Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Jane Fonda is Worried About Republicans but Not Stalin, Hitler, and Ceausescu | Godfather Politics

Jane Fonda is Worried About Republicans but Not Stalin, Hitler, and Ceausescu | Godfather Politics

Jane Fonda is Worried About Republicans but Not Stalin, Hitler, and Ceausescu


Jane Fonda didn’t hold back during a CNN interview on Friday after she asked about her opinion of the Republican presidential candidates. The 73-year-old, who starred in Barbarella and Coming Home, and earned an Academy Award for her portrayal of a prostitute in Klute, was asked by Piers Morgan to comment on the intellectual capacity of the GOP candidates. She replied: “They all scare me frankly. I get depressed and scared when I look at the Republican debates. . . . I’m worried about anybody getting elected to office who says we have to do away with or privatize social security, we have to reduce medical health insurance, we have to not raise taxes.”

Fonda has been on the wrong side of so many issues that it’s a wonder that anybody pays attention to her. Oh, I forgot! She was being interviewed by the Leftist media. They often troll for the mindless.

Jane Fonda has had a varied and somewhat controversial career. She was photographed seated on an anti-aircraft battery in North Vietnam in 1972. Since then she has been known as “Hanoi Jane.” She’s had a successful acting career (two Academy Awards), turned out a series of fitness videos from 1982 through 1995, married media mogul Ted Turner, is working on her fourth marriage, and continues to say and do stupid things.

Although claiming to be a Christian, Fonda is an outspoken advocate of abortion rights. In 2005, Planned Parenthood honored Fonda with the Margaret Sanger Award, named for the organization’s pro-abortion and eugenicist founder.

In a blog post, Fonda stated that a “power struggle . . . has existed from the very beginning of the 120-year fight over reproductive rights. Every dictator — Stalin, Ceaucescu [sic], Hilter [sic] — has made anti-choice a central component of their agenda.”

Similar to her comments to Morgan about the GOP, Fonda is a bit light on the facts.

Stalin opposed abortion, not for religious reasons but because he needed workers and soldiers. In a 2003 New York Times article titled “Birth Control in Russia,” we find this utilitarian tidbit:

“In 1936, Stalin banned abortion to stimulate the birth rate. In a widely resented decree that was dropped after his death, Stalin made it clear that the nation’s couples should produce workers and soldiers as vigorously as new Soviet industries were turning out trucks and steel beams.”

By the way, Russia is losing population at a rapid rate. The same is true of Eastern European nations and much of Europe. Consider these statistics on Russia:

“Since the 1990s . . . Russia has been losing population at a rate of 750,000 a year — not to emigration, but to death. By one count, the Russian population is down to 143 million. President Putin has predicted that only 124 million Russians will be alive in 2015. In 2000, the United Nations projected that, at its present birth rate, by 2050 Russia’s population would fall to 114 million.

In a 2005 study, the United Nations estimated that, together, Ukraine and Russia will lose 50 million people — 25 percent of their combined populations — by mid-century. The Slavs are dying out, and the geostrategic implications are enormous.”

You can read more depressing demographic statistics in Buchanan’s new book Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?

In 1966 there were four abortions for every live birth in Romania. Women were aborting their children because they did not want to bring them into the dark world of Communism. In that same year, Nicolae Ceauşescu (1918–1989) issued Decree No. 770 prohibiting abortion and artificial contraception.

Like Stalin, Ceauşescu was an atheist. He was not motivated by religion or concern for families or unborn children. His anti-abortion policies were strictly utilitarian, “an attempt to build his country into a colossus through population growth.”[1] In an ironic twist, Ceauşescu’s anti-abortion policies led to his downfall since it was the children born after the Decree went into effect who took part in the revolution of 1989 that led to the tyrant’s execution.

If present birth rates among conservatives continues upward, liberals will be out of power through attrition. At least one very liberal columnist has noticed the problem: “[F]or the past 30 years or so, conservatives — particularly those of the right-wing red-state Christian strain — have been out-breeding liberals by a margin of at least 20 percent, if not far more. . . . Libs just aren’t procreating like they could/should be.”[2]

Fonda’ third anti-abortion example is Adolf Hitler. Once again, certain facts are ignored in her claim that tyrants are against abortion in the same way that those who “grant . . . personhood to the fetus” are against abortion. Curiously, Fonda doesn’t say anything about the one-child policy and forced abortions of the Communist Chinese. In Broken Earth, Steven Mosher writes that “[Chinese] vigilantes abduct pregnant women on the streets and haul them off, sometimes handcuffed or trussed, to abortion clinics. [Some] aborted babies cry when they are born.” You can read about some of the shocking details of China’s one-child policy here. But back to Hitler. Richard Weikiart puts Hitler’s anti-abortion policies in proper historical and ideological perspective:

Hitler’s opposition to abortion is sometimes portrayed as evidence of his traditional Christian moral values. However, Hitler never appealed to religion, God, or divine revelation to ground his opposition to abortion. Rather he insisted on vigorous enforcement of extant antiabortion laws because he considered German population expansion vital to the improvement of the Aryan race. Also, Hitler did not oppose abortion per se, but only abortion of healthy, Aryan babies. Abortion was permitted—even encouraged or required—for those who might produce “inferior” offspring or for Jews. The ultimate authority was not God, the Bible, religious tradition, or any fixed moral code containing the command, “thou shalt not kill.” Rather, for Hitler the highest arbiter of morality and political policies was the evolutionary advancement of the human species. In the final analysis, Hitler based his morality on a racist form of evolutionary ethics. Claudia Koonz[3] is right when she argues that the Nazi ethic was a secular replacement and repudiation of traditional Christian ethics.[4]

Fonda and her pro-abortion allies have more in common with the tyrants of history than they realize. More than 100 million preborn babies have been aborted since Roe v. Wade, about the same number who had been murdered by the tyrants of the 20th century.

Fonda was wrong about abortion, and she’s wrong on policies held by the constitutional conservatives in the GOP. The policies she wants to continue at status quo levels will bankrupt the United States, and there’s not a nation in the world that will bail us out.

  1. Jane Perlez, “Romania’s Communist Legacy: ‘Abortion Culture,’” The New York Times (November 21, 1996). []
  2. Mark Morford, “When Liberals Rule the World: Stats say the GOP is dying. But red-staters are breeding like drunken ferrets. Who wins?,” SF Gate (March 28, 2007). []
  3. Claudia Koonz, The Nazi Conscience (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2001), 1–2, 254–255. Also see Jonathan Glover, Humanity: A Moral History of the Twentieth Century (New Haven, CT: Yale Nota Bene, 2001), 317, 355. []
  4. Richard Weikiart, Hitler’s Ethic: The Nazi Pursuit of Evolutionary Progress (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009), 8. []

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Rationalist's avatar

Rationalist· 13 hours ago

"Although claiming to be a Christian"..."Lord, Lord, did we not do all these things in your Name"..."depart from Me - I never knew you"...
17 replies · active 1 hour ago
FireMall's avatar

FireMall· 13 hours ago

Jane Fonda is a murdering biatch.
I want to crawl through the TV screen and choke her to unconsciousness when her fellow MSM Traitors are trumpeting their Marxist Nazi "Agenda". ..
Hanoi Jane directly caused the death of 3 soldiers just because she didn't like the Nam war.
I didn't like the war either and blame Kennedy & Johnson for the deaths of 54000 soldiers and still have a problem seeing the benefit with the purely eco-political war,
Why didn't she have Kennedy & Johnson Tortured, Maimed to death ??

Unlike Hanoi Jane, I have the utmost respect & honor for the Individual Soldiers that for the Most part were Drafted into the fiasco.
Hanoi Whore getting POWs killed for her socialist cause was Treason and Murder by Association and this pos subhuman not only got a pass on her actions against the U.S. soldiers the Hollywoodiee Scum Bag Communist made her a Hero.
As far as I'm concerned Jane is the Re-Incarnation of Hitler & the Poster Child of Marxism just as Pelosi, Ayers, Sosos are her Mentors..
If This sick excuse for a Human can Blame Drafted soldiers who were already enduring pure hell as Pows for political fodder, I can dam sure Blame her & Her fellow Marxist for all Global Genocide for the last 59 years along with the Coming Genocide they have planned for "We The American Patriots."
33 replies · active 2 hours ago
FireMall's avatar

FireMall· 13 hours ago

Ok -------Moderators: I cleaned the grammar in first post .
I see nothing but Fact & truth in the Cleaned up duplicate post. What's the deal here ??
4 replies · active 1 hour ago
Pokey's avatar

Pokey· 11 hours ago

And when she meets her Maker she will realize she was also wrong about being a christian.
10 replies · active 1 hour ago
oldtimer's avatar

oldtimer· 10 hours ago

I would blow here idiot brains out if I could.
7 replies · active 3 hours ago
pete Kennedy's avatar

pete Kennedy· 10 hours ago

Jane Fonda can be summed up in a few words that explain her total being.
Hanoi Jane and Klut (in all area of her life).
4 replies · active 7 hours ago
Kenny's avatar

Kenny· 10 hours ago

Jane Fonda is a total brainless idiot.
4 replies · active 6 hours ago
Bon's avatar

Bon· 10 hours ago

The she witch needs to just shut the F###up. Writers need to not print what comes out of that slimy mouth. It needs to be burned at the stake!!!!!
1 reply · active 9 hours ago
DMT's avatar

DMT· 10 hours ago

This female is an absolute unworthy sub-human bag of simple squz to even be alowed to live in this country......!
1 reply · active 9 hours ago
Big Red's avatar

Big Red· 10 hours ago

Who cares what Jane Fonda's opinion is...she is a worthless witch thriving on her poor Dads name. Jane Fonda has nothing to say I am interested in..perhaps she should go back to Hanoi, and vote over there!
3 replies · active 1 hour ago
Sorry but the Administrator will not post my feelings for Hanoi Jane!! LOL. But I think that you get the idea!
4 replies · active 1 hour ago
Joanne's avatar

Joanne· 10 hours ago

What's really scary is who is presently occupying our White House. How about PELOSI and REID for scary? Our country has been taken over by left-wing progressives and we seem to be sinking rapidly. How scary is another four years of this administration shoving their BIG GOVERNMENT policies down our throat?
2 replies · active 6 hours ago
H Stowell's avatar

H Stowell· 10 hours ago

Hanoi Jane showed us what she is way back then & the vast majority of Americans wish she would just keep her mouth shut since she has nver had anything of intelligence to say.
Linda's avatar

Linda· 10 hours ago

Is anyone really still listening to that idiot 4th marraige there's a fine role model!!! Her and the rest of hollystupid need to go away. They make more money doing nothing!! They all need to keep their mouths shut and take some acting lessons!!!!!!!!
2 replies · active 1 hour ago
Joe CA 's avatar

Joe CA· 10 hours ago

Hanoi Jane, She Should have been put in prison for treason decades ago. She is just another Socialist, Traitor to her country and should have been banned from America! Who in the H_ _ L cares what opinion this Bimbo hs anyways?
Socialism does not work! Look at the national debt. This is the results of years of so much debt from entitling half the 335 million people who are on the dole in America! Lets get together and elect someone who has new ideas for changing this mess. Lets keep our tax dollars instead of shipping it offe shore until our problems are solved!
DOOM161's avatar

DOOM161· 10 hours ago

I'm more and more convinced that liberals simply don't know made Stalin and Hitler famous.

And at least Stalin and Hitler were smart enough to understand that you can't sustain social security without creating more "investors".
1 reply · active 5 hours ago
H-Bomb's avatar

H-Bomb· 10 hours ago

Forever, just like Cassius Clay, the draft dodger, she will be known as "Hanoi Jane", the traitor.
3 replies · active 3 hours ago
That's because she is a communist/socialist herself AS WELL AS A TRAITOR. I'm sure most of you are too young to remember.
Read for yourself. http://www.1stcavmedic.com/jane_fonda.htm

She needed to be locked-up in Gitmo a long time ago.
Larry's avatar

Larry· 10 hours ago

She needs to go back to Vietnam where she belongs. What a joke she is.
1 reply · active 8 hours ago
true American's avatar

true American· 10 hours ago

Jane Fonda should be ashamed of herself and do us a favor and leave our country she is not a true american.
2 replies · active 8 hours ago
Victor Barney's avatar

Victor Barney· 10 hours ago

Here's the bottom line Godfather: John Wayne and the Republic have died on the vine, but i think that "MURDERED" is a better word! As all Hollywood now, Jane Fonda, as her father Henry for FDR, is a MARXIST(as Islam, Anti-Christ by definition!~Look at the bright side though, marxism is the ONLY SIN THAT CANNOT BE FORGIVEN, EITHER IN THIS WORLD OR THE NEXT...WATCH, if you're STILL ABLE?
5 replies · active 6 hours ago
America and the world will be a much better place when she is flushed down the septic tank!
1 reply · active 8 hours ago
Marc Jeric's avatar

Marc Jeric· 10 hours ago

La Fonda suffers from a desease known as NPD - Narcissistic Personality Disorder, as defined by the Psychiatry Society.
2 replies · active 1 hour ago
PS: With the rest of the CRAP!!
The most perfect place for this Seditious Elitist $#**&^- Bag other than the grave .Is where I'll always remember her ...Her face in the middle of the urinal in my local VFW. It's a Bulls-Eye everytime....This Buds for You... Ho-Chi -Jane
2 replies · active 9 hours ago

Read more: Jane Fonda is Worried About Republicans but Not Stalin, Hitler, and Ceausescu | Godfather Politics http://godfatherpolitics.com/2590/jane-fonda-is-worried-about-republicans-but-not-stalin-hitler-and-ceausescu/#ixzz1gUGh81nv

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