Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Gingrich Ruthlessly Mocks Obama's 'Algae' Energy Policy - Newt Gingrich - Fox Nation

Gingrich Ruthlessly Mocks Obama's 'Algae' Energy Policy - Newt Gingrich - Fox Nation


March 06, 2012

Gingrich Ruthlessly Mocks Obama's 'Algae' Energy Policy

20:56:20 Now I want you to imagine the debate this fall . The president was right the other day. He's so nervous about gasoline prices and energy that he's done two major speeches. I thought today, one of the most shallow and self-serving comments by a president that I've heard in a long time. He was candid in his press conference. He said, you know I’m really worried about higher gas prices because it will make it harder for me to get re-elected. I did not make this up. It's nice to know that the president once again has managed to take the pain of American people and turn into his own personal problem.
20:57:10 Now the fact is I'd love to debate this president because when you read these speeches, they are so deliciously incoherent, they are the perfect case study of liberalism run amuck. The president says, 'the republicans have three strategies: drilling, drilling drilling.' And I want to say tonight, Mr. President this is one of the rare occasions where I can say you are right. But the president had an alternative to drilling and this is why debating him would be one of those moments where you could sell tickets to charity (applause).
20:58:11 The President said we have to be practical. Drilling won’t solve it. And then he offered his practical solution. Anybody here remember what it was? Algae. Algae. I mean I think this summer as gas prices keep going up, one of our campaign techniques should be to go to gas stations with jar of algae and say to people would you rather have the Gingrich solution of drilling and having more oil or would you like to try to put this in your gas tank. I'm amazed that SNL hasn’t taken that speech and turned that into a skit. You can’t make this stuff up. But what made it really totally and intellectually incoherent, was literally 2 pages after he explined drilling doesn’t work, the president explains we've had this great breakthrough of natural gas. That we now have thanks to new technology over 100 year supply of natural gas. That in fact we're going to creat 600k new jobs in next decade out of natural gas. And I'm still waiting for WH reporters to come out of their comatose reelect Obama stance and ask the following question, how does the president think we discovered the natural gas?


What do you think?


Showing 10 of 28 comments

  • osagetrail 0 minutes ago

    Algae is another Obama green scam! I'm sure he will get his donors to set up phoney companies to produce algae so he can launder more tax money for himself and his cronies. Obama is the ra pe of America!

  • nolies74621 21 minutes ago

    I am unable to wait for the algae oil from 16,000 gallons of algae water to be converted to 1 quart of gas. I need to fill up my gas tank now. You're a Genius Barry.

  • lest we not forget.. the mar xist in chief also said about coal.." sure you can have a have a coal burning power plant.. we'll just make sure you go bankrupt doing it".. he has constantly said he wants to make it more " fair" for " other " countrys to compete with us for resources , wealth etc.. i have to ask.. JUST W T F about his stating this again and again dont you folks get ?

  • Obama would sell any algae not acceptable for fuel conversion to McDonald's........thus forcing the creation of the McAlgae burger.

  • tradertom2 2 hours ago

    Algae is Exxon - not Obama. Exxon has a $600 million algae research operation. They get 2000 gallons of gasoline per acre per year. Corn ethanol is 250 gallons per acre per year.

    Gingrich knows zero about oil. His $2.50 gasoline is a joke. Even if God did the drilling the US could not get enough oil to cut the world price in half.

  • Take your knowledge and logic elsewhere fella! This here website is fer those opposed to intolerance and liberty and "We the People" and stuff like that.

  • wewonpa 3 hours ago

    Palin voted for Newt!!

  • 1836texgal 3 hours ago

    I will volunteer to stand at the gas station and mock the Fool in Chief. With gas prices as high as they are- most people won't find Obama's idea so funny.

  • wewonpa 3 hours ago

    You gotta say it would be fun to watch Newt debate Obama. It would be like takeing your money back from a Liberal.

  • susan48 3 hours ago

    After listening to all of these Clowns victory speech, I'm ready to puke. What a bunch of liars. They continually make up things and I'm watching their noses grow.

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