![DAPAC Banner]() EVERY MEMBER OF CONGRESS WHO VOTED FOR THE TYRANNICAL NATIONAL DEFENSE APPROPRIATIONS BILL IS GUILTY OF T R E A S O N TO THE CONSTITUTION URGENT: Both Houses of Congress have passed the NDAA – which ENDS Habeas Corpus and the Posse Comitatus Act. THIS IS TREASON to the Constitution! FAX CONGRESS AND BARACK OBAMA NOW – TELL OBAMA TO VETO THE NDAA 2012 – OR WE WILL HOLD HIM GUILTY AS WELL Article 1, Section 9 of the US Constitution clearly gives ONLY CONGRESS the ability to suspend Habeas Corpus during a period of war on American soil. Our Founding Fathers had a very good reason for giving this dangerous power to Congress, rather than any other branch of government. For they knew that the power to suspend Habeas Corpus would not pass easily among a large body of Representatives and therefore the power would not be taken lightly, nor such a fundamental right removed easily.
Yet Congress has effectively handed its duty over to the Executive branch – ONE MAN now gets to decide who deserves a right to fair trial and who doesn't. This is a DIRECT violation of the Constitution and absolutely qualifies as a THREAT TO THE REPUBLIC. Treason: The crime of betraying one's country; attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state – in the case of the United States, of overthrowing our Constitutionally guaranteed republican form of government. None dare call it treason? Barack Obama has indicated he may veto this bill. While his reasons for veto are not the same as ours, we will take the veto any way we can get it just to stop this attack upon liberty and halt this law. FAX CONGRESS AND BARACK OBAMA NOW – TELL OBAMA TO KEEP HIS PROMISE AND VETO NDAA 2012 CONGRESS PASSED A TYRANNY BILL, GAVE PRESIDENT POWER TO IMPRISON DISSENTERS Habeas Corpus, Posse Comitatus Act Are Suspended Unless Congress Is Compelled to Correct This Legislation IMMEDIATELY! Tell Washington, "Fix it NOW!" Align the National Defense Authorization Act with the U.S. Constitution during the bill's reconciliation process – or else face the wrath of a still free American People! ENOUGH! THIS TYRANNY CANNOT STAND! FAX CONGRESS TODAY! The House and Senate are working NOW on reconciling a bill that if passed, will give the President the power to silence political enemies – even American citizens on American soil –at will – simply by labeling individuals as terrorists! I CANNOT OVER-EMPHASIZE JUST HOW DANGEROUS THIS BILL IS. ENOUGH! THIS TYRANNY MUST NOT STAND! FAX CONGRESS NOW! The dangers of ObamaCare, the Super Committee and even our nation's fiscal crisis pale in comparison. IF H.R. 1540 & S.B. 1877 ARE RECONCILED AND INSTITUTED AS LAW, LIBERTY IN AMERICA IS DEAD.
THERE HAS NEVER IN ALL OF AMERICAN HISTORY BEEN A MORE IMPORTANT TIME TO CONTACT CONGRESS AND DEMAND RESPECT OF OUR GOD-GIVEN, UNALIENABLE RIGHTS. ENOUGH! THIS TYRANNY CANNOT STAND! FAX CONGRESS TODAY! We MUST make our elected officials listen. Republican AND Democrat "leadership" are actively LYING about the content of this bill in an attempt to deceive legislators and constituents into believing this devilish power grab is a national security measure. But the only security provided in this legislation is security for an elite ruling class who wishes to eliminate dissent. H.R. 1540 and S.B. 1867 are formally titled the "National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2012" and include language that allows the President to suspend Habeas Corpus and the Posse Comitatus Act, using the U.S. military against United States citizens.
As written, this legislation will give the President the power to instantly silence dissent by indefinitely imprisoning his detractors. This act will allow the Executive Branch of the federal government toeliminate the rights of Americans, deploy the military against American citizens on American soil, and imprison citizens indefinitely and without trial, all at the behest of a President who only needs to deem the individual in question as a "terrorist." And as we all know, the definition of "terrorist" has become overly broad as of late. According to the Department of Homeland Security "watch list," potential terrorists include pro-life activists, military veterans and people who generally disagree with the socialist ideology of the current Obama Administration. ENOUGH! THIS TYRANNY MUST NOT STAND! FAX CONGRESS NOW! IF YOU DO NOT STOP THIS LEGISLATIVE TRAVESTY, YOU CAN BE ASSURED THAT ONE DAY THESE FASCIST POWERS WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU. This bill, left unchecked, signals the end of the rule of law in America. Again, this so-called defense bill not only decimates the due process of law and Habeas Corpus for anyone alleged to be an enemy of the United States, but it radically expands the definition of who may be considered the legitimate target of military force. If signed into law in its present form, this unconstitutional legislation ensures a perpetual state of war against the American People, and institutes de facto martial law in the United States. The Declaration of Independence was largely written as a result of the British suspension of Habeas Corpus. Yet 235 years later, the 112th Congress has apparently forgotten our history and now fails to recognize that they are empowering and enabling the tyranny our Founding Fathers fought to escape.
The Posse Comitatus Act was written to prevent despotic government from using the might of the U.S. military to subjugate free American citizens into fear, servility and compliance. Although the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act placed strong restrictions on how and when the U.S. military may be used on American soil, the language of the NDAA supersedes Posse Comitatus, and will empower the president to unilaterally impose martial law at any time of his choosing. WE HAVE BEEN ENDOWED WITH UNALIENABLE RIGHTS, AND BLESSED AS INHERITORS WITH NATIONAL INSTITUTIONS OF ORDERED LIBERTY, YET THE 112th CONGRESS STANDS POISED TO EXTERMINATE THE BASIC PRINCIPLES REQUISITE TO PROTECT AND DEFEND THEM. STOP THE UTTER DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA! FAX CONGRESS NOW! Your voice can be heard – we need your urgent help at DAPAC to get more Americans involved in this fight. Larger and even smaller donations are going to help. Any amount – $1000, $500, $250, or $100 and $50 contributions will enable us to wage this urgent battle to make Congress accountable, and save America from Obama and tyranny. It's time we stood up and said enough is enough! Please join us with your DAPAC donation TODAY. Thank you. DONATE TO DAPAC NOW. Keep Faith,
![]() Alan Keyes www.DeclarationAlliance.org
PS This legislation, the "National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012" includes language that allows the President to suspend Habeas Corpus and the Posse Comitatus Act, using the U.S. military against United States citizens. It MUST NOT stand! Please make your voice heard to Congress TODAY! ENOUGH! THIS TYRANNY CANNOT STAND! FAX CONGRESS TODAY! If you prefer to send a check, please mail to: Declaration Alliance PAC National Processing Center PO Box 131728 Houston, TX 77219-1728
Declaration Alliance PAC is the official political campaign and ballot initiative arm of the tax-exempt Declaration Alliance. DA PAC is our federal political action committee advocating for the candidates and causes of concern to Declaration Alliance supporters. DA PAC is non-partisan, and has no affiliation with any political party. |
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