Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Gmail - URGENT! IMMEDIATE ACTION NEEDED! Tell Your Congressman to Support the REINS Act -

Gmail - URGENT! IMMEDIATE ACTION NEEDED! Tell Your Congressman to Support the REINS Act -

URGENT! IMMEDIATE ACTION NEEDED! Tell Your Congressman to Support the REINS Act

ObamaCare Repeal Pledge via to me
show details 8:48 AM (1 hour ago)

URGENT! IMMEDIATE ACTION NEEDED! Tell Your Congressman to Support the REINS Act

December 7, 2011
Hyper-regulation from Washington, D.C. is stifling economic and job growth.

At a time when the overall economy grew by a mere 5%, government regulatory agencies have seen their budgets balloon by 16% since 2008 to more than $54 billion per year.

More people are now at work writing government regulations than work for McDonalds, Ford, Disney and Boeing COMBINED!

The REINS (Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny) Act, which will be voted on in the House of Representatives today, would require Congressional approval for any regulations projected to cost businesses more than $100 million annually.

By bringing these regulations out into the light of day, it would bring an unprecedented level of transparency and accountability, rather than leaving it solely in the hands of a myriad of federal bureaucrats and regulators.

Call your Congressman right now! Tell him or her we need to apply common sense to regulations — if they don't make sense for business, then we shouldn't have them.

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