Obama Declares War On Women
Written on MAY 7, 2012 by V2A, Filed under2012 Election, Family, Liberal Hypocrisy, Politics
46 CommentsQuick, hide under the covers. The nation’s storyteller, Barack Obama, unveiled a frightening new fable on the Internet intended to scare women away from supporting fiscal conservatives in November. But as is increasingly common with Obama’s social media propaganda initiatives, “The Life of Julia” immediately flopped.
Why? Because (1) self-sufficient women voters aren’t as sheeple-ish as Democratic strategists make them out to be, (2) conservative activists are overtaking Obama’s zombie army online, (3) non-delusional Americans don’t want cradle-to-grave utopians turning their country into the next Greece or Spain, and (4) responsible grownups are getting sick and tired of radical Saul Alinsky-style tall tales from the progressive Pied Piper.
Using snazzy graphics and interactive slideshow features, BarackObama.com spins a glowing narrative of imaginary Julia’s life from age 3 to 67. But “Julia” is a pathetic figment of the progressive imagination. She simply cannot function without the lifelong intervention of federal patriarchs.
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cradle to grave, Julia, Saul Alinsky, The Life of Julia
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Written on MAY 4, 2012AT 10:04 AM by FPP DHS Informant: ‘We Are Preparing For Massive Civil War’ Filed under DEBT CRISIS, ECONOMY, SOCIAL UNREST{10 COMMENTS AND 0 REACTIONS} In a riveting interview on TruNews Radio, Wednesday, private investigator Doug Hagmann said high-level, reliable sources told him the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is preparing for “massive civil war” in America. “Folks, we’re getting ready for one massive economic collapse,” Hagmann told TruNews host Rick Wiles. “We have problems . . . The federal government is preparing for civil uprising,” he added, “so every time you hear about troop movements, every time you hear about movements of military equipment, the militarization of the police, the buying of the ammunition, all of this is . . . they (DHS) are preparing for a massive uprising.” Hagmann goes on to say that his sources tell him the concerns of the DHS stem from a collapse of the U.S. dollar and the hyperinflation a collapse in the value of the world’s primary reserve currency implies to a nation of 311 million Americans, who, for the significant portion of the population, is armed. Continue Reading on www.beaconequity.com “We are Preparing for Massive Civil War,” Says DHS Informant Posted by Dominique de Kevelioc de Bailleul on May 03, 2012 | 133 comments In a riveting interview on TruNews Radio, Wednesday, private investigator Doug Hagmann said high-level, reliable sources told him the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is preparing for “massive civil war” in America. “Folks, we’re getting ready for one massive economic collapse,” Hagmann told TruNews host Rick Wiles. Sign-up for my 100% FREE Alerts “We have problems . . . The federal government is preparing for civil uprising,” he added, “so every time you hear about troop movements, every time you hear about movements of military equipment, the militarization of the police, the buying of the ammunition, all of this is . . . they (DHS) are preparing for a massive uprising.” Hagmann goes on to say that his sources tell him the concerns of the DHS stem from a collapse of the U.S. dollar and the hyperinflation a collapse in the value of the world’s primary reserve currency implies to a nation of 311 million Americans, who, for the significant portion of the population, is armed. Uprisings in Greece is, indeed, a problem, but an uprising of armed Americans becomes a matter of serious national security, a point addressed in a recent report by the Pentagon and highlighted as a vulnerability and threat to the U.S. during war-game exercises at the Department of Defense last year, according to one of the DoD’s war-game participants, Jim Rickards, author of Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis. Through his sources, Hagmann confirmed Rickards’ ongoing thesis of a fear of a U.S. dollar collapse at the hands of the Chinese (U.S. treasury bond holders of approximately $1 trillion) and, possibly, the Russians (threatening to launch a gold-backed ruble as an attractive alternative to the U.S. dollar) in retaliation for aggressive U.S. foreign policy initiatives against China’s and Russia’s strategic allies Iran and Syria. “The one source that we have I’ve known since 1979,” Hagmann continued. “He started out as a patrol officer and currently he is now working for a federal agency under the umbrella of the Department of Homeland Security; he’s in a position to know what policies are being initiated, what policies are being planned at this point, and he’s telling us right now—look, what you’re seeing is just the tip of the iceberg. We are preparing, we, meaning the government, we are preparing for a massive civil war in this country.” “There’s no hyperbole here,” he added, echoing Trends Research Institute’s Founder Gerald Celente’s forecast of last year. Celente expects a collapse of the U.S. dollar and riots in America some time this year. Since Celente’s ‘Civil War’ prediction of last year, executive orders NDAA and National Defense Resources Preparedness were signed into law by President Obama, which are both politically damaging actions taken by a sitting president. And most recently, requests made by the DHS for the procurement of 450 million rounds of hollow-point ammunition only fuels speculation of an upcoming tragic event expected on American soil. These major events, as shocking to the American people as they are, have taken place during an election year. Escalating preparatory activities by the executive branch and DHS throughout the last decade—from the Patriot Act, to countless executive orders drafted to suspend (or strip) American civil liberties “are just the beginning” of the nightmare to come, Hagmann said. He added, “It’s going to get so much worse toward the election, and I’m not even sure we’re going to have an election in this country. It’s going to be that bad, and this, as well, is coming from my sources. But one source in particular said, ‘look, you don’t understand how bad it is.’ This stuff is real; these people, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), they are ready to fight the American people.” TruNews‘ Wiles asked Hagmann: who does the DHS expect to fight, in particular? Another North versus South, the Yankees against the Confederates? Hagmann stated the situation is far worse than a struggle between any two factions within the U.S.; it’s an anticipated nationwide emergency event centered on the nation’s currency. “What they [DHS] are expecting, and again, this is according to my sources, what they’re expecting is the un-sustainability of the American dollar,” Hagmann said. “And we know for a fact that we can no longer service our debt. There’s going to be a period of hyperinflation . . . the dollar will be worthless . . . The economic collapse will be so severe, people won’t be ready for this.” Sign-up for my 100% FREE Alerts Source: Full TruNews interview, May 2, 2012. Read more: http://www.beaconequity.com/we-are-preparing-for-massive-civil-war-says-dhs-informant-2012-05-03/#ixzz1tx4aFsfB
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- dave72Julia is a parasite. Julia is a Democrat.
OWS - parasites, all. OWS - Democrats.
The Democratic party seems to attract parasites. - PierceArrowV12Democrats ain't easy to love and they're harder to hold/ They'd rather give you a CAMPAIGN PROMISE than diamonds or gold! LOL
- twocoltsObama declared war on our USA a long time ago, but the majority, ( comprised of illegals, the dead, the multiple-voter, the ignorant/naive ), chose to cast their vote for Obama based on appeasement-driven logic rather than background, associations, or lack of qualifications, along with a list of red-flags making him a dangerous and corrupt choice for the highest office in the land. I truly wish conservatives would stop referring to the criminal as our "President", he is not my President, nor is he our nations legal-President, he is only a President to the left, the sick liberal element that still believes he is their messiah, the voters who will follow him over the cliff like good sheep. Yes, common-sense is apparently dead, along with family and moral values, patriotism, and The Constitution of The United States. If the most corrupt divider in history gets four more years, this nation will remain at the bottom of the sewer.
- apache6"OBAMALINSKY" has "DECLARED WAR" on all Americans,even his "USEFUL IDIOTS"aka "OBAMA-ZOMBIES" !!
- Dla7577Can't believe the Dem "strategists" would use an ad of this sort! And they think Romney is out of touch?
The ad is an insult to any thinking adult -- the only thing missing is having Julia provided with free contraceptives! Or maybe having to face a death panel. LOL - chuckie2uI wonder how the Progressives are going to handle the Islamic Dress code that will eventually be imposed on the "Hot Bods" of the feminist movement in America.A Collective mind set is for the sheep not the Shepard.
- AimeeUgly sight....dear Nancy Pelosi or Barbara Boxer in muslim garb....second thought it might help my eyes from bleeding when I look at them!
- RubyBluRemember the song "I AM WOMAN" made famous by Hellen Reddy and recently recorded by Jordan Sparks? Part of the lyrics very appropo to O's 'war on women' and JULIA. "You can manipulate, not create us, 'cos it only serves to make us more determined to reach our destination". O, your JULIA is not a woman in the true sense of the word - she's a LEACH. And, YOU are despicable!
- lizazSo freeloader "Julia" is supposed to represent smart women in the communist mind???? Got news, moron, that isn't going to happen. We aren't stupid and will prove it in November when we Change presidents !!!!!!!
- AmericaFirstWhat a shock....A Muslim man like Obama using women like they are his property. This is not caring ladies; this is oppression... like what they do to their wifes in the middle east. Making the women think they are unable to take care of themselves and being punished when they are talking back. He needs an attitude adjustment...by a showing of our good strong American women. Kick @ss ladies!!!
- DOOMEDAs usual, Yobummer under estimates American female culture. Send the dirty filthy muslim to allah and let him kick the s&#t out of his 77 virgins allah has promised upon his death...can't happen soon enough.
- DrBarbaraSo....are these virgins male or female? And since Barry thinks that he is Allah, does he get more of said virgins? Wouldn't it be a hoot if all these virgins decided to make a gelding out of Barry? Now that would be something to see.
- Actually you have your choice from what I hear, You can choose either a German Shepard or a Rotweiller
- SamtmanIF I was a woman I would be realy pissed off with everybody declaring war on me, left right and in the middle. Will the real woman haters please stand up. Must be the Bible, not one woman in there with any magic.
- Raymond1show moreToday we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, ...
- PierceArrowV12The late, great (get the wordplay?) Common Sense is also survived by a fifth stepbrother, "I Will Sit On My 'Left Behind' And Wait For The Rapture," along with his many filthy-rich illegitimate children, including Dave Hunt, Hal Lindsey, Tim LaHaye, Mary Stewart Relfe, Chuck Missler, Jack Van Impe, Creflo Dollar, and Harold Camping.
- cherylCommon Sense's final breath came when he realized we went to the polls and eclected a unknown, inexperiended, leftist Marxist to be our president.
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