Monday, March 19, 2012

Holder in 1995: ‘Really Brainwash People’ to be Anti-Gun | Vision to America

Holder in 1995: ‘Really Brainwash People’ to be Anti-Gun | Vision to America

Holder in 1995: ‘Really Brainwash People’ to be Anti-Gun

Attorney General Eric Holder supported using Hollywood, the media and government officials in order to “really brainwash people” into opposing firearm ownership, according to a 1995 C-SPAN video that emerged Sunday online.
Holder, who was then the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, was addressing the Women’s National Democratic Club on Jan. 30, 1995. In his speech, he held up anti-smoking campaigns as a model for an anti-gun campaign.
“What we need to do is change the way in which people think about guns, especially young people, and make it something that’s not cool, that it’s not acceptable, it’s not hip to carry a gun anymore, in the way in which we’ve changed our attitudes about cigarettes,” Holder said.
Video of the speech was discovered by

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  • Holder and Obama are in fear of their lives because traitors are shot. 
  • rchguns
    Of Course if you are a political movement like the progressives and wish to take over a free nation like America one of the first things you must do is brainwash all of its children to think the way you want them to.
    The Progressives gain control of our school systems in the 60s and have been doing just that indoctrinating our children rather than educating them. By eliminating American history or at least altering it to fit their plan is put out one entire generation of young people who are really ignorant of what it means to be an American.
    After altering history the people, our young people, must be convinced that guns are evil. They must be made to believe that if a gun is setting on a table with no one around it's going to get up and kill someone. They go about this in many ways but the basis for all their arguments is tied up phony science, bogus reporting, and downright lies. The means doesn't matter all that matters is the elimination of a free people to be able to defend themselves. That means guns in private hands must be eliminated at any...
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  • Look folks there is only ONE REASON why this anti Constitution frudulent marxist regime wants YOUR GUNS.The SAME REASON hitler,stalin, lenin, chaiman mao, or any other dictator or dictator wannabe want the citizens disarmed.SO YOU OR ANY CITIZEN CAN'T DEFEND YOURSELF AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT.As long as the citizens STAY ARMED the government CAN'T RUN YOU OVER,they also would have a VERY hard time rounding folks up to load you and your FAMILYS onto box cars and take YOU and YOUR FAMILYS to RE-EDUCATION CAMPS also known as COSINTRATION CAMPS.Think I'm kidding,why do you think ovomit is NOW BEING CALLED CHIEF LUNATIC.The POWER CRAZY bafoon really is begining to think he is DICTATOR of this Country.Look how he is STOMPING and SPITTING on our CONSTITUTION AT WILL.STAY ARMED STAY FREE.
  • MARK
    They can have my guns,bussiness end first,and all my ammo as well,one round at a time!!!!!!!
  • He is against Americans having guns, So he can sell them to everybody else. Holder is nothing but a gun runner out to make money, Last time i heard of a guy like him he was selling guns to Indians
  • We need no brainwashing to ban Erid Holder. He is a political maggot who has no respect or devotion to the law, and is incompetent beyond all comprehension (e.g. Operation Fast and Furious). The typical bowel brained moron the marxist/liberal left fields as their 'perfect' public servant. No intelligence, an agenda that you will not be told, viciously nasty rhetoric that would otherwise cause a person to be ostracized. Note Bill Maher and Alec Baldwin's comments on women. Despicable brainless wastes of humankind.
  • hearmetalking
    Jon sounds like you know these dudes pretty good.
  • Bill Weston
    I'm not sure if Eric Holder is quoting Nikkolai Lennin, but it sounds like something Lennin would say. Mr. Holder, here are some facts that just might help you get back in touch with reality. The second ammendment was not written into our Constitution solely for the purpose of getting food. In the 18th and early 19th centuries, society depended largely on its citizenry to assist with law enforcement thus protecting persons and property as well. Thomas Jefferson, among others, clearly stated that this right must be maintained as a principle for a free society. Certainly the need to hunt for food has diminished and law enforcement is much more efficient now, but protection from tyranny has not changed one iota. If we have to use knives, clubs, and molotov cocktails to protect ourselves, we'll do it, but we would rather use our right to "...keep and bear arms...."
  • TessComments
    Attorney General Eric Holder needs to resign.
  • wizzid0
     No he needs to be impeached, water boarded and hanged.  But, that's just his needs, my needs go further.
  • hearmetalking
    Anyone ever notice how much Holder & Obama look alike.Did they have the same daddy ??
  • Bugmac1
    We must brain wash people against Eric Holder - what a anti-American liberal!  He and Clinton should move to Europe and take Obama with them.  The right to bear arms is the only reason that there has been no war fought in the US on our soil.  Japan would have invaded but they feared the armed militias.  Taking our guns from us only opens the doors for an invasion and take over of the US by hostile forces.  Gun owners make up a larger army than 98% of the armies of the world - Can you image every hunter defended Ameriaca in the streets next to our military should we be invaded?  The invaders will have no where to go as long as we have our guns.  Take them away and we are a weak nation like many European nations.  We need to get rid of Obama, Clinton, Eric Holder, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and all the other anti-gun pro-United Nations folks.  I fthey take away our guns, only criminals will have them - we will be in a fix then too.
  • Well thats the opinion of a public Figure who has a job that people want to shoot him because he has to trial and convict people and enforce laws that most really dont even belong on the books..
    For the rest of us the police arrive after we are dead and after we have been robbed usually 20-30 minutes too late.
    I'll keep my gun's thank you.
  • Well thats the opinion of a public Figure who has a job that people want to shoot him because he has to trial and convict people and enforce laws that most really dont even belong on the books..
    For the rest of us the police arrive after we are dead and after we have been robbed usually 20-30 minutes too late.
    I'll keep my gun's thank you.
  • Gis4Garden
    I&#039d like to point out that gun ownership is a constitutional right and smoking isn&#039t. Holder is an idiot if he thinks Americans are dumb enough to fall for his anti- gun campaign. Hopefully enough Americans realize that disarming the people is the first step to controlling the people. I&#039ll take my Liberty, thanks.
  • "Those who would beat thier guns into plough shares,will plough for those who don&#039t"--Thomas Jefferson
  • dutch
    I carry a gun to protect my self and my family since I cannot (not that I would) flee/run away from trouble. I will never be found with out a way of defending myself never again. All I can say is if Americans vote Obummer back in, well they will get what they deserve. America is going to the craper thanks to Obummer driving us there.
  • Tom SC
    When the Govt.enacts and enforces Gun Control, Who&#039s guns are they controlling&#039 Certainly not the criminal ellement of our society who welcome gun controll because it relieves them from having to worry about confronting an armed victom. The only people who need to fear gun owners are those who are up to no good. A gun owner is only an average person seeking to protect himself, his family or his property and deserves every right to do so. As a gun owner I have been told many times by many people that if I shoot an intruder I can be tried for murder. That may be true but I would rather be on trial for his murder than for him to be on trial for my murder,
  • Ann
    One question about his logic, if Hollywood went about making movies or show without guns then what would they be in business with?
  • Jessie
    And Holder claims to know nothing about "Fast and Furious"...what a liar. He needs to go and take his boss Obama with him. Makes me want to go out and buy as many guns as I can...I think I will.
    NØBAMA 2012.

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