Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Justice Department files objection to Texas voter ID law | CowboyByte

Justice Department files objection to Texas voter ID law | CowboyByte

Justice Department files objection to Texas voter ID law

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The Obama administration has once more gone too far in its “overreach,” Texas Gov. Rick Perry said Monday, after the Justice Department objected to the state’s new voter photo ID law, saying Texas failed to demonstrate that the law is not discriminatory by design against Hispanic voters.
“Texas has a responsibility to ensure elections are fair, beyond reproach and accurately reflect the will of voters. The DOJ has no valid reason for rejecting this important law, which requires nothing more extensive than the type of photo identification necessary to receive a library card or board an airplane. Their denial is yet another example of the Obama administration’s continuing and pervasive federal overreach,” Perry said.
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53 Responses to Justice Department files objection to Texas voter ID law

  1. joe says:
    Typical of Obummer tactics, trying to stuff the ballot boxes.
    • American says:
      1) Every voter should have APPROVED picture ID and a thumb print. How can poor people collect SS, get food stamps, ride on an airplane, and collect welfare without it or is there fraud there also?
      If people can be bussed to vote, they can bus people to get picture ID (make it free). Candidates are being put in office who lost elections. Every fraudulent vote cancels a legal vote! We are being deprived of legitimancy of elections.
      2) Require an official to certify that dead people have been removed from the voter rolls — not that difficult in the age of computers!
      3) Cancel an election in a district where there are more ballots than registered voters. Incredibly, judges have refused to order a new election in those cases. How could it not be fraud when usually only 70% or less people actually vote, in order to give you an idea of the scope of the fraud.
      4) Absentee ballots can easily be filled out by any official who has access to these ballots or anyone who can get a copy.
      5) In the recount of Washington State, ballots were found in the back of people’s cars, in the back rooms, etc. Each of the 2 recounts gave extra votes to the Democrat. Were Republican ballots removed from those “found” ballots or were they forged? What happened to the old rule that ballots must be placed in a locked box by the voter and not opened unless someone from each party is present? In MT voter ballots are placed in an open bin in which anyone can slip additional ballots.
      Elections have little meaning the way it is.
      • American says:
        America’s Most Corrupt Politicians
        In the list of the top ten most admired men, was none other than President Barack Obama.
        Now Judicial Watch has released the Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians list. To no surprise of my own, President Barack Obama made Judicial Watch’s list along with the nation’s top cop, Attorney General Eric Holder.
        Judicial Watch’s Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians for 2011 are listed in alphabetical order:
        Rep. Spencer Bachus (R-AL)
        Former Senator John Ensign (R-NV)
        Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL)
        Attorney General Eric Holder (D)
        Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-IL)
        President Barack Obama (D)
        Rep. Laura Richardson (D-CA)
        Rep. David Rivera (R-FL)
        Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA)
        Rep. Don Young (R-AK)
        Dishonorable Mentions for 2011 include:
        Former Senator John Edwards (D-NC)
        Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA)
        Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA)
        Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano (D)
        Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
        Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY)
        Rep. Hal Rogers (R-KY)
        Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius (D)
        Note that six of the ten list are Democrats and six of the eight listed on the dishonorable mention are Democrats. That’s 75% of those on both lists are Democrats. That has to say something for the overall mentality of the attitude of being above the law that permeates the Democratic Party.
        As for President Obama making this list and being listed as the most admired man in the country speaks volumes as to just how far American society has declined. Why would a nation of people admire one of the most corrupt politicians of the day and probably in the history of the American presidency?
        Obama has repeatedly defied the US Constitution and federal laws. He ignores the mandates of Congress and the general opinion of the American people and yet they turn around and admire him for it?
        And then there has to be a lot said when the US Attorney General makes it to the Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians list. The man who is supposed to uphold the law turns out to be one of the biggest violators of the law. Every day, more Congressmen and women are calling for his immediate resignation and even more are signing on to a vote of no confidence and yet he sees himself as doing no wrong. Leaving Eric Holder in his role as US Attorney General is like placing a career pedophile in charge of a day care.
        I wish we could post Judicial Watch’s lists of the Ten Most and the Dishonorable Mention outside every polling booth in the nation so that it’s the last thing voters see before placing their votes. Just maybe, it would be enough to change a few votes this next year.
        • Not-a-RINO says:
          Great post. However, when you look at the motley list of corrupt politicians, I wonder how come they aren’t on another list – the FBI’s Top 10 Wanted List?
          Another thing: Why is it that Obama can thumb his nose at the Constitution and the Left aids and abets this while the legislative branch does nothing to stop it? Where’s the outcry? Where’s the impeachment? Where are the indictments? [crickets chirping] This has been going on for years with no end in sight because no one is stopping it.
    • Edward Shick says:
      The Texas AJ says that they will provide free Picture Id’s for any one that asks,, When do we get Holder out of his Job , He’s to crooked to go back to Chicago
  2. Dagny says:
    Don’t much care for Perry, but I back him 100% on this one.
    • Ardith says:
      I just do NOT understand as in other States you have to have photo ID to vote like here in Ga. Al &Fl no telling how many other States is the same so why should Tx. be any differant?
  3. No, IT used to be the JUSTICE DEPT IN D.C. Now it is the IN JUSTICE DEPT. They only investigate things they DON’T like.. FIRE HOLDER …
    • Frank says:
      Should have been FIRED due to “The Fast & Furious” Adventure but seems to be getting away with his LIES….Lol
  4. WTF says:
    To hell with the DOJ. Texas, run your state as you feel fit. Screw these corrupt agencies.
  5. frank marks says:
    the doj cannot prove that it is discriminary they have no riht to ask texas to prove that it is not.. it is always impossible to prove a negative.. unless you are looking at he lpresent obama administration.. it is easy to prove they are neggative to americans constitutional rights and negative to inspireing individ ual responsibilities and rights to pursue happiness
    • CAllenDoudna says:
      But see it has a PICTURE and they can tell from the PICTURE what race you are–but without the photo ID they can’t tell what race you are when you’re standing right there in front of them in person.
  6. kenny1801 says:
    The HNIC in the Whitehouse is just that…HNIC and nothing more…..
  7. Doug Rodrigues says:
    ….and the Republican “Leadership” continues to sit on their hands?
    • Luis Stecca says:
      What’d you expect out of cry-baby John Boehner or Grandpa Mitch McConnell…. Those guys are worthless, not quite as worthless as Obama, though
  8. T nana says:
    Of course they blocked it! Hispanics is up for grabs in the election, so The administration doesn’t want them to be left out. Illegal ones are the only ones we’re concerned about. Not the whole nationality. We have to have Id to be seen at a hospital when registering, we have to show ID to buy claritin D over the counter, We can’t buy beer, drive a car, register children for school. 98% of life reguires ID. WHY not show one when voting for the highest office in our nation. This is the worse administration in my life time. Our economy is in the gutter, 16 trillion in debt credit rating dropped, insults from our administration to the people he took oath to serve. He is undermining our unity, our Christian values stepped on. Food prices, being told what to eat, Blocking states from authority to run. Yet we have a Attorney gen that is involved in many scandles. Lying to congress. Our President laughing at the American people but yet apologizing to others out of country. Unions running the white house, community organizing tampering with votes, the list is so long I don’t have room to list them. The media lying to the people. Time for the administration to leave an take everyone they hired with them. A fresh new white house with some respect dignity an honesty working for all the people not just the choosen ones.
  9. CaptTurbo says:
    The end goal of the Obozo Dept. of Injustice is massive voter fraud. Putin must be Barry’s hero.
  10. danimal says:
    piss on obummer, he is running on borrowed time and he knowes it

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