Monday, November 5, 2012

McCain Kneecaps CNN Analysts: 'I Don't Expect You To Understand Our Veterans' - CNN - Fox Nation

McCain Kneecaps CNN Analysts: 'I Don't Expect You To Understand Our Veterans' - CNN - Fox Nation

November 05, 2012

McCain Kneecaps CNN Analysts: 'I Don't Expect You To Understand Our Veterans'

Sen. John McCain challenged the New Yorker’s Ryan Lizza and CNN’s Roland Martin over what veterans care about and the important of Benghazi in the election on Monday’s “Starting Point.”
“I don’t expect Mr. Martin and Mr. Lizza to understand our veterans,” McCain said.

177 people listening
The MSM is all for Statism. Their coverage and pushing for the President is ample proof enough for that to be readily appearent to all who watch. The Progressive Socialists infiltration of the media is complete and have turned a venerable profession into a gigantic propaganda machine for their cause. Which is why their reputation and approval ratings have gone to the dogs in the public's eye. America is a center right nation and these people are using the power of the media to try and change that. The same thing is happening to our public school systems. From Primary up to the College level. The indoctrination to their ideaology is broadly based and growing. They have learned to attack across many fronts and sustain those assulats with all the tools at their disposal. They heavily count on people's apathy to push their agenda. When all else fails, Union goons are called in to strong arm those that dare speak up or won't shut up trying to expose what they are and how they are going about it. Don't let this happen. Challenge those that want to do away with our Republic and Capitalism. Let your voices be heard in unision that we will not go quietly into that good night.  Speak the power of freedom and liberty for all to hear its clarion call to arms.
Anyone care for a good laugh, "say this two times in a row,"  Rotund Martin and Ryan Lizza two dynamic and engaging journalist...../s      I hope nobody forgot to change their clocks this weekend and remember to change your President this tuesday.......
God bless the USA and Governor Mitt Romney and Congressman Paul Ryan........ 
Lori Doke
Lori Doke
The best thing we can do about this biased MSM, is to simply NOT tune in any time for any reason.  If the Neilsen ratings drop much more, they will be out of jobs and applying to FOX.
Of course they would never understand, they would run like sissys if they ever had to defend themselves! Jerks!
I am trying to figure out a way to do a million signature petition tothe MSM requesting that fools like this are removed and the media becomeunbiased with the threat to start boycotting their advertisers.   Anyone got any ideas?
I meant Roland Martin - I am sick of the bias of the MSM and we the people need to do something about it, like boycotting advertisers.
Liberal Progressives should kiss the feet of our military.  If it wasn't for them , the liberals &  progressives wouldn't be able to have the freedom to carry on their freak show.............I served 14 years and I can tell you, I would do it agian for Love of Country.  Something Liberals know nothing about.
I don't know exacly what the ratings are for CNN, MSNBC, or any of the other left wing nut media outlets is, but, I don't watch them and don't know too many people who do, regardless, this debacle in Benghazi is a major issue and the mainstream media, except for Fox, has been AWOL. Good for McvCain to stand up and be counted and no matter the elections outcome, the truth has to come out. If Obama is re-elected, he must face the music and should be impeached, it's that simple. Hillary has to be held to account as well and she should go to jail.
Like McCain does....LOL....he turned his back on country many years ago
@coastal_1 Excuse me, you should be bythced slapped for that comment.  McCain spent 8 years as a POW, when and how did he ever turn his back on his country.  Gawd you are lucky this old man isn't standing next to you. 
Lori Doke
Lori Doke
How do you figure he did that?? He was a POW and suffered greatly  Would you have liked to trade places with him?
most of the news media arent journalists, they are collaborators. it happened in germany when such folks percieved a winner in the crazy colonel. it happened in france when germany invaded. what they never ever count on is the backlash when good eventually wins out. with the internet available, i know absolutely no one who watchs the 6 oclock evening news, cnn, msnbc etc for anything other than disaster coverage. soon they will be covering themselves
John, from the very bottom of my heart: I thank You and may the Peace of Jesus be with You, one veteran to another!
But please Sir, tell us why so many of our active duty servicemen and women are being denied their right to vote. The frogs certainly do not respect our vets and active duty service people but they understand where our central tendency of political thought is!!
As far as I'm concerned Obama should of been impeached by now for not giving these 4 Americans any help when they asked or should I say begged for help. Hours of fighting and the president new and still didn't give them help. Obama's job is to protect all Americans and he purposely denied help. He and Hillary Clinton kelled these people. Good for McCain for keeping his eye on this impeachable offence.
I am a Navy vet and I can tell you that I AM UPSET by this scandal.  I AM UPSET by how Obama treats our military.  I am worried about my son who is now in the Navy.  OBAMA MUST GO!!!  He is a cancer on our country.  Bump these liberals and their WORTHLESS opinions!
Those Dem morons know nothing about serving our country or fighting a war, just like Obama knows nothing, having to practice a salute and talking about Navy corpseman.  And now Obama wants to cut our benefits and has kept soldiers in foreign countries from voting.
I graduated HS two years after the Vietnam war (yes war you stupid Libs. people got killed and maimed)  I served 8 years.  Dems are usually people who never served,dodged the draft, or hate the military. As Commander in Chief  the president should not be a Democrat unless he is JFK.  Even when news media types go into a war zone they are pampered and protected by the US military.  We should reinstate the draft so everyone can have the chance of worrying if their son would have to go.  This would generate a healthy respect or at least fear among Libs.
Not just vets ... their family members too.  My son recently left the military and his position was one that he would not have seen combat.  Just the same, I can assure you that every time a picture is shown of one of the 4 that died in Bengahzi, every parent, every spouse, every child of a service member or member of the diplomatic core sees the face of their loved one and says a prayer.  We are living this horror story as if it were our own ... because, in a very real sense, it is.
i put in 24 years and i have never seen it so bad for us obama want to give our 150.000 thousand pink slip and take our retiremen because they say it to much well let them put up with what we have to and then let see what they say dam right we want to know what happen becaue then next time it could be more of our military left to died mafrty1939
JUST two man that havd not been in the military and they know what we want and just what did they do to defend this country one look like he could not ever get up from the table give him a pack and let see what he can do these pepople look down on us vote for romney marty 1939
John, why don't you introduce a bill next year to bring back the draft?  That way all these talking heads will at least have an idea what the cost of freedom is.
We DON'T need a draft.  I want our military men and women to WANT to be there!  What we need is to put these crazies back into the minority in which they truly are and where they belong.  What we need is for WE THE PEOPLE to stand up and say WE AREN'T GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!!
Well done John McCain! That was the best job I've seen in a long time of making the point and shutting everyone up at the same time. Great!
I agree, as a vet myself, I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore. I want answers, I wanted them Sept 12th. but all i heard was some crap about some video. I know when someone is BS ing me. I have Zero faith in this bunch of criminals in the White House. They think we are all stupid. They can tell us anything and we will swallow it. I don't and won't. I want a leader, not one of them are that.
I'd say the 500 military leaders, who this morning had a full paged ad in the Washington Times - endorsing MITT ROMNEY, payed for by their own check book, says plenty about what is at stake here. What is understood and known by the military? Obama is a poser and has little or no regard for the brave men and women of our country.  CNN makes me shiver with anger. 
@CajunLass I cured most of my shivering fits by refusing to watch the MSM, including CNN, etc. It is a sure cure for most of the anger. I applaud the military leaders who put their careers at jeopardy by endorsing Mitt Romney in a full page ad in the Washington Times. You know that if "O" gets a second term, he'll go after them. That's how he rolls.
I don't often agree with McCain anymore....... but on this I do 100%.    The MSM is so unpatriotic and racist it truly is a great shame for our country. He is right and a patriot on this matter ..............even though he is severely mistaken on other matters. 
That said ... if McCain and the media had done the right thing  in '08, Obama would have been exposed for the vile fraud he is. Not even his aura of  '08 would have saved him.
Since he was too chicken to do that in '08, if McCain and the media had been doing their job for the last 4 years we would not have Obama still in office today. 
If McCain had listened to others who know more and are not afraid to speak out .....instead of seeking to be "politically correct" to the detriment of our country.... we would not have the MB rampant influence inside our administration, justice department, DOD and congress  ..........where they do not belong!!!! 
Too bad that McCain didn't understand the goon Palin.  If he had, and had selected a competant Vice President candidate, he would be successfully running for his second term as President.
@mullahfakir Yeah, like you would have voted for a Republican.....
You mooseknuckles ARE incapable of telling the truth.
@mcveigh @mullahfakir Nice try, ignoramus
Would the blind shiek (a true example of bottom feeding third world detritus) have voted for McCain if Palin hadn't been the Veep?
And so what if Mitt loves Money.   So do you, except you want other people's to be just given to you.

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