Sunday, March 18, 2012

Obama Crack About Former President May Not Line Up With the Facts | CowboyByte

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Obama Crack About Former President May Not Line Up With the Facts | CowboyByte

  1. Navy Veteran says:
    Damn. You mean that Obama’s mouth went into gear before his brain. AGAIN.
  2. bevad says:
    Sorry folks, while I extremely dislike Obama and want to see him replaced I am going to give him a pass on this one. The Hays quote is used everywhere and can be found in many resources (read the entire article, not just the teaser cowboy provided) and it is understandable how his speech writers got it wrong (you do understand that he did not come up with that faux pas himself?). Besides, if this is the best headline story cowboy can come up with today then not much is happening out there. Much ado about nothing. Give us more meat cowboy! More of the illogical socialistic agenda items that Obama is trying to push on us that we can really rant about.
  3. bullrider says:
    Obama says his opponents would have been ‘members of the Flat Earth society’. I submit that Obama would have headed up the union of alchemists – promising to turn lead to gold. One thing is sure, Obama’s opponents would have belonged to whatever could be supported by fact and history, not by dreams and hallucinations and lies.
  4. Dirty Daug says:
    Getting anyone that could do something about Obama is a lost cause. We all need to just get togather and support whoever runs for President this fall on the Republican ticket. By now we all know that Obama is a fake just like his birth certificate. Who is Obama, no one knows but one thing is for sure things just don’t add up where Obama has been and done since he was born.
    Everyone keeps saying impeach Obama and the truth is he cannot be impeached as he is an illegal President, the most anyone could do is haul his ass off to jail as to what any other law breaker would have done to them. My thinking is that Obama has no birth certificate and more than likely an illegal with citizenship from another country.
    The best thing that can come out of this is that all of the Liberals who are Obama lovers will have to eat crow in the end. If Obama gets beat this fall all hell will break loose with Obama. He will declare Marshal Law and refuse to leave the White House when the time comes. This no-good bastard is not to be trusted, just remember Hitler.
    • lad says:
      The real fact is that the MAJORITY of american people do not like, or trust
      bonzo or anyone who sides with him. As Herman Cain says AMERICANS
      ARE NOT STUPID, he has and continues to be exposed for what he is. His days
      are numbered for this I am 100% sure soon he will be history. All poles indicate
      he is own his way out. THANK GOD . This imposter has attacked the very heart
      and soul of our great nation and he will be removed.
  5. Raymond says:
    We will support any friend, oppose any foe,
    in order to assure the survival and the success
    of liberty.
    John F Kennedy. 1961
    We will support any foe, oppose any friend,
    in order to assure the survival and the success
    of tyranny.
    Barack Hussein Obama. 2012
    • dhaneshaney says:
      The stupid fool is not even original.. this has happened over and over.. and yet his minions think he is brilliant…
  6. dhaneshaney says:
    Typically Obama.. he is such a mega star, in his own mind.. he thinks that if he says it.. IT WILL BE TRUE… He mistakingly thinks he is God.. and that the masses will just never question him.. Ha, look where that has gotten us.
    We better start paying attention.. this liar in Chief has dug us a hole we may never get out of.. and he knows it!
  7. Florida Jim says:
    Anyone who believes anything Obama says is showing their own ignorance. How often must someone tell us lies before we doubt everything he says? Obama can’t say 3 paragraphs without some lie buried in it. The people who work for Obama are mostly 60′s radicals who believe the rest of us are so stupid we would never check anything, sadly that is true for most of his followers. Some examples: obamacare will be revenue neutral; oil drilling under me is greater than ever before[only because Bush opened the drilling prior to Obama]; if you want to keep your doctor under Obamacare you can,all bills will be seen on C-span and signed within 5 days; “Today, I’m pledging to cut the deficit we inherited by half by the end of my first term in office.” – February 23, 2009;“Yesterday, Jim [Owens], the head of Caterpillar, said that if Congress passes our [stimulus] plan, this company will be able to rehire some of the folks who were just laid off, and that’s a story I’m confident will be repeated at companies across the country.” – February 12, 2009
    Reality: “I think realistically no. The truth is we’re going to have more layoffs before we start hiring again” – Jim Owens, later in the day on February 12, 2009.
    There are thousands more lies from Obama if you care to check.
  8. Rustytruck says:
    All of these posts in here leave us with only one solution, being as the rest of America does not know about Obama because the MSM will not report on him we have to go after the media to do their job. Open their damn mouths, turn on the transmitter and tell the rest of us, even the liberals just exactly what he’s been up to. I know this to be true because some of my more liberal friends don’t believe me when I tell them about it. His own constituents don’t know. I write to my local stations every day with everything from calling them names to threats of going to the FCC about it. They absolutely ignore me. Without the Democrats not knowing, he is stronger. I mean this is serious people, please go after your broadcasters and make them do THEIR job. It will help if we can just get the word out. I don’t agree with the Democratic policies but they are still Americans and we need them to know also. He’s trying to undermine our candidates, we need to do the same thing to stop him. You all should read some of the articles I got about people back in the 60s in Russia who were laughing at us and smugly talking about the guy they are grooming for just this thing. To overtake us from inside, they said it was the only way to win against us. And they were right because back then we all held a much higher loyalty to America than today. If anybody is interested, I can post those dismal articles I have about it. It gave me shivers when I read them, kind of the same thing I got in Vietnam when there was enemy sneaking up on us. It’s hard to explain if you’ve never been in a war but us Vets know it all too well.
  9. WT says:
    Well, Everybody knows that we have a Muslim imbecile in the White House. He cannot even talk without a teleprompter, so I fail to understand how this clown can actually be taken seriously at what he says. It is all lies anyway!! I cannot understand why he is still there causing trouble!! And why is Michelle’s expense account and her travelling not cut out?? These people are leeches on the taxpayers of this country. They need to be run out of town now.
  10. Jake says:
    Nothing he says lines up, it mostly lies. But still 46% of you don’t get it.
  11. JVB says:
    And this is a PERFECT (and will be classic for me) example of the liberal mindset. #1 If it’s on the internet it MUST BE TRUE and #2 If it’s already been said THEN IT MUST BE TRUE.
    Liberals love to boast of their superior intelligence but it’s their complete and utter LAZINESS in absolutely every thing they do that casts the giant shadow over everything they touch.
    If they have to RESEARCH, FACT CHECK, PROVIDE IDENTIFICATION, OR GET UP OFF THEIR LAZY A$$ES TO DO SOMETHING….it’s just not that important to them. Short cuts and low roads are most traveled by the liberal.
  12. Research from the staff has provided the name of the director and the agenda for the “FLAT EARTH SOCIETY” in America; it DOES EXIST and their positions are in line with Obam the Imam’s GREEN HOAX. tHIS IDIOT CUT DOWN ONE OF HIS OWN RADICAL LEFTWING group of nutbags. This fool just opens his “pie hole” and garbage falls out. Media [state run] coverage gives him cover for his ignorance.
  13. Davejstz says:
    You can’t expect Obama to come up with anything smart can you? He is and always has been an IDIOT in Chief, making anyone else look brilliant. This will all blow back on a defective teleprompter that does not know how to do the job.
  14. Viet Nam Vet 67-68 says:
    I am still looking for the 57 United States that this idiot stated when running for President, I think he was referring to the 57 Muslim Countries!!!! Not only is this piece of Crap Obamination a Muslim he is also Communist and a Half Breed Not BLACK since he had a WHITE Mother (FKR) wake up Black and Liberals do you really want Communism or what I call Slavery to the 5 or 600 that will rule what you say, eat and work just like all the other Communist Countries. Our Congress is complicit with this Traitor Obamination and all should be voted out of office as soon as possible or the United States of America will become the United Socialist Republic of the U.S. We have been sold out by both Parties and they aren’t listening to either side, Wake Up America.
    • mrsgunnut10 says:
      What you said is true Viet Nam Vet. In my opinion, we have too many Foreign Nationals in our Federal Government, starting with Obamass. It seems that all of the Mexican American Latinos, or whatever they call themselves, do not care for any of our Imigration Laws. That also goes for other Nationalities, from other Countries, that are now entrenched in Our Federal Government Portals. Thank you for your time. Viet Nam Vet 68- 69. TSgt., USAF Retired.
    • tHIS WEEK WITH THE Republican primaries in the front of the news; I actually figured out the magic number of “57″, it includes all the territories, etc that hold caucuses and primaries, such as Puerto Rico, Guam, etc. he just is too stupid to know the difference, [I mean he was supposedly born in a U.S. territory]??????
  15. Msgtgdubbya says:
    If this IIC(idiot-in-charge), believes free Americans are ready for his socialist agenda, he better hope there is a flat earth and then jump off. He is stirring passions not felt since the revolutionary war.
  16. Buffalo John says:
    Most(or at least some) of you folks that read these post must know ovomit is nothing more then a puppit a pinocchio ruler.He will do what ever he is told to do and will try to destroy this country like he was ordered to do.The evidence that ovomit isn’t a U.S. citizen is overwhelming and he should be in jail awateing trial for Treason. It is up to WE THE PEOPLE that really love this Country to STOP ovomit and everyone that is connected with him in the distruction of this Great Nation.If this Constitutionally ignorant analphabetic cretin remains in office or GOD forebid gets re elected this country is TOAST.
  17. oldgallero says:
    Propaganda is the words of Obama, spreading across this great land !
  18. mrsgunnut10 says:
    Facts, What facts??? Obama doesn’t care whether what he says is true or not, to him it is “Always” the truth, when it comes out of that hole in his face. He, the Tyranical Dictator, will always be right, no matter what he says or what is said about him. We all know that, just from watching all of those “Bobble Heads” that stand behind him when he is at a podium making his speaches. Thank you for your time. TSgt., USAF Retired.
  19. Dad says:
    You mean that it wasn’t the truth… fancy that… ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha… sort of a pattern here don’t you think?
  20. Jag for America says:
    I bought a home defence gun a couple weeks ago and all of the gun dealers that I contacted said that there is another run on guns and ammunition. If Obama is elected again, he will feel even more empowered and the 2nd Amendment, as well as the 1st Amendment are out the window! There is no doubt in my mind that Obama will sign an Executive Order to ban the purchase of AMMUNITION and MANUFACTURE OF “BRASS” FOR SHELL CASINGS! That will pretty much disarm the American people! Civilian “military” type ammunition is going off the shelves as fast as they can get it. Get it now before it is too late. Also, with the crime rate rising across the country, stock up on home defence weapons and plenty of ammunition. Some day soon, we are all going to have to stand together against a tyranical government run by traitors and idiots!
    • mrsgunnut10 says:
      Well said Jag. Seems like I am agreeing with bunch of people commenting on this subject. I just sent off an order for another 200 rounds of 30-06 ammunition. If we have to take back our Country , I want to be able to at least shoot back and not have to revert back to clubs, spears, and slings. Thank you for your time. TSgt., USAF Retired.
      • Jag for America says:
        My wife and I are both “stocking” up! She has never been that interested until Obama. I also am stocking for my 30-06! My wife’s new Double Defence (backed up by the handguns) will take care around the house. The ought 6 will handle the distance! Thanks for the comment Mrsgunnut10!
  21. Hobe says:
    No surprise this shows the character of a liar. Have you noriced when Obama does not have his facts right or he is lying he stutters?
  22. Jag for America says:
    Besides the birth certificate fiasco and Hussein Obama’s prolonged attempt to avoid disclosure, here is something that every American, particularly our men and women in the military ought to be thinking about: Obama is a Communist and was handed the “keys” to our defenses in the form of a National Security Clearance. Obama’s thrust to “CHANGE” America to a communist government is well documented. How in the heck did this traitor get handed the keys to our nations security? When I enlisted in the USAF at the age of 18 and became a mechanic on fighter A/C, the FBI checked me out upside down and backwards with friends, teachers, family, neighbors, etc before I got my “secret” level clearance, which was required. If my associates had been communists, I would not have been granted that clearance level, PERIOD! How is it that Obama has surrounded himself with communists all his formative years (and still does) and he gets the highest national security clearance in the US?? Just something to ponder! The investigative bureau was either asleep, told to back off or paid off- take your choice! Obama and his associates are a clear and present danger to America! Forget Libya, Iran, Afghanistan and the rest of the Muslim countries, the real threat is from within.
  23. DH says:
    The truth has never stood in the way of anything that Obama says and has said, and yet his supporters just suck it up as if everything he says is gospel. It says alot about his supporters. And it says alot about our country that permits this official to get away with all of his lies, not the least of which is the fact that he is an illegal holder of the office.
    • lad says:
  24. John P. Centonze,D.D.S. says:
    What? B.O. straying from the truth!! I’m shocked. No I’m not!!!
    John P.Centonze,D.D.S.,Waterbury, VT
  25. Jag for America says:
    I pray to God that our Sheriff Joe and Donald Trump can bring this lying, treacherous POS to justice! Four more years of this community organizer, puppet, and Soros and his ilk will have total control of our government. With any luck, a meteor will hit in the middle of Washington (soon) so we can rebuild from the ground up! It looks like that is the only way we can get rid of these embedded and self serving criminals in the White House and Congress.
    • Lou says:
      I was hoping the crew of Airforce One would bring the plane up in the air than all can parachute down and leave Obama to steer Air Force one to a freefall crash so that way he knows how we feel about the way he’s driving this economy to the ground
  26. rick says:
    may not line up with the facts??? when has the undocumented illegal alien, barry soetero AKA steve dunham AKA barack obama etc….etc… EVER, had facts on anything, that he speaks of or about??? dude is a PROFESSIONAL liar & con man communist, that only a schmuck could believe. his PROTECTORS are the REAL criminals behind the CON. HANG EM ALL!
  27. Lou says:
    Muslims don’t know US History so give this POS a break
  28. Tom SC says:
    Here is another fact!!! Untill congress plugs the holes and gaps and dissallowas this administration to satisfy every open hand the support for the this fraud will continue. Greed and deciet builds thier arrogance. Remember members of congress are elected officials too.
  29. mesaman says:
    Why would any of you expect this president to start talking facts when he has lied his way to the White House and has continued to lie, cheat, steal, and berate anyone who disagrees with him. He is, without question, the most fraudulent, despicable president in the history of the United States. Twenty years from now, volumes will be written about his treachery and debauchery. I pray to God that we will be delivered from this narcissistic imbecile in November.
  30. Jag for America says:
    Q: How does AMERICA feel about Obama?
    A: It’s like when you fart and it’s diarrhea instead.
  31. Jag for America says:
    The economic destruction of America is going as planned! Kruchev will be proved correct, the socialists will bury US! Putin, Chavez, Castro, OBAMA, et al are already rejoicing!
  32. Ronbo says:
    Barry can’t make a speach without telling lies. He has a real problem with the truth.
  33. Jag for America says:
    Obama and his gang of anti-American communists are succeeding in destroying the economy. This is working just like Saul Alinsky and other Marxist radicals like Soros taught him how to accomplish this; from within the government. Unfortunately, there are no statesmen left in congress who are intelligent enough to put 2 + 2 together, much less 1+1!
    Wake up Congress, the world thinks that you are all fools! I think you are fools! Obama and his thugs have to go! Start supporting impeachment proceedings now for his intentional destruction of our financial wellbeing and high crimes against the citizens of the United States.
  34. James R. Maxwell says:
    obama is hoping the majority of the people educated in the public education system have been
    brain washed to beleive his lies and delusions. We have seen this happening ever day by
    a total distortion of the facts. The liberals have refused to teach American History and World
    events as they happened. They only use partial facts that suit or give credence to their point
    of view of the world. History should be taught by presenting both the good and bad events so
    that we do not continue to make the same mistakes. But obama has even admitted he lies
    to prove his point continuesly.
  35. jeff says:
    When an idiot is surrounded by idiots, the only thing going to come from this group is idiocy.
    • 32eagle says:
      Clown College
      • Robert Norwood says:
        Huh… I didn’t know they had one. Is that where his advisers graduated from? Do you have to actually fail to graduate, like, A is a failing grade? Shee-it who knew, answers everything. Steven Chu probably graduated Soona Cum Later.
  36. haroldson says:
    Never heard much out of this man that makes good sense, There for I never expect to. He is a liar and a fake and should have been put out of office and as a matter of fact should have never been allowed on the ballot . never veted tho pelosi says she did. She ranks right beside him she is a nut case along with her pal reid The shame is that so many fools voted for him.
  37. Robert Norwood says:
    “Yes We Can”
    Spend money we don’t have.
    “Yes We Can”
    Raise the price of gas and drive Americans to that “green” switch which hasn’t been installed yet because, well, it ain’t all there. But to help you we’ve put little “Hope” stickers where they will go – once they actually work. As for paying for them – that’s your problem.
    “Yes We Can”
    Make cute little remarks in place of substantive answers to real problems. But don’t hold it against me, someone else wrote all this stupid crap I been dishin’ out.
    “Yes We Can”
    Lie to you with a straight face. We actually believe in the things we say; just ask that wanker, Steven Chu-Chu. You know when I hired him I had no idea he’d develop a squirm when confronted with his own bullshit. I didn’t know the Chinese had sweat glands. Shee-it!
    “Yes We Can”
    Be the .001% because everyone else is wrong. Allah, I mean God, gave us brains to think and “Yes We Can” do your thinking for you. It’s like in the Matrix baby; we just wanna suck the life out of you.
    “Yes We Can” No you can’t, none of the below, that ain’t gonna work, an empty promise is better than a solution and “Yes We Can” in response to whomever it was that asked, “can we wipe our own asses?” That bulge in the seat of my pants, that’s Union support, an’ I gottem’ firmly gripped by the crack of my ass.
    And finally “Yes We Can” to all you poor folk out there, “Yes We Can” keeps the plantation runnin’.
    Now, who wants to croon a little Al Green with me while I hand out the free stuff? Come on now, step up, sell your soul – you already done sold your pride.
  38. American Patriot says:
    Moslem ass licken a$$hole.
  39. Leslie85223 says:
    If the lame stream media were truthful, which we know is just “draming”, Obama’s greatest skill (master liar) would be exposed. That is, Obama’s ability to lie, bend the truth or fabricate “history” while orating and feeding his lies to thousands of uneducated and ignorant Dummycrats on a regular basis. Both Soros and Obama know that his “base” needs their regualr “fix” of nonsense to keep them dumb, ignorant and uninformed to keep them in place. Not a good endorsement for the leader of this country!!
    The world is openly laughing at America for allowing this wind bag to have been elected as president of our once great nation. Hopefully we won’t make the same mistake twice!!!
  40. Sgt. KEN USAF says:
    But the people he is going after for votes will ever see any of this because the lame street media will not cover anything that makes him look bad. GOD save the USA.
  41. Mary says:
    Has anyone considered that the Corporations own the government and all us sheep? Who else would sanction having a war and have their minions to convince elected officials to do their bidding? Our officials are bought and paid for. Look at the money that it takes for an election process? We believe that we are choosing the candidates? The final pick will be the most money given for the big show. The brightest and the best are always the losers or they cave in to the money interest and stay in office forever. Most owe their souls to the unions and the Corporations. Focus what is beyond the windbags in office. Who is running what, where and when. The best government that money can buy.
  42. Steve says:
    Just goes to show you how ignorant he is, along with his administration. Not only is an idiot, the people he was talking to are just as ignorant for not checking their facts. Anyone but bho in November.
    • Weasler says:
      At this point, I’m ready to vote for a bucket of dog vomit over the fcuking POS known as Obama. What an absolute joke to think that this empty suit could lead ANYTHING, no less the United States of America.
  43. Weasler says:
    This teleprompter-reading Soros-controlled fat-assed-monkey-fcuking Mudslime Commie Affirmative Action miracle hasn’t the slightest clue who Rutherford B. Hayes was. And before he continues to insult any more REAL Presidents, this shoe-shine BOY should remember that of the 43 men who served as Presidents, he is at the absolute BOTTOM of the list in terms of “greatness”. That goes for ALL OTHER Presidents, including the so-called “worst” like Ulysses S. Grant, Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan, and Warren G. Harding. Hell, this black POS makes Clinton and even Carter look downright terrific! I can’t STAND this fcuking POS! He’s a disgrace to the office, and it will be such a PLEASURE to see him and the First ‘Ho on trial for HIGH TREASON DURING WAR TIME next year after we take back this country.
  44. 32eagle says:
    There in Kenya -birthplace of this asshole-Barack Obama-yes that asshole-there will be a Mount Elephant Dungmore and an exact likeness of his ugly head with that stupid look of a deer caught in the headlights-a roach caught in the sticky trap-a clown with a bomb that just blew off the back of his pajamas-yes that look-this dedication to BORAX from elephants-some with diarrhea will be monumental-yes those kenyans herding their goats will see this huge freakishly ugly Turd Head and laugh at USA’s biggest joke on itself
  45. Randy G says:
    The current occuppier of the White House never lets details like facts and truth stand in the way of BS
  46. DoctorBob says:
    Wikipedia is another one of those “funded by George Soros” entities that selectively presents opinions as facts. Look up George Soros sometime on Wikipedia. They describe him as a kindly grandfather who loves puppies and small children, and who does nothing but good with his money. In actual fact, he is one of the most destructive people in the history of the human race! He is currently the main frontman for the forces attempting to collapse the United States. As for Obama, he is nothing more than a puppet of Soros. The “progress” he wants for us is to return us to the 17th Century, where we are cooking our meals over a campfire in the park – or dining in a FEMA camp. Eventually, of course, the long-term goal is to convert us to a Communist slave camp, the Union of Soviet Socialist America. While Obama TALKS a good line, I have learned not to listen to what he says, but to watch what he DOES. And Obama is clearly the puppet of George Soros. Houston, we have a problem!
  47. Barbara R. says:
    In my opinion, the so called “Celebs” and people like maher, sharpton and all of the liberals that back obama and hang onto nevery word or action that he says are partially to blame for obama living at the White House. Incidently , I use small case when I type their names as they are insignifigant people to me. God help us!
  48. deathtononbelievers says:
    wow, President Rutherford B Hayes would be on mount rushmore if he had only acknowledged the telephone as a good idea. has o acknowledged that the use of oil and all its byproducts a good idea ?
    o lies, the msm repeats and repeats the same lies. msm tells us how great o is, tells us all o’s programs are keeping unemployment down, putting Americans back to work, ect…..
    meanwhile, not 1 msm outrage of $5.00 a gallon for gasoline ! not 1 msm mention of millions of unemployed workers conviniently are not counted anymore as unemployed ! not 1 msm refute to o saying his govt is allowing the biggest oil puming amount in our nations history, all this while shutting the gulf, all off shore, anwar, to any new US oil well drilling. all this and we are arguing if Presiden Hayes said the telephone wasnt a good idea. we are argueing about insignificant items, Hayes telephone critique, while o and his commissions are quickly destroying our constitution. please do not forget this admins big picture, to make o the supreme dictator of of country. i hope the 2012 elections will take place. omg !!!!! (o must go)
  49. Nancy says:
    If Barack Hussein Obama gets re-elected, we are a SOCIALIST NATION with the Sentate and Congress to back him…
    American soilders would never fire on its on people ( but some will ) and our own people will also. Our next-door neighbors who love this B.O. This will be worse than the Civile War.
    It will be the U.N. army here.
    And yes we are the infidels It’s O.K. to LIE to us and KILL us.
    If it come down to this… I PRAY NOT> Sentate and Congress should be Hung HIGH.
    If they were doing their Job we wouldn’t be in this mess.
    And I hope they are reading these sites.
    • tiredof idiots says:
      We’d have to flush the senate and congress out of hiding to get a rope around their necks. They have bunkers to hide them and their families in. We’d all have go to Washington and over run them while they’re in session. Haul them all out to the national mall and have a trial right there. A straight Nay or Yay gets them Hung or Aquitted. Thumbs Up or thumbs down. Millions of voices raised as one. I’ll supply some good hemp rope.
    • slide & glide says:
      This articular started out “Obama Crack About Former President May Not Line Up With the Facts.” Since when did his fact line up with the truth? Every time he opens his mouth he tells another lie. Some say he doesn’t know the difference, but I say he does know the truth. There are just those Obama worshipers that think everything he says is wonderful.. The MSM have been bought and paid for, I’m sure at a high price. I wouldn’t know I haven’t watched anything on MSM news in years. They are all a bunch of jerks.
  50. Are You Serious says:
    California is Obama’s DREAM
    Written by Roger Hedgecock, former Mayor of San Diego
    Wednesday, 25 January 2012
    I live in California. If you were wondering what living in Obama’s
    second term might be like, wonder no longer.  We in California are living there now.
    California is a one-party state dominated by a virulent Democrat Left enabled by a complicit media where every agency of local, county, and state government is run by and for the public employee unions. The unemployment rate is 12%.
    California has more folks on food stamps than any other state, has added so many benefits and higher rates to Medicaid that we call it “Medi-Cal.” Our K-12 schools have more administrators than teachers, with smaller classes but lower test scores and higher dropout rates with twice the per-student budget of 15 years ago. Good job, Brownie.
    This week, the once and current Gov. Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown had to confess that the “balanced” state budget adopted five months ago was billions in the red because actual tax revenues were billions lower than the airy-fairy revenue estimates on which the balance was predicated.
    After trimming legislators’ perks and reducing the number of cell phones provided to state civil servants, the governor intoned that drastic budget reductions had already hollowed out state programs for the needy, law enforcement and our schoolchildren.  California government needed more money.
    Echoing the Occupy movement, the governor proclaimed the rich must pay their fair share.  Fair share?  The top 1% of California income earners currently pays 50% of the state’s income tax.
    California has seven income tax brackets.  The top income tax rate is 9.3%, which is slapped on the greedy rich earning at least $47,056 a year.  Income of more than $1 million pays the “millionaires’ and billionaires’” surcharge tax rate of 10.3%.
    Brown’s proposal would add 2% for income over $250,000. A million-dollar income would then be taxed at 12.3%.  And that’s just for the state.
    Brown also proposed a one-half-cent sales tax increase, which would bring sales taxes (which vary by county) up to 7.75% to as much as 10%. In California sales tax is paid on the dollars paid on gasoline too.  Therefore as the gasoline price goes up so does the sales tax revenue to the state of CA.  Both tax increases would be on the ballot in 2012.
    The sales tax increase proposal immediately brought howls of protest from the Left (of Brown). Charlie Eaton, a sociology grad student at UC Berkeley and leader of the UC Student-Workers Union, said, “We’ve paid enough. It’s time for millionaires to pay.”
    At least five other ballot measures to raise taxes are circulating for signatures to get on the 2012 ballot in California.  The governor’s proposals are the most conservative.
    The Obama way doesn’t end with taxes.
    The governor and the state legislature continue to applaud the efforts of the California High Speed Rail Authority to build a train connecting Los Angeles and San Francisco.  Even though the budget is three times the voter-approved amount, and the first segment will only connect two small towns in the agricultural Central Valley.  But hey, if we build it, they will ride.
    And we don’t want to turn down the Obama bullet-train bucks Florida and other states rejected because the operating costs would bankrupt them.  Can’t happen here because we’re already insolvent.
    If we get into real trouble with the train, we’ll just bring in the Chinese.  It worked with the Bay Bridge reconstruction.  After the 1989 earthquake, the bridge connecting Oakland and San Francisco was rebuilt with steel made in China. Workers from China too.  Paid for with money borrowed from China.  Makes perfect sense.
    In California, we hate the evil, greedy rich (except the rich in
    Hollywood, in sports, and in drug dealing).  But we love people who have broken into California to eat the bounty created by the productive rich.
    Illegals get benefits from various generous welfare programs, free medical care, free schools for their kids, including meals, and of course, instate tuition rates and scholarships too.  Nothing’s too good for our guests.
    To erase even a hint of criticism of illegal immigration, the
    California Legislature is considering a unilateral state amnesty.  Democrat State Assemblyman Felipe Fuentes has proposed an initiative that would bar deportation of illegals from California.
    Interesting dilemma for Obama there. If immigration is exclusively a federal matter, and Obama has sued four states for trying to enforce federal immigration laws he won’t enforce, what will the President do to a California law that exempts California from federal immigration law?
    California is also near fulfilling the environmentalist dream of deindustrialization.
    After driving out the old industrial base (auto and airplane assembly, for example), air and water regulators and tax policies are now driving out the high-tech, biotech and even Internet-based companies that were supposed to be California’s future.
    The California cap-and-trade tax on business in the name of reducing CO2 makes our state the leader in wacky environmentalism and guarantees a further job exodus from the state.
    Even green energy companies can’t do business in California. Solyndra went under taking its taxpayer loan guarantee with it.
    No job is too small to escape the regulators. The state has even banned weekend amateur gold miners from the historic gold mining streams in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.
    In fact, more and more of California’s public land is off-limits to recreation by the people who paid for that land.  Unless you’re illegal.
    Then you can clear the land, set up marijuana plantations at will, bring in fertilizers that legal farmers can no longer use, exploit illegal farm workers who live in hovels with no running water or sanitation, and protect your investment with armed illegals carrying guns no California citizen is allowed to own.
    The rest of us only found out about these plantations when the workers’ open campfire started one of those devastating fires that have killed hundreds of people and burned out thousands of homes in California over the last decade.
    It’s often said that whatever happens in California will soon happen in your state.
    You’d better hope that’s wrong.
  51. Nancy says:
    I moved away from calif. back in 1999. Thank GOD I did. Since then, friends who stay. Now calls california howcanifornakateu
  52. Mr.Lincoln says:
    Trump: Real Estate Best Hedge Against ‘Massive Inflation’ Tuesday, 13 Mar 2012 08:56 AM By Forrest Jones
  53. Thomas Jefferson says:
    BO still believes the sun revolves around the him and the earth.
  54. toysoldier says:
    I would love to se a conservative set up our commie-in-chief’s teleprompter with some truths.
    I also worry about the election’s validity when I recall one of the OLD Mission Impossible shows when the US government and the MI team went to South America to program election computers to give the voting advantage, in a believable way. to a non socialist, non communitic candidate. With today’s technology and the inherant dishonesy of the liberals—well—.
    As a rev war reenactor when the SHTF, 63, 69 and 73 cal. double ball and buck shot loads should augment my modern stuff, combine that with a 3 pounder with a 2.96″ bore.
    A little history for you ballistics folks, an mold made from aluminum or even a green stick, cut to form a 3/16″ or 1/4″ square or triangular trough will make a stick of lead that can then be cut into 3/16″ pieces— used by colonists to be more effective than round buckshot on heavily matted fur and feathers on beasts, Prob. good on heavy clothing. I say this, because I KNOW I am already on their SH– list! toysoldier
  55. LOUIS says:
  56. Mr.Lincoln says:
    Holder Outlines How To Change Public Opinion On Guns
  57. sunkgleska says:
    They don’t teach FIFTH GRADE level US History in the Madrasa in Southeast Asia and guess what Obama followed that with attending two different IVY LEAGUE schools which means we should not be surprised at his lack of knowledge. He is showing us every day that he is not as smart as BIDEN and that absolutely scares the hell out of me, if you know what I mean.
    nothing more nothing less…YUP
  58. azjohnny says:
    typical for the dear leader to make things up and/or create straw dogs as he blathers away . . . it’s what street corner agitators do. this country, and whatever is left of it’s freedoms and liberties, is doomed if he is reelected . . . the takers will have won and the rest of us paying the bill will become slaves even more so to d.c.

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