally, and there is a rush to call the deaths “natural” without detailed investigation, people begin to understand that something sinister is afoot. Such attempts to silence opposition shows a desperation, and signals the ultimate demise of the political machine that uses the tactic. Those who are behind this subversive movement should do their homework and read history, but in their arrogance they always neglect or refuse to do so. Their destruction is on their own heads! Obama isn’t smart enough, nor is he able to keep his ego in check. When the heat gets high enough, and Obama becomes a “liability”, he may well die an unnatural death also. These people will protect themselves.
  15. Avatar of pabritt71pabritt71 says:
    The media is about as useless as a tit on a bore. I never thought I would live to see this day, but here it is and it is one ugly mess. People are becoming afraid to say anything for fear of either their job or their life, Germany all over again and Hitler Obama is the rule of the roost, but he is headed by the British Empire,,,the elite who own the media and most of the politicians. We need to do something drastic to the elite and cut out all the money financing this mess. We are millions compared to around 600 and if only a third of Americans join forces we could get back the control of the country and our Constitution. It is sounding more like a Revolution by the day.
  16. Avatar of marybee58marybee58 says:
    Man, I don’t have to say anything. Everything I would’ve said has already been said by everyone before me. I commend you all for all of your comments. I too am scared if Obama gets in the WH again. Man! I never in my wildest dreams have I ever thought that the United States would come to this. I wish someone would kick me where it counts for voting for the A.. W…. in the first place. That WOULD make me feel better!!!
    • Avatar of RustytruckRustytruck says:
      Sorry you got fooled Marybee, but that’s ok. You can make up for it by telling some of the other dems you know that we will forgive it if you all jump in here and vote for ABO (anybody but Obama) . He has to go, you in turn are still an American so I will defend you too. But please let’s send him to prison. This was our whole objective in the first place, some of us seen it coming but it’s ok to have missed it. There’s an old saying that goes, “You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool ALL of the people all of the time.”
      • Avatar of marybee58marybee58 says:
        That’s what I say…send that sob to prison, but when is that gonna happen. I’m kinda getting a little impatient and since I’m just a little citizen living in a little town, I have no idea how to help get this ball rolling. I’m not in the service. I am gonna vote Ron Paul cuz he’s all for the Constitution. The other candidates don’t seem to trip my trigger. I’d love nothing more than to make this country better for all 5 of my kids, and 4 grandchildren and everybody elses grandchildren…. I can’t picture life any other way. I am scared to death!!!!!
  17. Avatar of 32eagle32eagle says:
    Obama is already done for -if Romney does not make enough votes-good-the person the republican party goes with will win-because just about everybody is hopping mad-ready to sock anything moving on capitol hill right in the nose-the matter of trust in the supreme court is gone-judges are crooked,congress is a bunch of traitors-Obama is an illegal alien that should face war crimes-and hang like saddam hussein
  18. Avatar of RustytruckRustytruck says:
    Hey you guys in the media, Please go ahead and report on it, we’ll get behind you and help with legal defense. I know for a fact that USJF will jump on the bandwagon, they’ve been helping people all across the country being persecuted by the leftists. As far as pyhsical threats to your family goes, I’m sure we, on the right will help out with that too. We are the homeowners and proterty holders here. I know a lot of good places to take your family to and spend some time away from home. We could organize a nation-wide system in a matter of days to help you out. Also, the county Sheriff’s are the last line of defense and these guys are pretty much the most honorable people in the entire country. I know they like nothing better than to use their authority to serve and protect. Well,,, what do you think people? I think maybe it’s time for ALL of us to pitch in and further the cause of America. Us Veterans have stood up before , we know how and by God we will do it again. If this sounds like a good idea, say so here and let’s start contacting our news people like this one and WND, whistleblower, the Tea Party, and finally the news reporters.
  19. Obama did;nt conduct this felonious userptation all by himself, he needed others in positions of power and holders of limitless wealth (Soros for example) to wield this “Trojan Horse” into the White House (ironically called “The Peoples House”) very quitely execute and complete their nefarious and felonious plot. “They” are
    not through, the worst is yet to come. He will boldly run for reelection, and win using the same plan, tactics and rhetoric (if it works don’t fix it philosophy). The “sheeple” have been trained, disciplined and thoroughly conditioned to react to the “Master;s Voice”. God bless America and provide the courage, strength and will to overcome the “Great Userper” Obama and restore our precious Constitution, the gift from our Founding Fathers gleaned by them from the wisdom of the ages and the voice of God!!!!!
    • Avatar of marybee58marybee58 says:
      God Damn! (pardon my french) But I do see another civil war in the making! Man! How sad.
      • Avatar of sunshkidsunshkid says:
        This civil war you mention is a distinct probability. And whether you claim to be scared or not makes no difference – you have found your voice and have started to use it. Most heros are exactly as you are; scared, angry and in a place not their choosing, but they did what had to be done.
        Been there, done that, too old to fight, but can still be used as cannon fodder! I’m with you.
  20. Avatar of eagle8711eagle8711 says:
    The Media is the problem. The “Media” is bigger than they are ( the government ). They can destroy you in one story. Do you really think they are scared. The Media and the higher (Left) and (Right) Elite’s are the problem. That’s why Congress is just as much at fault for not standing up to the Media. Congress is afraid of the Media. They run this Country. That’s why we don’t hear anything that is true. We are only hearing what they want us to hear. They have programmed and brainwashed almost everyone in the USA to believe what they want us to believe. Do you really think we are truly “Free”. They tell us what they want us to know. That’s why they have congress passing these laws to restrict us and our rights, so the Americans vote the way they want everyone to vote. If they see they can’t really change people’s mind in voting, that’s when the computer programmer’s come in and change the vote to what they want. It’s been done, and has been proven and stated in front of a congress hearing. Do you see or is anything being reported or being done to correct this flaw we have in the voting system? “NO” When is America going to wake up? Pretty soon what we are expressing here is going to be outlawed. I’ll “Freedom of Speech” is being taken away each day, so they can suppress the “TRUTH”. My Slogan for my company, I thought would never fail. ” FREEDOM WILL PREVAIL” But it seems America and it’s true believers are losing the battle. I had hoped by now that America would have stood up and made a statement to the world, that America is back and has won it’s “Independence” again!! over the Elites. Stand up for, and by the Constitution of The United States. They are destroying our Independence . Our last possible legal stand is by the individual states standing their ground on the Constitution. If we don’t put our last stand there, we can kiss our past goodbye. There will be no more America. Enjoy it while you can……… Watch the video below, will give you a better insight to what’s really happening. God Help Us All ……!!!!!!!!!
  21. Avatar of RipRip says:
    Ob’s a real winner isn’t he? sends his henchmen out to close the burning barn door after all the horses got out. We have been digging the truth out and exposing it to the general public for over four years now…. And NOW he wants to OPENLY threaten the LSM, We’ve known He was doing that for the past three years, Who’s ass has this POS had his nose in while all this was going on ? It’s time to put the pressure on People ! write to the People in Washington That are Supposed to work for U.S. and remind them of that. This POS cannot be allowed to run for, much less win another four years, to finish this country off
  22. Avatar of wpb83481wpb83481 says:
  23. Avatar of baymanbayman says:
    To hell with the FTC and the FCC. Let the American people know what they are doing to you at the same time that they are doing it. Are they going to do it while the people watch them? The American people will see to it you get your job back. These jerks think they have more power than they really do.
  24. Avatar of SciSci says:
    Has anyone read this? I just saw it on
    A retired postal carrier has signed a sworn affidavit, stating he was introduced and met young Barack Obama (back then his name was Soebarkah) in 1989. Mary Ayers stated he was a foreign exchange student from Indonesia. When the postman met Soebarkah on the sidewalk in 1989, that young light-skinned black man said he was there to thank the Ayers’ family personally for paying for his education. The retired postman was taken aback when the young Obama looked him right in the face and said, I AM GOING TO BE THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. The postman stated Obama told him this as if it were almost a scientific fact that and as if the presidency had already been determined.
  25. I hope each and every person on this blog contacts ALL their elected officials and DEMANDS obama be impeached, and or investigated ….but …we still have Harry Reid to deal with……dont we,….
  26. Avatar of msuehmsueh says:
    I used to think I disliked bill clinton, but compared with this oreo bastard, clinton’s no more annoying than a fart in public…
  27. Avatar of EzaginEzagin says:
    We are missing a big part of what the left is shoving down our throats… The same media who is stopping the presses for Obama is loading the bases for Romney. Haven’t you noticed? Romney is the media’s nominee and they are trying to downplay Santorium. If the Republicans let the media pick their candidate, it will truly be a sad day for all of us. Romney is just another spoke in the wheel… Wake up america… how can the same lame media be our friend when it comes to picking a candidate?
  28. Avatar of BluenightBluenight says:
    General Norman Schwartzkopf needs to be contacted and drafted for this fight!.


  1. [...] Individuals and member organizations of the American media were threatened with FTC and FCC investigation if information gathered by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse concerning the forgery of Barack Obama’s long form birth certificate were passed on to the American public. It was Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo who made this stunning revelation, stating “During our investigation, we actually were told [that media] had been threatened with FTC investigations. Commentators [had been] threatened with their jobs.” [...]
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