Socialists Know President Barack Obama is a Socialist

Obama socialistTo say that President Obama is a Socialist will put you on the fringes of civil discourse. “The left has portrayed the assertion ‘Obama is a socialist’ as the product of hallucinogenic tea,” as James Taranto tells it. Of course, President Obama is a Socialist as are a number of congressmen and millions of Americans. There is a difference between a self-conscious socialist and someone who operates as a socialist.
What is a Socialist? Here’s a typical definition:  is “any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods.”
Of course, we’re not there yet, but we’re getting close. And while we’re not a socialist nation at this moment in time, it does not mean that President Obama doesn’t want to take us there. It seems that he’s doing everything within his power to make it happen sooner rather than later.
Like the typical socialist, President Obama wants socialism for everybody else but not for himself. So don’t be fooled by the opulence of the White House. Socialists are notoriously hypocritical.
Consider Elle McPherson, whose main claim to fame is that she’s beautiful. According to Celebrity Net Worth, she’s worth around $45 million. McPherson loves President Obama, and why not? She’s a self-proclaimed socialist. Here’s the exchange she had with Howard Stern:
HOWARD STERN: Who should be the next President of the United States Elle MacPherson, go ahead.
ELLE MACPHERSON: I think Obama’s going to do it.
STERN: You like Obama?
MACPHERSON: Yeah, I’m living in London and I’m socialist. What do you expect?
STERN: And you’re living in London and you sense what other foreigners feel. Do they like him?
MACPHERSON: I think foreigners like him. He’s very popular.
STERN: Don’t we look good having a black president and everything? Makes us kind of cool.
MACPHERSON: I think it’s more about his policy. But you know there are I understand that there are a lot of people who don’t, you know, don’t want change. “We want change. We want change.” And he says, “I’ll implement change,” and you go, “Oh, actually, I don’t bleeping feel like I want change. It’s too difficult.”
It takes a socialist to know a socialist. Like President Obama, McPherson is an “other-guy” socialist. An “other-guy” socialist wants an economic system that keeps competitors out. “Other-guy” socialists live above the common people because they believe they are superior. A free economy gives everybody an equal chance at success. Socialism creates class divisions and distinctions. “Other-guy” socialists want and work for socialism for everybody else while they live in their gated communities far from the masses. Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro are perfect examples. They are worth billions of dollars and yet grind down their people in the name of socialistic equity.
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  • i2luvmyusa
    Way to kill Socialism! We need to replace all the RINO's and
    DINOs along with liberal Federal
    Judges and the bias media (TV, Radio, and Newspapers). I strongly believe
    their is only on candidate that can do this and that is NEWT! Mitt is a clone of
    BO. Why do you think he went after Newt with Ads that were proven to be
    out right lies or half truths. Rick is a nice
    guy, but he is a Mc Cain Jr. and you see what happen to Mc Cain. Then there is
    Ron Paul who Foreign Affairs statement makes me uncomfortable. Newt know where
    all the political bones are buried. Newt will have no fear in exposing BO as to
    who and what he is. Newt is the only candidate that is smart enough to debate BO
    in all areas and has the ability to shred BO in to minute pieces in a debate
    with or without a TelePrompTer. BO is looking for a disruption so
    great that he can call Martial Law into action. The movement that has begun with
    the so call Wall Street protester! BO IS PUTTING ALL THE PIECES
    TOGETHER AS TO CALL MARTIAL LAW IF NEEDED! What does needed mean? I believe it is if Newt is
    in the running. BO and his corrupt cronies to not fear Mitt or Rick. Please
    to save our Country Our Freedom, and maybe our lives, please go to, and
    give Newt a second look, I believe you will be surprised and satisfied that
    Newt is the candidates to go against BO. and the whole corrupt Democratic
    (Edited by author 2 hours ago)
  • TheChristianSolution
    Ron Paul knows where all the bones are buried and unlike Newt, he didn't help bury any.
  • The simple fact is that women won't vote for Newt because of his repeated infidelity.  It shows he has no respect for women other than to supply his own needs.  Most women don't take extra-marital affairs and repeated divorces as casually as men do, and turning Catholic has nothing to do with his inward character.
  • Mattwm
    Now this is a lie.  Obama is not a socialist.  Obama is a communist, and atheits, and a Kenyan.   Born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia, to come to American and be president so he can destroy it from the inside.
  • USPatriotOne
    Mattwm, you are correct!  Obama is a Communist and a Muslim.  The Muslim plan is to get as many as possible into this nation, take over our polictial system and change all our Constitutional Laws to Muslim/Islam Laws.  This nation would be in shock to know how many muslim are already the position of power in our political system at the local, state and national level.  Their a Muslims gaining power with the GOP CPAC.  It's a complete disgrace, and the GOP is allowing this to happen..!!!  PolitaChicks caught them red handed in Washington a few weeks ago at the Conservative CPAC Conference.  It's all going to HELL.  We the People need to stand up NOW and take the Nation back from the DEM's and the GOP.  We all need a copy of Dr. Michael Williams book "The Law of Attraction and the Subconscious Mind, 2nd edition" at or  This provides the tools we need to take back this nation.   GET A COPY TODAY WE CAN'T WAIT ANY LONGER.  WE HAVE TO START MOVING NOW!  God Help US, PLEASE...!!!
  • Don
    sorry but the diffrence between the two ain't worth talking about. lets get this right THEY the liberials not just obama. obama is the tool that at the time that is being used.
  • Paulam777
    Of course they know one of their own when they see one.  If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quack likes a duck, it's a good bet it's a duck!  He is a socialist all the way to his core.
  • TheChristianSolution
    Going with your duck theme, is Obama not just a Marxist, but a Judeo-Marxist?
    "Immigration records show that Sen. Barack Obama’s grandfather, Baruch Heshy Obramowitz, was an Ethiopian “Falasha” Jew, who changed his surname when he moved to Kenya."
    "Mark Okoth Obama Ndesandjo, Barack Obama's half-brother is Jewish. His mother Ruth Nidesand was Jewish and with Barack Obama Sr. gave Obama his Jewish half brother."
    "Capers C. Funnye Jr. (pronounced fu-NAY) is an African American who is the head rabbi of the mostly African-American 200 member Beth Shalom B'nai Zaken Ethiopian Hebrew Congregation of Chicago, Illinois. Funnye is the first cousin once removed of Michelle Obama, the wife of 44th United States President Barack Obama. Like most of his congregation, Rabbi Funnye was not born into Judaism; he adopted the religion later in life."
  • Screeminmeeme
    Obama grew up at the feet of a seriously committed atheist, Marxist mom, Marxist maternal grandparents, and a black-Marxist-porno magazine owner-poet- mentor who was on the FBI watch list. He craved a relationship with his absentee, alcoholic, Marxist, atheist Kenyan father, Barak Obama, Sr.and in his book, admits to have taken on his father's dream of seeing the UK and American democratic systems, as we know them, destroyed.

    He acknowledges in his book that he was drawn to Marxists while a university student and has continued to associate with them to this day. In 1995, when 34, he even began his political career in the living room of Marxist, WeatherUnderground-terrorist-organization-founder Bill Ayers.
    He wrote in his memoir, ''Dreams From My Father", "To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully.... The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists."
    After college, he wrote that he lived on Manhattan's Upper East Side, often visiting the East Village for ''socialist conferences that I  attended at Cooper Union."
    His heroes were Marxists.
    His vocabulary is Marxist.
    His vision for America is Marxist.
    His actions are that of a Marxist. deaf, dumb and blind do you have to be to think he's NOT a Marxist?
    If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quakes likes a duck....its a Marxist duck, despite the media's full-out efforts to obfuscate those facts.
    OBAMA.....along with all of the Marxist/Communist members of our government need to be evicted from their jobs ASAP, and  given  ONE-WAY tickets  to a Communist country where they would be compelled to live in a  society created by their beloved Marxist ideology, in which coercion and subjugation  is the norm.
  • I would not call Obama a socialist I would call him a straight out marxist.   If you read his books and look at his actions you can tell that not only is he for expanding the welfare state and collecting all the wealth in this nation to run it he also wants to take over all industry.   In this his Obama care will eventually take over all insurance companies and the medical industry.   We owe Ford a great debt that they did not take money from the government and therefore complete the sweep of the automotive industry.   The state that Obama is working towards is not only a nanny state but also one that tolerates no competition in anything.   Read his books his plan and hatred is all spelled out.
  •  Yes, you are right.  His background is full of Marxist philosophy.  He says as much in his book.  Marxist, socialist, communist...whatever he's pushing, the end result is all the same...the end of this country as we know it.
  • TheChristianSolution
    You can thank Alan Mulally for saving Ford from federal bankrupcy and making it competitive against government-backed Government Motors, just as he had previously saved Boeing Commercial from bankrupcy against the European government backed Airbus beforehand.
    Now if you are looking for someone for President, a lion who would make Romney look like a vulture
    which cleans up after lions, then Mulally is our man.
    Ron Paul  / Alan Mulally 2012 
  • Jake
    I agree with 12luvmyusa.......Gingrich is the only one that can stand toe to toe with obummer........there plan is to make us look like europe. And we all know what happened there. I spent 24yrs in the military. And 2.5yrs in Vietnam fighting socialist/communist I never planned in my winter of life to be fighting it in my own country....Surprise ! Surprise as Gomer would have said.
  • Don
    jake- this did not happen over night. you like the rest of us was an still our asleep at the wheel. surprise no this is old hat you just was not looking.
  • Wayne Peterkin
    Everyone should already know that Obama is a socialist. He was raised in a Marxist home by a Marxist mother and grandparents during both the Civil Rights and the leftist upheaval of the 1960s and early 1970s. He was educated in generally left-wing institutions including Columbia University not long after Cloward and Pivens developed their Marxist plan to destroy our economic system by massive government spending until the system collapsed (sound familiar?). He was a disciple of Saul Alinsky, another Marxist who trained people in "community organizing" for the Marxist cause. Articles like this, while true, should not be a surprise to anyone. We elected a president who is opposed to our entire system of government and who is on record as saying our Constitution is a "deeply flawed" document (even though he took an oath to uphold, protect, and defend that document).  Anyone who opens their eyes and has half a brain should clearly see what a danger Obama poses to the United States and our historical way of life. It is amazing to me that anyone who loves this nation could even think of voting for him again, yet sadly, he is given a better than even chance of being reelected. 
  • will
    Were so busy talking about what to call him...what diference does it make. He's our enemy, period and he's setting us up, and all we do is talk about it. The Muslims are ethnically cleaning the mid east and obama says thats ok. We should feed him his own medicine. Politically that is, not ethnically. Clean up the mess, quit talking about it.
  • Don
    yes but you can't look at that that way HEs black. you raceist. do you not see why we are at this point. as eric holder says we are a cowed people.
  • will
    Hey, he got elected didnt he...not by racists either. This has nothing to do with his skin color, its the color of his flag, which is obviously not the Red White and Blue.
  • VirgoVince
    WHY is anyone still calling obozo, president??   WE ALL know he isn't and are wondering why he's still breathing??  
  • Festmatt5440
    Where is another ' L Harvey Oswald ?