Saturday, January 7, 2012

RINOs, DINOs, and One Good Democrat | Conservative Byte

RINOs, DINOs, and One Good Democrat | Conservative Byte

RINOs, DINOs, and One Good Democrat

United States Senator Joe Manchin (D- West Virginia) is a breath of fresh air amidst all the confusion and dysfunction in Washington. Joe hasn’t been in our nation’s capital very long but he is trying to rebuild America and West Virginia like a hard working CEO of a corporation. (Joe won the special election in November 2010 to fill the seat of Robert Byrd, who had died in office.)

Joe’s family background and his own experience go deep into leadership and capitalism. His Italian grandfather (Joe Manchin I) owned a grocery store. His father owned a carpet and furniture store. Both his father and grandfather were elected as Mayors of Farmington, W.V., Joe’s hometown.

My first encounter with Joe Manchin was in the late 70’s before he was elected to the West Virginia House of Delegates in 1982. My wife and I wanted to carpet our stairs and all of the companies in the area could not figure out how to cover the edge of the steps until we called Joe’s company. Joe figured out how to do the job in just a few minutes. We were both thrilled we found someone who knew how to tackle the job and get it done correctly. Ever since that day, Manchin impressed me.

I have been a reporter for two daily newspapers, a newsman on television and a business owner for 37 years publishing a weekly paper with a large regional circulation. I have witnessed and covered many politicians and news events in the last 40 years, so I can really appreciate Joe’s work ethic and family background. He’s hard working and dedicated to getting the job done.

Starting Monday January 9, he is launching a two-week statewide tour focused on “Standing Up For Common Sense.” On the tour Manchin will discuss policy changes ahead in 2012 and the need to stand up for common sense ideas that will boost the economy, create jobs, achieve energy independence and rebuild America.

Manchin wants to put politics aside and focus on what’s best for America and the next generation.

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140 Responses to RINOs, DINOs, and One Good Democrat

  1. DAVE IN HOUSTON says:

    What a treat! Maybe there is hope for this nation.

    • JimRed says:

      He will be VERY unwelcome by the Democrat Party leadership!

      • Dingbat36 says:

        I somehow get the idea that he may have had that problem before. If it hasn’t bothered him up to now, maybe we have actually spotted a “good” Democrat………..that would be a real breath of fresh air in a huge cloud of stinking DemoNrats!!

      • Jerry F. says:

        I look for Joe to in time to change to a moderate republican,pretty much like Reagan did.

        • Southerner says:

          Jerry F…..The situation is not moderate in Washington….It is extreme! One thing you learn in combat is that if you do not meet your enemy on the field with equal force of better you get your A_s kicked! We need people that will hold no Bars and take back the Nation

          • Desert Nonna says:

            To Southerner:
            Amen to that. I still don’t understand how people don’t see how to the extreme left this administration is propelling us.

          • Jerry F. says:

            You’re right but I would rather have Joe start being a moderate repub.then moderate lib. at least then you have something to work with you can slowly get him to be more conservative.

        • Sam says:

          I’ll second that emotion. On another tact, moderate Republicans, which Reagan was not (but he started in politics as one), and moderate Democrats, are the central political figures in COMPROMISE, that act which has gradually, but steadily led us down the liberal-progressive path to socialism.

        • fldammy says:

          Moderate Republican is another word for Progressive Republican. Reagan was anything but a moderate, he was hard core conservative. The GOP establishment hated him because he was conservative. What we need today is elect conservatives that will have to begin the rebuilding America after the financial collapse is over.

          • Jerry F. says:

            Sam and fldammy Reagan started out as lib. dem.and after what he seen in the union movement thats when he switched to a moderate repub.when he first bcame a repub. he still believed in abortions and taxes,he rally turned to a full conservative after he made his first vrun at president.

          • Eileen Pressler says:

            Oh boy, This guy is a “a day late and a dollar short.” I respect his values and am glad he is in Congress but, he is going to be as popular with the Dimocrats as Herman Cain, Salrah Palin, and all real coonservatives are with the Rino Republicans.” It’s past time for a real shake up in political parties.. We are running out of time.

          • Mountain Saint says:

            Reagan was a Conservative in rhetoric only but governed like a Liberal (He always a Democrat at heart). ..Consider: (1.) He grew Government and tripled the national debt (2.) He changed America from a trade surplus nation into a trade deficit nation, costing us tens of millions Middle Class jobs and trillions in trade debt over the years (3,) He tore down our borders with his amnesty and allowed 38,000,000 additional illegal aliens to enter our country, causing most of the problems we have today. And (4.) He aided and assisted enemy countries and was almost impeached for his many scandals.

      • Desert Nonna says:

        All the more reason to support him. He’s the only one in the Socialist Democratic Party who truly has common sense.

      • Gary says:

        Not really, check his voting record.

      • del says:

        Only the jerks and progressives

    • Texas001 says:

      If he is of the Zell Miller mold then he will be good, if not then just wait until he gets seated and the demoncrats light into him and push for conversion to their thinking.

      • Annie Ann says:

        Then let us pray for him and get Gods portection. There is only two sides. Evil and righteous.
        Satan and God, or TRUTH and a LIE. LIFE and Death. Call it by different names but it is all the same. God says you will love ME and hate evil or you will love evil and hate ME. I choose this day to pray for this man, to Love God and hate evil.

        • cheryll says:

          Amen to this….

        • Papa Kilo says:

          Annie, there are already congregations in West Virginia that have regularly scheduled prayer meetings in which they pray for only one thing – protection against the tyranny of the federal government. And this in districts dominated by government growing Democrats. One of these days there is going to be a great dawning in those church meetings when they realize just who is destroying their lives.

        • Southerner says:

          Annie Ann…..hmmmm interesting you can be aligned with the Mecca-Churian Obama and hate evil??? God is the leader of the Democratic party??? Sorry sounds like drinking ditch water to get healthy! Pray that he will denounce his association with the Democratic party and declare himself independent or something! otherwise he can not be obeying God according to your quote.

      • Mountain Saint says:

        Texas, yes, just like what happened to the Tea Party people once they arrived in Washington. They abandoned us.

        • Navy Chief says:

          No the Tea Party folks did not abandon us common folks. The Republican establishment is doing everything they can to either ignore the Tea Party, or crush their ideas

    • Mary says:

      Sorry to piddle on your parade folks, but like every Democrat, he gave his constituents the finger and supported Obamacare. Scratch the surface of any alleged DINO and you will find an Obama lapdog.

      • Susan says:

        Manchin was not in the Senate when Obamacare was passed.

        • Mary says:

          Susan, google “Manchin supports Obamacare”. Also he voted against the repeal of Obamacare. He gave the people of W.Va the finger like every other Democrat gave their constituents.
          Democrat, DINO, Obama lapdog. No difference.

      • fred says:

        obama care was pushed thru in theSpring of 2010

        before he was elected

        • Mary says:

          Fred, please reread my post. He voted against the repeal of Obamacare. I hope you will also google “Manchin supports Obamacare”. That he didn’t vote for the original mandate is irrelevant. He opposed its repeal. Sorry, but he gave the folks in W.Va the finger with that one.

    • Maria-Erlinda says:

      A treat would be if he stops lending the Democrat Party a good face that such institution lost decades ago, and if whoever at Conservativebyte wrote this deceptive piece ceases and desists.

      Norman Mattoon Thomas (1884 – 1968) was a leading American socialist and six-time presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America.

      As the 1944 Socialist Party candidate for President of the US, Thomas, said in a public speech:

      “The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of “liberalism,” they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened… I no longer need to run as a Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democrat Party has adopted our platform.”

      A good American would not stay in the Political Party whose hardcore-Left ideology base and high hierarchy –now absolute lead by Obama– is inflicting America such utter destruction as we non-leftists clearly see it.

      A good carpeter Manchin may be; a good American he doubtfuly is.

      • Lorton hack says:

        The democrats ran me off with all the hard-left turns they took in the late ’60′s and early ’70′s. I left and haven’t looked back. They have nothing nor anyone that I can support.

      • AlwaysAmazed says:

        My grandfather was a very strong conservative and very loyal democrat until the day he died. Old loyalties are hard to give up. It is hard to remember in todays red state/ blue state make-up that not so long ago the south was predominately Christian, conservative, traditional family value oriented and solidly democratic.

        If Joe Manchin has the traditional values and common sense that he seems to, then he won’t last long as a democrat. He will be the next Rodney Alexander, who after the first few altercations with the democratic party leadership realized that his values were not compatible with the DNC and changed parties.

      • Southerner says:

        Maria-Erlinda…….Maybe we could write a book about the two types of deception in Washington and call it “Manchin and the Mecca-Churian Candidate!” Describing the false face of Machin and the smoke and mirros ofObama!

    • Bay0Wulf says:

      I have been disappointed by politicians of every party out there and so I do not vote according to “Party Lines” … usually. 2008 I voted with deep misgivings straight Republican. 2010 I voted with determination straight Republican in an effort to throw a monkey wrench in the current Administration’s “works”.

      I am a Conservative Constitutionalist and consider myself closely aligned with the “Tea Party’s” thought process.

      I believe that the “Tea Party” should continue to work to vet, promote and advance those people who most closely follow their thought process regardless of what “Party” they espouse. I don’t care what someone declares themselves to be if they will do the job that they “swear” to do when they first take office. I believe that they should do everything possible to live up to their promises made during their campaign as long as it does not conflict with their sworn duty as a representative of the United States Government, the Constitution and “We the People”.

      Too many good people have gone into government and then either been persuaded or coerced into becoming just another useless, lying, glad handing politician. Being forced, even for the right reasons, to crawl into bed with the Devil in order to get a “Deal Done” … even good deals … is to be avoided. I believe that the people promoted by the Tea Party need to support each other and work very hard to avoid letting any member of their cadre to stray into “Politics as Usual”.

      I sincerely hope that Joe is capable of avoiding the pitfalls of politics and can do something to help Our Country out of its mess. I hope he has the temerity and backbone to seek allies wherever he may find them even if it is “across the aisle”.

      We need Representatives with backbone and strong personal integrity. Let us hope that Joe is one of these.

      • idefendtheConstitution says:

        I agree with you 100%. Nice to see I am not alone. If we can have a few million others join us, maybe we can save our country.

      • America 1 says:

        We could use a party like ours! I also call myself a Constitutional Conservative! The Republican party went too weak-kneed for me to still call myself one of them, but I guess we still need to work through them until they become us; We, the People. I agree wholeheartedly with your entire argument. T.E.A Party again for 2012!

        • Bay0Wulf says:

          The problem with creating a “Party Like Ours” is that until it becomes strong enough to be a true “third party” it will only serve to weaken whatever platform existing conservatives have or can mount by fracturing the voters. That is, numbnuts would get elected because a strong, but not strong enough, candidate will draw voters away from an alternate pretty good choice and neither will win the election.

          Further, as an established “Party”, the likelihood of it also becoming corrupt over time is extremely high.

          The Tea Party as an outside watchdog with no “Party” affiliations can select those people who best suit our needs within the current crop of possibles. Perhaps the day may come that they can use their influence to persuade someone to run for a given office with their support. I believe however that the Tea Party itself should remain unaffiliated with any particular Party.

          They can act as a filter for all the BS out there better than as another part of the BS itself.

          “The Facts Ma’am, JUST The Facts …”

      • Christopher says:

        Well Said Bayowulf!

    • ak says:

      Well if it is true that he is a good one, why would he be a democrat ? I could see an independent, but democrat ? really ? that party stands for the murdering of babies, and their current leader approves of the most vicious form of abortion, partial birth abortion, and the party is against everything our forefathers fought and died for

  2. joe says:

    Challenge BHO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Capt. Link Hogthrob says:

    Manchin needs to abandon the sinking democrat/communist party before he drowns with the rest of the rats.

  4. Willy says:

    Bad company corrupts good morals. If you need book, chapter and verse then you don’t know what I mean. Let’s see who he hangs around with before we call him a breath of fresh air.

    • jan says:

      Very well put. When a politician it is easy to tell the people what they want to hear…a problem that most politician’s have. If you vote for democrats and/or are a democrat then you are a democrat which means that you pretty much believe in the party platform. There is no such thing as a democrat in name only, because you vote and you vote for what the party wants. So for instance, if you are pro-life and you vote democrat and/or are a democrat then you are not pro-life. Can’t happen. You can rationalize it anyway you want but your money and voting power is going in support of abortion..have fun.

    • Carol Ann says:

      When you hang with dogs, you get fleas

  5. Gordy says:

    We need more politicians like him. As an Independent voter and US Army Vet, I never vote the party, but have found it increasingly difficult to vote for Democrats. Lately both parties look like they’re only in it for the money and re-election. And look where the country is today and where it appears to be going.
    My philosophy is throw ‘em all out and get real people in office the way the founders intended..

    • Garx69 says:

      Gordy, Where is your name on the ballot? We all need to do more than comment on a blog. Volunteer, interact, campaign for your choice of candidate, STOP OBAMA.

    • Dingbat36 says:

      Throw them all out? Allen West and Marco Rubio as well?

      • Eileen says:

        Yes, all of them! We may lose some that appear good on the surface, but when all is said and done, these are still career politicians and not at all what our founding fathers wanted for fear of corruption. Clean house in 2012 and replace them with ordinary folks who have integrity and morals. Happy New Year all!

    • John Wayne says:

      I used to “vote for the candidate”. I even voted for a couple of Democrats. I noticed that they voted Party Line and I haven’t made that mistake again!

      • Rustytruck says:

        Yeah I used to do that too John and then during the Clinton ’08 run, she
        sent me a flyer that said If I wanted to vote for a particular Democrat I ahd to vote the entire party or else my vote would be null and void for the entire ticket. I wish I’d saved that one. What a laugh, of course I didn’t buy into that but I thought it funny she assumed I was stupid enough to believe it. Anybody else get one of those things from Hillary?
        It was probably one of her campaign people who sent it out is what they told me when I called about it.

    • Maria-Erlinda says:

      Gordy et al,

      Don’t, please, put the Party of Lincoln and Reagan –now, corrupted ideologically by RINOs and establishment Republicans; and, morally, by scoundrels of all sorts…but a political party still salvageable– on a par with what for all practical purposes has become, irredeemably, the Party of Keynes, and the Party of Olivetti and Mussolini, and and the Party of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Mao.

      The Tea Party movement –keeping its original vision– can reclaim the Party of Lincoln and Reagan.

      No one and nothing can save the Democrat Party.

      • Southerner says:

        Maria-Erlinda…..I could give you a big hug for that last Comment! If someone invited you to a Steak dinner and then starts to dig in trash cans to find one….would you eat with him? Makes about as much sense as believing in a good Democrat and fits the majority of the Republicans as well!

  6. Jonathan says:

    Really?! Is this a puff piece? Bart Stupak was a good democrat too….right?! Whatever! He will do whatever his party tells him to do if they had a piece of legislation they wanted to get passed.

  7. Ann Francis says:

    Maybe just a good salesman????

  8. Dee Davis says:

    As a resident of a neighboring state, there are times when I wonder why Sen/Gov Manchinis a Democrat! He seems like a Reagan Democrat to me.

  9. wt says:

    Not to worry—Pelosi and Reid will get him!!!

  10. Ann Francis says:

    Gordy, you are easily sold! I don’t even see an author to this piece, and they do NOT indicate anything Manchin has done except for figuring out how to lay carpet.

  11. Ray says:

    So there is intelligent life in the democratic party. Now let’s get some more of them in there, and into the republican party. Right now most of what we have is one sorry mess of misfits in the District of Corruption. Maybe this guy should challenge obummer, I would vote for him since most of the republicans running I really dont care for. I did like Herman Cain and Michelle Bachman but they withdrew. I guess Chris Christie of NJ, Allen West of So. FL, Rubio of FL and other good potential candidates are just going to wait until 2016 before running, wish they would run now – especially Allen West. West is a black, retired Army Colonel and would trample obummer in the white house race. Aside from that he would make an excellent president because the man can think and he is a natural leader.

    • calypsoman says:

      I agree WEST is a man to watch! Give him the opportunity and he might prove to be different in-the-DC-world-of-largely-corrupted individuals.

    • Southerner says:

      Ray…..You are singing my song! Allen West could turn this nation around! He is a Man of real resolve! But he is not part of the boys club on the Hill! He is the top priority of the Democrats to be removed from Politics. He would make seek a place to hide and even if Obama had 10 teleprompters it would not give him any advantage in a debate with Allen West. We need fresh blood in Washington people who have been there for decades not passing anything to really get the job done…ain’t going to get it done now!
      If we could get Col. Allen West and Gov. Nikki Haley on the same ticket and have Voter Citizenship Verification and monitoring of the Absentee ballot the Demo’s would be lucky to get even 35% of the vote!

    • Virginia says:

      I wish you people would do research before spouting off! Rubio is NOT eligible to run for president! He and Bobby J, Louisiana have the same problem as Obummer! Parents not born in the U.S. I love Rubio, BUT HE’S NOT ELIGIBLE!

      • Southerner says:

        Virginia…..You are correct!….However Rubio and Jindal could fulfill many positions in the Administration that would serve this country very well they are both excellent statesman.

        • Maria-Erlinda says:

          Southerner et al,

          Not so fast; per the United States Code Title 3, Section 19 Vacancy in offices of both President and Vice President, Paragraph (d) (1) says, neither of the two can occupy a number of posts where they could be in the Line of Succession:

          “If, by reason of death, resignation, removal from office, inability, or failure to qualify, there is no President pro tempore to act as President under subsection (b) of this section, then the officer of the United States who is highest on the following list, and who is not under disability to discharge the powers and duties of the office of President shall act as President: Secretary of State, Secretary of the Treasury, Secretary of Defense, Attorney General, Secretary of the Interior, Secretary of Agriculture, Secretary of Commerce, Secretary of Labor, Secretary of Health and Human Services, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Secretary of Transportation, Secretary of Energy, Secretary of Education, Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Secretary of Homeland Security. ”

          Check it for yourself at$$xa$$busc3.wais&start=43231&SIZE=7324&TYPE=TEXT

          The ugly experience America is having with Obama’s dubious eligibility per Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5 of the U.S.A. Constitution (aka Constitution 215) dictates that we must be unequivocally and unambiguously certain that any one aspiring to or already in or in the line of succession to the Presidency must comply with Constitution 215.

          • Southerner says:

            Maria-Erlinda…….That is exactly why I wrote “many positions in the Administration” I served this Government for more than 10 years I am very well aware of these matters. However thank you for a well written response because the majority of the people who claim to have Knowledge of the Constitution really have very little and follow the trash posted on the internet and become Cyber Idiots.

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