Thursday, December 13, 2012

Three Months Later: No Justice, Unanswered Questions on Benghazi | CowboyByte

Three Months Later: No Justice, Unanswered Questions on Benghazi | CowboyByte

Three Months Later: No Justice, Unanswered Questions on Benghazi

Three months ago today, President Obama woke up to the news that US Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans had been murdered during a terrorist attack on our consulate in Benghazi. The president had been informed that an active attack was underway the night before — but how actively he followed the developing raid, and what (if any) orders he issued, remains a mystery. On September 12, the president skipped his daily intelligence briefing and flew to Las Vegas for a campaign rally. This much we know. The Obama campaign eventually accused Republicans of “politicizing” the massacre by asking questions about it, asserting that the “entire reason” it was a major national story was due to rank exploitation of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. Even with the president’s re-election safely tucked away, the White House has continued to defend its UN Ambassador (and possible Secretary of State in waiting) against charges that she dissemminated false information to mislead the public about the true nature of the deadly attack. The president and his top lieutenants have repeatedly dodged difficult questions, changed their stories, and hidden behind the dubious fig leaf of “ongoing investigations.” Obama has vowed to track down those responsible for the atrocities and bring them to justice. He has also stated his desire to find out exactly what happened in Benghazi that night. The federal investigation into the attacks got off to a stupefyingly dreadful start, and three months later, justice and accountability remain in short supply:
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