Obama says US needs a new government
President Barack Obama’s request for authority to streamline U.S. executive agencies was greeted with skepticism from congressional Republicans while Democrats questioned elements of his reorganization plan.
The president said yesterday he wants to be able to undertake any consolidation that would save money and shrink government, subject to a “fast-track” vote of approval or disapproval by Congress in 90 days.
He said his first action would be replacing the Commerce Department with a yet unnamed agency that folds in the U.S. Trade Representative, the Export-Import Bank, the Overseas Private Investment Corp., the Trade and Development Agency and the Small Business Administration.
“The government we have is not the government that we need,” Obama said yesterday at the White House. “Our economy has fundamentally changed — as has the world — but our government, our agencies, have not.”
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He doesn't even have to bring AF1 back -- just GET OUT!
Bush may have torn the country down, but you may have not noticed that Obama not only completed the tear down of
our country, he put it in more debt in three years than all presidents combined in the history of the U.S. I wouldn't brag to much on this illegal occupier of the White House.
The only problem with your statement is, that we don't need a new president, we need a legal president, one who meets all the requirements of the Constitution which Obama does not.
But we do need the Executive reorganized and I am waiting for Ron Paul to trust taking on that task.
Rename NASA=Natl Aerospace & Sciences Admin & merge with NOAA NSF.
CUT DC bureaucracy alone by 100K X month.
Scrap Dept Ed, Labor, Interior, Energy, HUD, HHS.
Merge HHS & HUD.
Privitize Govt Food Services.
Outsource Govt Online Systems.
Privitize KSC, JPL.
alone for some savings.
Team Conservative, we need less government . We are already taxed and abused way too much with excessive government. Obama IS the abuser.
Do not fall in the Obama trap. Obama is not an American. Obama is clueless and inept. Laugh at the Obama buffoon. Support and encourage your conservative candidates to quit fighting with each other and start attacking the enemy-Obama. The conservative we choose may not be my favorite but that person will promote the values of our country.
Instead of consolidating agencies I would suggest he mandate Holder, Napolitano, Morton, Perez, and Solis do the jobs we pay them to do instead of working full time on designing schemes that elevate illegal aliens to preferential status. This administration is teetering on the brink between dereliction of duty and treason.
When will the other elected congress people pull the plug on him?
Cap the debt and see how he can find ways to spend.
Part of the problem is congress will not take a position to stop him.
America needs a government that plays by the Rule of Law and follows the Constitution. America needs NO lifetime or professional politics.
Return America to We the People.
No Leftist Occupiers.
Obummer is Right....we need him out of government!
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