Saturday, March 24, 2012

Immigration Reform, Democrat-Style : Personal Liberty Alerts

Immigration Reform, Democrat-Style : Personal Liberty Alerts

Immigration Reform, Democrat-Style

March 24, 2012 by  

Obama’s just making it up as he goes along. The TSA always gets their man; more or less. Lil’ Johnny Ambulance-chaser goes “pro.” And Brian Williams raises the alarm! All this — plus — the fleabaggers didn’t even put the seat down. Presented in 1080 hi-def, FOR FREE! It’s The Great Eight, from the Personal Liberty Digest™!
Ben Crystal
Ben Crystal is a 1993 graduate of Davidson College and has burned the better part of the last two decades getting over the damage done by modern-day higher education. He now lives in Savannah, Ga., where he has hosted an award-winning radio talk show and been featured as a political analyst for television. Currently a principal at Saltymoss Productions—a media company specializing in concept television and campaign production, speechwriting and media strategy—Ben has written numerous articles on the subjects of municipal authoritarianism, the economic fallacy of sin taxes and analyses of congressional abuses of power.

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109 Responses to “Immigration Reform, Democrat-Style”

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  1. GiveMeLiberty says:
    After a week of vomiting from reading and learning of liberal atrocities, Mr. Crystal’s video commentaries are sooooo refreshing….Thank You.
    • Tom W. says:
      We all need to be brought back to reality at least once a week GML! Thank God for Ben!!! The trouble with the lefties is that they truly belive that the flip is reality! Poor ignorant ba$tards!!!
      Has anyone caught this montage of our beloved POTUS using the same lines when addressing different world leaders?!! Hilarious!!! Some czar’s getting ready to get an a$$ ripping! Like this idiot doesn’t realize he’s using the same lines making US all look like a bunch of self-centered pompous a$$holes!!!
      • GiveMeLiberty says:
        Thanks Tom W. for the video link….proves the guy in not intelligent and acts merely as a progressive liberal mouthpiece, constantly regurgitating talking points. He is embarrassing, especially when our ‘strongest and greatest’ allies are so inclined to make a video about his parrot tendencies. Even more troubling to me is, we actually PAY a volunteer community organizer to represent the world’s greatest nation ever conceived on the world stage. Let’s not repeat that mistake.
      • Kate8 says:
        Tom W. – Great video! Thanks. I’m sending this one to everyone on my email list.
        This man is an embarrassment. I didn’t think it was possible to be more embarrassing than the oratory skills of GWB, but this guy takes the cake…especially since the LSM tries to promote him as being ever-so-brilliant.
        P-U-P-P-E-T. With all of the info coming out about this guy’s past, and the fact that he was backed and funded by Goldman Sachs and the Global Banksters… it appears that he is, indeed, a Manchurian president, who’s been groomed and brainwashed since childhood for just the purpose of bringing down America and overthrowing the system. (I refuse to capitalize president in his case.)
      • JeffH says:
        Tom, excellant! Such an embarrassment. I wasn’t sure whether to puke, laugh or just shake my head in disgust! I settled for shaking my head in disgust.
    • REALLY the can laughter must of given you a hard on as well. How refreshing
      • Tom W. says:
        It did! Wanna do something about it?!!
      • GiveMeLiberty says:
        Hey Mr. evil doer, this is a “your fly is open” moment…AGAINST is spelt just like it sounds….A GAIN ST
      • Tom M. W. says:
        Your criticism of this issue is predicated upon canned laughter? Wow! What a powerful rebuttal! But, it’s just as weak a response as everything else the Liberals offer. Ranks right alongside defecating on cop cars.
    • Funny stuff, Ben. Not quite in the Stewart/Colbert league yet, but keep practicing. Maybe one of these days you’ll get your own show on Comedy Central.
      But here’s something that’s not really funny. Who are you going to replace BO with? Surely not the quatro amigos currently vying for the job. Sorry to bring everybody down, but the country is in crisis, remember?
    • Mild Bill says:
      Sorry to use your space Gimmee, But please check out “Proof of voter fraud in the USA from the horses mouth” , on Y-o-u–T-ub-e ! , UNBELIEVABLE !
  2. Karolyn says:
    And what’s wrong with ceramic kittens? I actually almost smiled at “Al Qua-eda.”
    • Tom W. says:
      What?! Till ya heard your skin cracking?!! Keep hangin’ around here Karlolyn, and we’re going to convert ya!!! It’s our “Jihad”!!!
    • louie1 says:
      Keep trying, Karolyn. Someday you may actually learn how to laugh for real, not just ‘almost’.
  3. Vigilant says:
    Re the Solyndra statement: has Obama ever admitted responsibility for ANYTHING that went wrong/wasn’t fixed/made worse by his actions?
    • Tom W. says:
      He’s got more nerve, well I’ll let someone else come up with an expletive describing how much, but he’s even taking cedit for the Keystone pipeline!!! Would someone PLEASE explain how they could approve the lower leg from Norman, OK to Port Authur TX and not approve the upper leg connecting us to the source! Barack is a lot of things but I never thought he was blonde! Duhhhh!!!
    • Actually President Obama. Put restriction and cut fundunding on Solindra. Solindra was another bush screw up. (as was 9-11, two unpaid wars, attacling a country that had nothing do with 9-11) AND how many AMERICAN BOYS were KILL because of his screw up????????????????????
      • DH says:
        Bush never approved Solyndra and in fact was against any loans to Solyndra. Please get your story straight. Dont expect that maybe you are lieing on purpose, you just dont know the truth.
        It is like Obama now saying that he was in favor of the Keystone Pipeline all along and it was the republicans who were not in favor of it. Sounds like you are picking up his lies and simply repeating them.
      • Tom W. says:
        Blame it all on Bush!!! How convienient! I’m not saying that “W” did no wrong, as a matter of fact, I would say that it’s you lemmings who were duped into believing that Barack Hussein Obama was any kind of CHANGE at all, he simply put “W’s” policies into warp drive!!! But how long can you morons on the left morons on the left continue to blame Bush for this administration’s failed policies?!! Sounded preety good, huh?! That was my Sean Hannity impersonation!!! Wanna hear it again?!
      • Mild Bill says:
        What will you do and where will you go when sanity takes over America ? . . I’d be happy to chip in on a one way ticket for you to France or maybe China ? . . Let me know what you decide, as WE American’s will be glad to see you go ! . . Perhaps you could book a flight with O back to his home town in Africa and you could have some face time with him to tell him how great he is and how much you idolize him !
      • Vigilant says:
        Your screen name would more appropriately be “evil against doers.”
        And note that I spelled “against” correctly.
      • Tom M. W. says:
        Perhaps “agaist evil doers” is also “agaist” eliminating the United States Department of Education too. Oh, wait. That’s impossible. Look at the success the Dep’t of Ed had with him.
      • louie1 says:
        You have the right to comment here but don’t expect to be appreciated for your skewed and lying Liberal views. Idiots, go home.
      • Vicki says:
        louie1 says:
        You have the right to comment here but don’t expect to be appreciated for your skewed and lying Liberal views.
        He as the right to comment. He has PERMISSION to comment here graciously provided by the owners of this site. Fortunately they allow him to post his lying liberal views so that we can show the world how foolish these views are.
      • JeffH says:
        Solyndra Scandal at the White House – Oct. 2011
        Congressional Investigation
        Yesterday, members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee released a statement detailing the initial results of their investigation into Solyndra and the nation’s stimulus money. The statement said:
        “The paper trail released by the White House portrays a disturbingly close relationship between President Obama’s West Wing inner circle, campaign donors, and wealthy investors. After 8 months of stonewalling by this Administration, today we finally learn one of the reasons why they fought our investigation every step of the way.”
        With the newly released treasure trove of White House correspondence, this story is just beginning to unfold. This isn’t the first scandal involving government funds that appears to have reached all the way to the White House. President Obama is also in the center of a Chicago scandal involving more of his early campaign contributors.
    • Warrior says:
      Can you say “fraud”? This whole cabal makes me sick! Fricken liars.
  4. dan says:
    always fun…makes the news bearable ….well almost. The only improvement would be a photo of that sweet sounding announcer….even if it is Ben’s grandmother.
  5. Barbara says:
    Oops.. guess I’m not awake yet. I signed up for Liberty Alerts just now but I’m already signed up…. Just send one please…. Thanks….
    • Tom W. says:
      It’s OK Barb, I went to pour coffee in my cereal bowl!!!
      • Vigilant says:
        Reminds me of the W.C. Fields movie. He’s at the breakfast table putting spoonful after spoonful of sugar in his coffee because his kids are distracting him. When he finally tastes the coffee, he grimaces and puts another spoonful in. LOL.
  6. Michael M. says:
    Finally funny political comedy. WTG. Maybe HBO can has a time slot for you!
    Look out Bill Mahers
  7. Michael M. says:
    Thanks for heads up. I use this site correct and acurate information to help me properly debate a Liberal Progressive blank blank blank ( you fill in the blanks) . Watching this funny skit was too good not to reply. We need more of it. Thanks!!!
    • Tom W. says:
      Hey Michael, you know what the word skit ryhmes with? Well I just found out where that word came from and was quite humorously surprised! Maybe we can get Bob to remove it from the black list!!!
      Manure… An interesting fact
      Manure : In the 16th and 17th centuries, everything had to be transported by ship and it was also before the invention of commercial fertilizers, so large shipments of manure were quite common. It was shipped dry, because in dry form it weighed a lot less than when wet, but once water (at sea) hit it, not only did it become heavier, but the process of fermentation began again, of which a by product is methane gas of course. As the stuff was stored below decks in bundles you can see what could (and did) happen. Methane began to build up below decks and the first time someone came below at nighwith a lantern, BOOOOM! Several ships were destroyed in this manner before it was determined just what was happening. After that, the bundles of manure were always stamped with the instruction ‘Stow high in transit’ on them, which meant for the sailors to stow it high enough off the lower decks so that any water that came into the hold would not touch this volatile cargo and start the production of methane. Thus evolved the term ‘ S.H.I.T ‘ , (Stow High In Transit) which has come down through the centuries and is in use to this very day. You probably did not know the true history of this word..Neither did I. Now, aren’t I a smarty pants ???
      • Michael M. says:
        If it makes you happy to educate people on this , then power to you.
        Have a wonderful day and keep up the great work!
      • dan says:
        As a sailor and an amateur scatologist…I salute you,sir.
        Where pray -tell ,would we stow Barry Husein the lawless one…
        i vote for towing astern and downwind as we know, fresh **** floats.
  8. Sirian says:
    “Obama’s just making it up as he goes along.” – Really? Never, not him. Sheriff Joe knows – it’s crazy to think such terrible thoughts of our prez.
    “The TSA always gets their man; more or less.” – Absolutely!! Wheelchair bound three year olds are one of the greatest threats to our National Security since the nuclear threat from the former USSR!! Strip search everyone of them and explosives of all types and forms will be found hidden tightly within the regions of their diapers and or clothing!!
    “Lil Johnny Ambulance-chaser goes “pro”. – As long as it will get his measly butt off with no more than a minimal fine to be followed by a full pardon from the prez just before he leaves office. Hmmm, sounds kinda familiar – uh, Clintonese?
    COWS – Crazy Occupy Wall Streeters – are showing their finest. Wait a second. . . how much methane gas was released when they dumped all that crap?? Why, that is adding to the CO2 levels!! GLOBAL WARMING, CLIMATE CHANGE!!! THE DESTRUCTION OF OUR PLANET -TERRORISTS!!! Give me a tree!! Give me a tree!! Give me a tree!!!
    • Tom W. says:
      COWS?! Did you coin that Sirian?! LOL!!! Quit it man, you’re killin’ me!!!! Sirian, if you come up with that, you deserve some kind of a “Left Basher Supreme” award or something, I actually have tears in my eyes!!! LOL! Nothing is going to bring me down today! Hey, how ’bout dem University of Louisville Fighting Cardinals Maverick?!! Is that a$$hole still around?! 3 2 GO!!! Go ahead and get in our way kittys, we’ll see y’all right after we pull some Gator teeth!!! That is if y’all make it!
      • Sirian says:
        Yep, that’s my term & simple definition. COWS – Crazy Occupy Wall Streeters. They have “parrot” training three times a day – 10, 2 & 4 – where’s the Dr.?? Lord they need a doctor!!! :)
      • cawun cents says:
        Omamba’s Willing Stooges.-CC.
    • cawun cents says:
      Obama’s Willing Stooges……-CC.
  9. Bob Rice says:
    Look out Ben,its just a matter of time,when the big Kahuna of law enforcement (holder) did you notice the small letters for his name? (thats my sign of dis=respect for him)comes to put you in the pokey,for dissing oreo,,but,i do like your great 8,how bout some more????
    • Tom W. says:
      Yeah, PLEASE keep it comin’ Ben!!!
    • Ret says:
      Oops, did you say pokey? Dat da name for feema? Gee I tought feema was girlz. Guess I betta be kareful. Yahoo blok me. No can write dis stuff on dere board. Too bad, it wuz fun to pizz of da folks over dere.
      Thanks for all the laughs today. Sure is refreshing, even if the places where I can express an opinion are getting fewer and fewer.
      • louie1 says:
        Yahoo? I deleted all things related to Yahoo when they teamed up with ABC. I got tired of Y. refusing to post my comments because they were too anti-Obama. They don’t believe in freedom of speech and their bias shows, big-time. They’re also in bed with too biased to be tolerated.
  10. Brad says:
    Man Sirian you need to have a skit also …very funny stuff. Well if we were not in laughable times we’d probably be crying
  11. rebeccamuniz says:
    well obama is right not all latinos rape teens and my husbandis mexican & kids are half mexican so i dont like ppl talking about them in bad ways
    • Tom W. says:
      Translater please!!!
      • Nadzieja Batki says:
        She is a phony.
        She pretends to not know the structure of sentences, misspells easy words, and spells the hard ones correctly.
    • louie1 says:
      After working with them for 12 years, I can honestly say that they rape anything, even if they have to bag their heads so they don’t have to look at their ugly faces. This is what one of them told me. I’ve never seen so many married men in one place with mistresses. Since many of the females worked at the same place it was easy to see how low their tastes were. Yuck. You may be proud to be married to one of them but, do you know where your spouse is when he’s out of your sight? It’s a reasonable question.
      • Michael M. says:
        I will tell you another thing about mexican men. The ones that stand on the corner looking for a construction job. I have a young daughter beautiful to my eyes. They look whistle at her like shes their next meal. I would think this would be normal usually. However first shes a kid find an older woman to lust after and i never quite see them so lively when a mexican child or woman walks by them. I guess when your here illegally rules dont apply to you just our free handouts.
  12. Robert Shugarts says:
    Sure is reassuring to read some of these comments and know that the republican party is still backed by the Wacko Population of America. Ever think to really, truthfully look for the cause of problems and then placing the blame where it belongs instead of figuring it must be the President (or the Democratic party) simply because your republican candidate told you it is? Didn’t think so. Your ass is for sitting on, not thinking with.
    • Jim Roper says:
      You sound like you are intoxicated on democrap kool aid.
      It is obvious that you are afraid that some body is going
      to interfere with your welfare checks and food stamps.
      “Morons are to be seen and not heard”
    • Warrior says:
      We just had our primary elections in ILL and lo and behold a state rep that just got caught by the feds taking a $7k bribe won in a landslide. One of his party alderman was asked about it and he thought it was perfectly ok to vote for him since he is a fellow demoncreep. Do tell! Good to see that you, Robert, have the same values. It probably makes your family proud.
    • Mild Bill says:
      What will you do when the demlibcom party no longer exists ? . . You talk as if YOU use your head and yet you hold true to a philosopy that would be the ruination of America ? . . I bet you live your life as a Conservative, don’t you ? . . Of course you do ! . . You have to to survive. . . Go out and run up your charge cards and then go to your neighbors and tell them they have to pay off your debt. . . Send YOUR children to a school to be indoctrinated into MY way of thinking ! . . Yeah ! The day of the dimlibcom’s is just about over and you will have to sit back and shut up and let TRUE American’s run the country. You know, the people that “love” America !
    • Tom W. says:
      And your a$$ is for John Holmes Robert!!! You probably also voted for Barney because of his good looks!
  13. gene1357 says:
    Mr Crystal,
    I think that you need to try to consistently speak more clearly and distinctly, so that your little “asides” are intelligible.
    The canned laughter, incidentally, only adds to the problem. Not once have I been able to make out each and every word that you speak. Keep in mind that these weekly presentations are often listened to on tiny computer sound systems.
    ps: there is nothing wrong with my hearing, and you do indeed tend to mumble sometimes.
    • Chris says:
      I’ve never have a problem hearing what he’s saying, sounds good to me and funny. JustSayin…
    • Tom W. says:
      Have ya ever tried new batteries in your hearing-aid gene?! Just asking!!!
      • Michael M. says:
        Boy you just love attacking people not issues dont you?
        Wait one minute sure your not Obama in disguise?
    • someone says:
      One must occasionally use intelligence and imagination to fill in the blanks. He mumbles on purpose, assuming that you are following what he’s saying. I get it every time! Thanks, Ben, enjoyed it as usual!
  14. THAT IS THE WAY HUMANS [?] who use the left side of their brain [Jeremiah Wright} do things;; no ability to use critical thinking only the “critical Race theory”.
    • Tom W. says:
      Consider the source Robert! I’ve got to run to the bank, got my income tax check! I gotta get that sucker in there while it’s still good!!! Maybe!
      • Michael M. says:
        Now thats too funny
        A Libtard who doesnt trust the government
        That is just priceless.
        The things that come out of peoples mouths .
      • Karolyn says:
        Michael – Obviously you’re new here. Tom is a dyed-in-the-wool Christian Conservative!
      • Michael M. says:
        Good to know Karolyn. Sorry about that then. I must have read it wrong way.
        Have a blessed day.
  15. Evie says:
    Immigration reform needs to start with us remembering that this country is American. Stop the Spanish speaking/written documents that the Federal Government is giving to people and put everything in English! This forces people to HAVE to learn English! We do not need a dual system language, written Federal documents, caring for the pregnant women who are illegal nor telephone answered phones that say press one for English and 2 for Spanish! If we put a stop to that perhaps our Hispanic residents would be more apt to learn English if they can’t communicate!. Our country has been stated by the Government that “we are an English speaking country!” (My mother came here many years ago and she was Hungarian – there weren’t any documents in Hungarian so she was forced to learn the English language.) Secondly, as a resident of Texas, I have come in contact with many of these immigrants from Mexico. They are told when they come to this country that the first thing they are to do is have a child so it is American – so we are paying for their medical care, and they are less likely to be deported – this is wrong! Also the reason why such a large population of Hispanics Third, an American born here should not be forced to have to be bi-lingual, if this country is English speaking, then don’t prohibit an American from getting a job because they don’t speak Spanish! We need to work the other way, make the Hispanics learn English, not the Americans learn Spanish! If we correct some of the issues mentioned above, we would not make it quite so easy for illegal immigrants to come here. Also, if we re-instate the quota system, we would also have a better ratio of population instead of seeing the majority of people influxing the United States as Hispanic. America needs all races, not an influx of one. I truly have nothing against the Hispanic population, if they have come here legally, and I believe they also feel the same way about illegals coming to our country. We as a nation need to follow up on our Federal Government statements, especially that this is an English speaking country. If we did, some of these issues would not be happening when we make it easy for a person to come here illegally
    • Ret says:
      Not just Spanish although that’s the worst problem. I could not believe the number of foreign languages that driver’s licenses are written in, and in Hawaii, you can’t get a job in some places if you don’t speak Japanese. Apparently, some places south of Quebec want French/English speakers, but I don’t know if that’s 100% true.
      Like your mother, my mother busted chops to learn English, she came here legally, didn’t have kids for a number of years, until she was married to my father, who is 2nd generation American. They ALL came legally and jumped the hoops.
    • louie1 says:
      I always felt that a binding requirement that the immigrant speaks English would be a good deterrent to keep a lot of them in their own countries. Deportation for those who don’t speak English should be mandatory. I always feel like a foreigner when I’ve gone into stores and have to listen to announcements in Spanish. This is a normal occurence in Southern Washington State. As such, their refusal to speak English and expecting us to learn Spanish has always been a sore spot with me. I equate them with gays in that they expect the majority to bend to their wishes.
  16. Howard Roark says:
    Immigration reform ! The Dems do not want to stop the horrendus flow of illegals as they will become Dem voters.{Legal or illegal voters it does not matter) that is why the Dems are so against the requirement of a photo I.D. to vote.They come up with the worn out reasons like the poor can not afford an I.D. card.( they came up with an I.D. card to apply for foodstamps,wick.section eight etc) they even had one of their Marxest Professors say that the penaltys for voter fraud are so high that nobody does it. (when was the last time you saw anyone prosecuted for voter fraud) The truth is that the motor voter law, opened the flood gates for illegal voting. The DMV now stands for the Department of Mexican Voters.
    • Alex says:
      I am willing to bet that most migrants, “legal” or otherwise, do better with the English language than you do, Mr Roark.
      Nice try, though. Thanks for playing.
    • Warrior says:
      Correct Howard. Once again the unintended consequences of the “progressive” policies created a shortage of potential “progressive voters” so they have to push for “open borders” and “education waivers” for foreigners and entice them with great programs like offering to them citizenship for purchasing property in the old us of a. So, their edumacation policies have been a disaster as is witnessed by urban public edumacation.
      There isn’t a single program instituted by “progressives” that they can proclaim a success! Go ahead, dare ya!
    • Ret says:
      Voter fraud? What’s that? Last go-round a guy in either OR or WA registered his dog, who voted. 1 barf for dems, 2 arfs for repubs.
  17. Alex says:
    Much as the better writers, the greater thinkers, and the brighter artists are from the left side of the political spectrum, the comedians and humorists on the Left are generally much funnier than anyone on the Right. Ben Crystal is NOT a comedian, or even a comedienne, so he shouldn’t really count as a Reich Wing laughmaker, but I’m just saying…. Never funny. Witless.
    With a laugh track! What a hoot!!
    • Warrior says:
      With all that “talent” in your stable, why are all the major “blue” states so ass-backwards and flat out “BROKE”?
    • dan says:
      could be that left -leaners have no sense of humor and can’t/won’t laugh at themselves
      like conservatives will…just sayin’
    • Mild Bill says:
      I’d be willing to bet you were a nerd in school. . Why is it that the demlibcom’s such as yourself always resort to correcting spelling or phraseology. . . Intelligence is never stated. . . It is percieved. . . If your philosophy is that of the critical thinker then perhaps you would take notice of the fact that your ultimate goal of communism has NEVER worked anywhere it has been instituted. . . Why then, critical thinker that you are, do you maintain the viability of continuing along a path that has been proven not to work ? . . It would seem to me that the demlibcom’s are governmentally sadistic. . . Why do your kind wish to force your thought process on people ? . . If it had any merit, free thinkers such as I would flock to join your ranks. . . Instead you follow in the footsteps of “forced” unionism, which by the way will fail also. . . You demlibcom’s truly are haters. . . You seek only to undermine, correct, belittle, and ultimately overpower your “adversary”. . . I on the other hand, seek to discuss my differences with fellow American’s in a constructive manner which may enlighten one or both sides to facts necessary to reach a logical conclusion. . . The mere fact that you obviously support a man that has been “installed” into the highest office in our land and are assumedly in favor of what he is doing to our great country, renders you, not stupid, but unpatriotic. . . That sir, is a CRIME in my book !
  18. DocJon says:
    Mexico and the entire central america is broke! America is going broke! Look out Canada… start building your fence now because you are next to have to deal with the mass of illegals.
  19. Howard Roark says:
    Read it agasin Alex. I never said anything about the language. your reply is typical. If you can not refute the facts then try to smear the writer.
  20. peterv says:
    when i first moved here to mexifornia way back in ’88 want ads said nothing about needing to be bi-lingual, then right around ’90 ’91 they read “bi-lingual helpful” from there, a few years later, “bi-lingual preferred” …now can anybody guess ! “bi-lingual required” and so it goes.
  21. joe says:
    we cant feed half of the people we have here they bring more in that take a dummy not some one smart do we under stand
  22. Evie, YOU ARE A TYPICAL texan RACIST Do you forget that you are here because your race came from other parts of the world, This country was and is stil is call the Americans naturally they were the the FIRST AMERICANS. before your race came here they (the AMERICANS) spoke SPANISH shouldn’t you to speak spanish to?? The world knows that white europeans took the AMERICANS by force from the Native people ( The AMERICANS) why can’t you, and the rest of the euro’s forget this?? funny how some words do not mean what they were intended to mean. you say claim you have nothing agaist hispanics IF THEY COME HERE LEGALLY. If they are here legally how can you tell? will they have to put there papers on there forehead? your type only see color. They pay TAXES TO they are entitle to what ever benefit thier is available including care for pregnancy.You are not paying for thier medical care , These Hispanic are paying some dead beat, racist SSI, medicare and welfare while the ANTIAMERICAN G.O.P. is trying to stop, take away from you , a benenfit’s that is paid by you!!!!! Maybe if you just stop drinking the fox news stupid juice you’l could learn to be an American. The apple did not fall far from the tree did your mother have the same racist attitude as you?
    • Michael M. says:
      Here is the difference with all due respect , our grandparents came here legally on a ship through Ellis island, not under a cut barbed wire fence.
      • peterv says:
        michael m , me thinks you’re missing the point and a few facts as well. why was there an Alamo…’remember the’ because it was the white europeans infringing on mexican turf and the mexican army went there to forcibly evict the interlopers.btw sir i know many europeans that didn’t “go thru ellis”. many were “escapees” not ‘illegals” sneaking out from under the iron curtain not a barbed wire fence.
      • Michael M. says:
        We dont live in the Alamo anymore. We live in the now. We can go back to biblical times and really undo it all. We live in the U.S.A , There are rules to play by. My grandparents and family played by those rules. Some were allowed to stay and some werent.
    • Mild Bill says:
      When you resort to the popular term “racist”, you render ALL that you say “NULL AND VOID”. . . People of all nationalities and races are welcomed by all American’s when they come here LEGALLY ! . . They are helped to fit into our society IF they so disire to do so ! . . All ethnic groups that come here and seek to change America into whatever land they left, might as well stay home. . . Our America was aquired the way lands and countries were usually aquired back then. . . To take over the land from the “non spanish speaking” Native American Indians was not done in a unusual way, for that was the custom back then. . . The Native American Indians did the same thing from tribe to tribe ! . . The more powerful tribes conqured the less powerful and would have been even more prevalent had their population been considerably larger and as their “claimed” territories overlapped. . . We may be better off today had we adopted the Native American Indian way of life for it seems they had honor and tradition, something that is now lacking in “our” society. . . . As far as, what you call “anti-American GOP”, you could not be further from the truth. . . When the “illegals” finally figure out that the only legitimacy they will have is going to come “from” the GOP. . . The democrats do not care for you or your people. . . They are using you and you allow them to do it ! . . .Come through the front door and become an American. . . Learn English . . TRY to fit in to American society and you will be welcomed. . . Otherwise, you will never be welcomed by the American people.
    • Evie says:
      I am NOT a racist! I am suggesting that our government follow it’s own policies i.e. this is an English speaking country, then why don’t we make it that. When you go to France, Germany, etc, documents are not written in the language of the person who is there, it is written in the country’s language, which in our case is English, as so stated by our government! As for taking care of pregnant women, we do pay for this for illegal’s care. I am not speaking of Hispanics who have come here legally. As for my family’s heritage, yes it is European, however, my mother was an immigrant, she had to wait until her country was allowed to have another person come into our country, her language was not Hispanic and so she had to learn how to speak English when she came to this country. She also became a citizen at the fastest pace made available for people from other countries.. I do have some very dear Hispanic friends in this country who came here legally and they also feel the same way I do about taking care of people who don’t follow the rules of our country! Whether they be Hispanic or any other race! So don’t try to discredit my thoughts as I am right, and you are wrong! This is an English speaking country and that is the way it should be. If one chooses to be versed in other languages that is the person’s choice, however, to make it easy for one race to not have to learn the ways and language of America is not right. I am versed in other languages, however, I don’t expect my country America where I was born to accommodate other people’s languages because they are too lazy to learn the language of our country…
  23. Mild Bill says:
    Off subject, but please check out “Proof of voter fraud in the USA from the horses mouth” on Y-o-u-Tu-be, if you have not seen this one it is worth your time ! . . . 2012 MUST have “paper” ballots. . . We need to insist !
  24. chuckb says:
    most of the illegals coming here from mexico are nationals and they love their home country, they are here for money and do take advantage of our welfare. they have no respect for our history and most want to annex parts of this country to mexico. claiming this land was taken from mexico.
    mexico didn’t exist prior to the spanish invasion, the land was inhabited by the aztec’s and various other tribes who conquered each other as they grew stronger. when spain occupied that country in 1519 and it came under spanish control they named it nueva espana. so these so called mexicans claiming california and other parts of this country was taken from them is sheer speculation. the nomadic indian tribes lived on most of this land and they are the ones land was taken from by treaties.
    they have no grounds coming here and claiming this land is their birthright and if they come here it should be by the legal way, not swimming the river.
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