Monday, March 5, 2012

Gmail - Game On. Sheriff Joe Needs Your Support Now -

Gmail - Game On. Sheriff Joe Needs Your Support Now -

Game On. Sheriff Joe Needs Your Support Now

TheTeaParty.Net to me
show details 12:03 PM (1 hour ago)

Dear Patriot,

Below please find a special message from one of our sponsors, Sheriff Joe Arpaio. He has important information to share with you. Thank you

Please note that the following message reflects the opinions and representations of our sponsor alone, and not necessarily the opinion of

joe arpaio

Dear Friends:

I need your help.

My campaign for re-election is just under way and already I'm being attacked in negative television ads that are full of lies and distortions.

This wasn't totally unexpected. What surprises me is that they would start running ads so early in the election cycle. This tells me I'm in for a long, brutal re-election battle for another term as Sheriff.

My opponents know they can't run a campaign based on the facts or else they'll lose. So, they have to resort to lying about me and my record. The group running the ads is the same group that recalled Arizona State Senator Russell Pearce last year and are calling for me and Arizona Governor Jan Brewer to resign.

It won't happen.

There is only one reason this group wants me gone: My unapologetic enforcement of our state and country's laws against illegal immigration.

Oh, they won't tell you that because they know they're on the losing side of the argument. Instead, they're trying to paint a picture of me as being corrupt.

These vicious ads come on the heels of the Obama Justice Department issuing a scathing,but unsubstantiated report about my office and our efforts to combat illegal immigration. They accuse me of using "racial profiling" tactics during our course of investigating those who are in this country illegally. Yet, they offer no evidence to support their claims.

This is nothing but a political stunt aimed at intimidating me from doing the job I was elected to do. I have unapologetically enforced the laws of the state of Arizona and our country. But, this doesn't fit into their overall political agenda.

These efforts are an attempt to keep me from doing my job to protect our citizens. I'm sure the Obama Administration figures they can use me as their whipping boy in an effort to keep other law enforcement agencies from aggressively enforcing illegal immigration laws.

It won't work. I will not be intimidated by an Administration that has failed to secure our border. I will not back down one inch.

But I know winning another term as Sheriff will not be easy.

Will you stand with me and support the Rule of Law? I hate asking for political contributions, but I know that if I do not, then my political opponents will be even further emboldened in their efforts to remove me.

What they want is a Sheriff who will look the other way when it comes to illegal immigration. I am not that kind of Sheriff. I took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and I will honor that oath even if it costs me my job.

I must have the support of good people around this country if I'm going to be successful.Will you join me today with a contribution to "Re-Elect Joe Arpaio 2012?"

Please send your most generous contribution today by clicking here. I cannot thank you enough.


Sheriff Joe Arpaio
Maricopa County, Arizona

P.S. Even if you do not live in Maricopa County, Arizona please know that we have become the gateway for illegal immigration in this country which affects your community as well. Please click here to support my campaign.

And, one final question: Will you forward this email to four or five of your closest friends? I need to get my message out to those who stand with us in enforcing the laws of this country. Thank you!

Paid for by Re-Elect Joe Arpaio 2012 is forwarding this message to you from one of our sponsors. Sponsorship does not imply any endorsement of the products or services referenced herein by our organization or imply any exclusive arrangement with All personal information of subscribers is kept in strictest confidence and never shared with sponsors. | 1707 Pennsylvania Ave. NW,
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Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.


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