Georgia County GOP Leaders Illegally Choose GOP Delegates, Purposely Ignoring Ron Paul Supporters

Athens GOP LogoAccording to the  Party, all meetings are to follow Robert’s Rules.  All local  officials are supposed to have a copy of the Party rules and follow them when conducting any business, especially when electing delegates for the presidential elections.
The Republican committee for Athens-Clarke County,  met on March 10 to formally select their delegates to the state GOP convention.  The meeting lasted less than a minute and their two delegates were approved.  Or where they?
The local Republican chairman Matt Brewster opened the meeting, called for a reading of the names of two delegates, then called for a vote.  He approved the vote and instantly closed the meeting.
A number of attendees objected to the instant vote approval and called for ‘division’ which is a call for a head count of the vote.  Division supersedes all other procedures and cannot be ignored.  It does not require a second or a vote to proceed.  Once division is called for, it must be addressed and resolved before any other meeting business.
Brewster completely ignored the division call, closed the meeting and told everyone that if they had any questions to ask them to the committee secretary and it was all caught on video.
If you noticed, Brewster violated a number of GOP rules of order when he ignored the calls for division and in closing the meeting without a two thirds majority vote.  He also proved to be a coward when he left the premises immediately after he closed the meeting.
Nearly two-thirds of the meeting attendees were supporters of .  Even though Paul did not garner any Georgia delegates in the March 6 primary, they still wanted to be represented at the GOP national convention, but it seemed that Brewster purposely violated orders of procedure in a deliberate attempt to prevent them from getting even one Paul delegate elected.
They are taking their complaint to the state and possibly the national GOP officials.  Hopefully Brewster and other local GOP leaders involved in the illegal meeting will be severely chastised and even removed from the leadership roles.
It only serves to prove that humans are human, sinners are sinners and Republicans can act as bad as Democrats.
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  • Stevec1560
    I am a lifetime Georgia resident.  Ron Paul did NOT win any delegates in the primary therefore he is not entitled to have any representation at the state GOP convention.  The people I see as being wrong are those Paul activists who appear to have attempted to disregard the voters who voted in the primary.
  • Now people may see exactly what a libertarian believes in.   Not the rule of law and of the people such as our founding fathers wanted but, through violence and trickery win their way.
  • sideng
    You don't have the faintest idea what a Libertarian believes in, but I'm quite sure you know what a communist believes in.
  • Exploite2
     and you sir are justas bad as those who did the deed.
  • Nice try.   Under 40 Dilitary and absurd motions the chair may dismiss them.   With this  Paul has no standing having won no delegates he does not get to use Roberts or any other rules to over turn the will of the many by the few.   Like many libertarians they will try to force an issue with having no standing.   If he had won delegates by the people he would have a right to be represented by his own people.  A canidate should have a person that is for him all the way because this represents the will of the people voting.  Not just someone who want to vote another way after the first ballot that is contrary to good order and what the Constitution says.    But then Paul is of the French Revolution not the American one and we are all seeing the chaos and anarchy his beliefs bring.
  • Browndad
    In Missouri, there has also been a movement by the "establishment" to keep Ron Paul out.
  • cliffvettej
     The "establishment" being the voters.
  • G Edward Roberts
    The same thing happened in TX in the 2008 primaries... result, Republican party lost the independent vote and thus the election... 
  • Not quite.   We lost because we did not put forward a conservative canidate if we had along with Palin we would have won.
  •  They are setting the stage to lose it again. 
  • Doski
    Stand AGAINST Tyranny .  .  .  . or SUBMIT to Slavery America ! The CHOICE is still Yours .  .  . at least for the moment.
  • VirgoVince
    Ignoring Paul is the smart thing to do, he's begging votes away from Gingrich and will help obozo win by splitting the votes!!!!   Gingrich is the ONLY MAN to BEAT obozo!!
    Those other 2 bodies are just window dressing!!   Think about OUR future, NOT his past!!
  • JBinGB
    Maybe his name should be " RON PEROT"  just saying.
  • Doski
    Americans in general and Independents specifically MUST learn that the simple solution to Dem. & Rep. abuses is to vote Libertarian NOW !  Creation of a third party with principles is the only solution. Any excuse to continued support of a TWO Party System only prolongs the agony. America Wins when Americans stand up to tyranny .  .  .  period! 
  • Allforher58
    I'm voting Constitution Party.  It holds my values more closely.
  • Get A Clue
    The GOP begins to IMPLODE - By arresting people at the Missouri caucus who followed the rules of the caucus and objected to the temporary chairman, a GOP insider who supports Santorum... who refused to follow the rules... used the police to strong arm people inside to shut off their cameras or be arrested, along with helicopter support to intimidate people outside the caucus to disperse.
    They ended up arresting a supporter of Ron Paul who was in the running to win the nomination for the permanent chair of the MO. caucus who the temporary chair refused to acknowledge and a guy who wouldn't shut off his camera.
  • Nexgenesis
  • Ron Paul has captured the Young vote away from ODUMMER and the GOP needs Ron Paul ! He needs to head the FED !!!
  • cliffvettej
     Paul needs to head the FED? I think Paul needs to give......well you fill in the blanks. If Paul had "campaigned" in Puerto Rico like I suggest he might have finished third in front of the unknown Gay Republican! He finished fourth to an absolutely unknown entity. Anyone heard of this Fred Karger guy before today? FOURTH-- to an absolutely anonymous person. ROFLMAO!!! Stay in the race Paul. I need a good comedic lift to my day. I never knew Paul was a political comedian. Have you heard the one about the insane nut job from Texas?
  • JJM
    Youth, Military, as well as fair percentages of Repubs, Independs and Demos. Yet his support is constantly ignored by the Media and Establishment. Why fear a return to the Constitution and limited Federal powers????