Friday, March 16, 2012

Why the Gun Industry Secretly Loves Obama | CowboyByte

Why the Gun Industry Secretly Loves Obama | CowboyByte

      • C Derr says:
        Gary, The same thoughts have entered my mind about the 75% of the public so i started to ask some questions. The answers from some of these people astounded me. For instince, My vote doesn`t matter, all polititions are crooked so why should i vote, the big cities are out voting us and voting liberal, i don`t believe in the constituition and all elections are rigged, the electorial college undoes my vote so why should i vote and the excuses go on and on and on. I for one a`m sick and tired of the liberal communists running my country into the ground and then telling me i am an idiot because i vote. I believe excuses are like assholes, everybody got one and they all stink.
      • D.Bryson says:
        Have you ever heard the word, “rigged”? We should all take a stand at the polls and not allow any ‘foreigners’ to vote this next election. That would only be fair, since the Black Panthers stopped the true citizens from voting through intimidation in the last election while the ‘community organizers’ from Acorn filled out millions of phony registrations using “Mickey Mouse” and other fictitious names as registrants. That’s what I call ‘rigged’! You can thank Nazi Pelozi for her part in rigging the ‘vetting’ of BHO and her fictitious documentation from ‘Hawaii’ to get him into the running!She needs to go to prison for her part. Get rid of Soros and you have half of the battle won.
      • Here are two clues: some don’t care and others like it that way. They are up to 50,000,000 on food stamps, an enormous increase from a few weeks ago when it increased to an incredible 42 million. Another Ponzi scheme falling apart…more swilling than paying.
    • MSGT JOHN CORREA says:
      To: Rich and other interested parties….
      I’ve been trying to get young American patriots to take interest in government where a person doesn’t have to be an attorney to be a Senator or a Congressman. I advised them that the only weapons they will ever need is a full knowledge of American history, the U.S. Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence.
      If you remember, U.S. Supreme Court Justice William H. Rehnquist was never an attorney, and he always interpreted the U.S. Constitution with honor and respect.
      Rich, I agree with many of your statements that should eliminate career orientated politicians in government. I would like it be strictly on the voluntary basis where one would perform his or her duties to our country and go home when finished.
      USAF (RET)
    • Goober says:
      Rich you have a good plan ! The only thing wrong with it is to change it; it has to be brought before the congress to vote on. I don’t care who you are, once in office thees people are not going to change the best deal for themselves that they ever had or could ever get. Think about it, have they ever voted NOT to give themselves a raise when the vote came up?? Yet people on Social Securty can’t even get a 3% cost of living raise. If your Boss came in and asked you if you would like a raise in pay; would you say “Oh, NO I don’t need a raise”! Of course not. Congress and the senate will never give up this Free ride they have its too good. Besides I live in San Francisco, WOW!! the people here keep voting Nancy Pig-losi back in office, talk about a bunch of dumb-asses?? These people seen on national television the famous statement; “We Have To Pass The Bill To See What’s In It” and they still voted her back into office. With ignorant people having the power in their hands to make TRUE Change are so stupid that they keep doing the same thing over and over, again and again, the corruption will never change in D.C. The fact of the matter is, The people following Nancy Pig-losi are more stupid than she is and that’s saying a lot. Too bad its True!!!! Have you ever asked yourself why is everything done in closed door sessions? We are not allowed to hear how they are ripping us off till it too late.
      • Recon Marine says:
        What makes everyone think that the elections are on the up and up?
      • catman says:
        Hey! Give those dunderheads a little credit here. By doing the same stupid thing over and over, at least they get to know how to do it well.. and boy do they do it well!
      • larry says:
        the only way we will ever get govt cleaned up, we must have term limits 6 yrs for senators ( one term) and 4 years for the house (2 terms) people like harry reid and nancy pelosi are ruining our country. the biggest problem is that bloviating poltroon muslim idiot obozo.
    • David Altwies says:
      Dead on Rich. He needs to be impeached and if we the taxpayers and citizens of this country keep the pressure on our reps on the “Hill”, then just maybe they will get the message and start the proceedings to get this sucker before he gets out of office. I also agree with the reps not getting 100% retirement when they leave office. We need to also write our reps in the state governments and get them to endorse an ammendment to that end. It takes 30 states to get it rolling.
      • Buffalo John says:
        David Altwies,Think about it David,do you really want to impeach ovomit.You have to be a LEGAL sitting President in order to be Impeached.If ovomit is impeached then he could be considered LEGAL,BUT if he is ARRESTED and tried for TREASON then everything he has signed would be NUL and VOID.That is what WE THE PEOPLE need to get started then of corse the Senate and Congress need to be addressed as well,THEY are IN IT UP TO THEIR EARS and should be put on trial for TREASON.There should be NO Political Establishment in this administration or any Administration that should not be held responsable for aiding and abadding this ILLEGAL/NON CITIZEN or future Constitutional Ineligible Considerations for any Political Office.Now lets find a big tree.
      • Mary says:
        We also need a national right to work law. That would destroy a lot of the influence of the unions on our elections.
    • John says:
      Rich, There was actually an amendment that said Lawyers could not hold office, but got dropped sometime back in the 1800′s.
    • Nancy Grinnell says:
      I don’t think it was rotten politics that needs investigations, we need to rid ourselves of the VERY MEAN MAN who is President. I think the politican’s are really afraid of him. Ya all have seen his nasty face when he doesn’t get his way. This is a Muslim man trying to pretent not to be one. Although his daughter had a t-shirt on with the Arab type writing on it. Why doesn’t anyone ever say anything about these little slip ups he makes when he doesn’t think anyone is watching. We are always watching.
    • Brian says:
      One very important thing left out, while much of what you say may well have the best chance of coming to be (very small) What would fix all the crap in one fell swoop with one change would be NO MORE CAMPAIGN. DONATIONS FROM ANYONE! Give a set amount from our taxes, for each level of office say 250 million for presidential campaign, 100 mil for senate and house, or more or less it matters not what the amount is but this would stop almost 100 of the corruption, greed and decisions based on getting reelected over what is best for the country.
      This would also give us a chance to see how they handle money and run a real campaign.
      add this change to a Fair tax plan and this country would be back in the black in no time, we would get real representation at all levels. this country would once again have real men and women doing what is right rather than what will get them reelected.
      Of course there is much more but this basic change would result in an explosion of better government, better everything.
      We would soon see people who are the best who will not wade into the present cesspool come forward and SERVE the people.
      Think about it the the possibilities of such change would never stop making for a better USA.
    • ruth says:
      no you need not, you said it all!
    • Brad says:
      Makes no difference where IT was born. Its father was never a citizen! It’s Not a natural born citizen!
    • ncgal says:
      Amen, Rich.
    • AnxiouslyWaiting says:
      RIch: Very well said. You have come up with the same Game Plan I have been telling Boehner and his whole party, AND as many members of BOTH parties that I could, they need to implement.
      I have sent many e-mai,ls, with a list of Departments and PROGRAMS they could and SHOULD be CUTTING. But of course, THEY don’t pay any attention. They just keep on “Doing Business AS USUAL”.
    • ONTIME says:
      Term limits for all elected and appointed officials, salary only, no retirement…time to leash these clowns and control the money with a sales or flat tax on the ballot every ten years..Time to put the civil back into public service.
    • don says:
      Ill give you a big and I mean a big AMEN on your post//
    • JOHN T. FOX says:
  • Mark says:
    Sadly, since we have a commie in the WH, street fighting & chaos will be EVERYWHERE. His class & racial warfare is working perfectly so far. We’re dealing with a corrupt & evil administration. He’s far from ignorant. He’s quite good at what he’s doing. What blows me away is that vast amounts of Americans still back him. THOSE are the real fools. Political correctness, government handouts & “green” technology are killing this once great nation. God help us………
  • HANDYMAN says:
    The only homeland security is, every American Citizen armed with guns. Conceled, or not it is our duty to be armed!!
    • Wolfdog says:
      It is also our duty to do something about the current situation. Anyone in political office or serving as “Justice” (such as a judge, etc.) who goes against the Constitution is the ENEMY. They need to be dealt with by whatever means it takes to remove them from any kind of power or authority.
    • Willowspring says:
      And in 1824, Jefferson wrote in a letter to John Cartwright:
      The constitutions of most of our States assert that all power is inherent in the people; that… it is their right and duty to be at all times armed.
      Thomas Jefferson not only believed that Americans had the right to bear arms, but that they also were duty bound to bear arms.
      • Gary says:
        Yes Willowspring,Handy man,and all those previous,…If you are corrupt you are a criminal,…if you are a criminal you are corrupt,…which describes Congress and the White House to a tee. Thomas Jefferson was very wise. So were the Founding Fathers all. What’s happening NOW is why the founding Father’s wrote the second Amendment!
        It is our right, indeed our DUTY to overthrow a government that usurps ‘WE THE PEOPLE’,…according to the Declaration of Independence…The Constitution lives as long as ‘We the People’ live. Sadly ‘We the People’
        are being over taken by insidious, dispicable, mentally deranged, liberal/progressive/socialist/communist/marxist POS!!! These people must be destroyed….I know,…It’s advocating armed or violent revolution. BUT, that’s how we became independent, from tyranny, in the first place!! Unfortunatley it seems that most of ‘We the People’ are now seniors. Most of the young people of today have been brain washed, and indocternated to believe in socialism, communism in colleges and universities since the ’60′s at least. I know because I took a class in political science 15 years ago and the teacher was a liberal/progressive piece of sh!t,…so I dropped out! We need more young people who know what freedom truly is,… to take back this Republic. But I don’t know if that can be done anymore. We need a million man march on DC heavily armed to the teeth. Take over the Capital and the White House. Hand cuff all those inside. Systematacly identify all the liberal/progressive/socialist/communist POS and lock them down. Capture obama’s ass, and his Czars. Make a deal with local authorities to have them all jailed. We’ll need computer hackers to freeze all ‘their’ bank accounts,..and deposit all their money’s to where we can ‘redistribute’ the their wealth to the senior citizens on SS and family farms! How’s that for ‘redistribution of wealth’,…you piece of half breed muslim piece of crap!!!!
        ….Sorry,… I got carried off there…But I think you know where I’m coming from,….thank you,….
    • Donald Mitchell says:
      AMEN Handyman.AMEN
    • Thomas says:
      Underline the word DUTY!!!
    • caron says:
      amen amen I say to you
    • MSGT JOHN CORREA says:
      To: Handyman
      Patrick Henry, Elbridge Gerry, George Mason, Luther Martin, and others felt the same as you and me Handyman. Patrick Henry refused to serve the government because he opposed granting any more power to the national government. These men refused to sign the Constitution because they disagreed with some provisions in it, and also because it failed to provide a “Bill of Rights” to protect the citizens against their own government.
      These men weren’t stupid because they recognized a government with a potential greed for total power over its citizens. And for this reason; our Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is vital to free American patriots. We either live free or die!
      USAF (RET)
    • CWO4 Larry, USN Ret says:
      A few months back I was going to invest in precious metals, gold to be precise, however; I changed my mind and invested in lead.
  • James Andrews says:
    That’s right-we are MUCH better off trying to help one another, and trade with one one another, than shooting at eachother. I don’t want to see violence-but ifit came to that-let us keep it down in Washington-that’s where it belongs. Go after the real thugs that created this mess!
  • uzitiger says:
    The Obamanable Muslim already has his Teamster thugs ready to attack decent Americans like Hitler’s brownshirts. His 250,000 man private security force that he wants will be his black shirts.

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