Congressman Issues Wake-up Call: Communist Indoctrination in our Schools
December 15, 2011 | Subscribe to Video Updates
“It seems that socialism/communism are being taught in education in many schools as being just another option where everyone shares and shares alike. And they’re not being taught that every time it’s ever been tried, it’s failed.
Since we’re now around 47% of the American people are not paying income tax or they are getting more back than they put in, we are very close to that line where you don’t get your country back. When one more than half of the voters get more back from the government than they put in, then you’re going to become so socialist that you fall of your own weight.”
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The Marxists are indeed here. They use drugs, sex and Libtard idiocy to destroy our Civil Society and have the Lame Stream Media on their side. Their #1 weapon is using ridicule to create a hostile climate to Patriotic Thoughts and Actions. They seek to destroy America and turn it into a 3rd world dung heap. It is time for we Americans to clean out the septic tank and push these losers into decisions about Loving America or Leaving America. 47% pay NO Federal Taxes. This is wrong. We all need skin in the game.
What do you expect with this lousy government that we are forced to tolerate … we need to clean house now! The only good commie is a dead commie…
My friend’s do not believe for a second that the Feds don’t know you or of you. In the (could be) soon to be horrific times you will need to crawl out of your rabbit hole. You may as well stand up on your feet and fight.
They (the Obama Admin.) have told you and I; we are their enemies!
I know; we did not ask to be at hostilities with them but here we are. Gather extra’s for your family, think about self defense and ask your self, what freedoms, rights and liberties will I as the leader of my family give up for PEACE?
We need to begin our fight with words now to prevent physical confrontation later.
Voice your thoughts to all.