Saturday, January 14, 2012

Obama says US needs a new government | Vision to America

Obama says US needs a new government | Vision to America

Obama says US needs a new government


President Barack Obama’s request for authority to streamline U.S. executive agencies was greeted with skepticism from congressional Republicans while Democrats questioned elements of his reorganization plan.

The president said yesterday he wants to be able to undertake any consolidation that would save money and shrink government, subject to a “fast-track” vote of approval or disapproval by Congress in 90 days.

He said his first action would be replacing the Commerce Department with a yet unnamed agency that folds in the U.S. Trade Representative, the Export-Import Bank, the Overseas Private Investment Corp., the Trade and Development Agency and the Small Business Administration.

“The government we have is not the government that we need,” Obama said yesterday at the White House. “Our economy has fundamentally changed — as has the world — but our government, our agencies, have not.”

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noob's avatar

noob· 12 hours ago

What we really need is a new president who honors the constitution, not one with a personal agenda to destroy it.
24 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Jim's avatar

Jim· 2 hours ago

well said!
Willy's avatar

Willy· 2 hours ago

What he meant is a new world government, he just wants us to start getting used to it.
Obama would like to be King!!!!!
Upaces's avatar

Upaces· 2 hours ago

He's already acting like one. He has/is already began "the new government" and WE THE PEOPLE don't like it!
Patricia Talikka's avatar

Patricia Talikka· 2 hours ago

Absolutely 100% president who honors the constitution.
That would be Ron Paul. He has always voted in line with our Constitution and is the only one standing up for it now.
Ginger's avatar

Ginger· 2 hours ago

What Obama needs is to relocate to another country and leave ours alone...we don't need a need kind of government...we need a President who honors our founding principles and values and OUR CONSTITUTION.. the wannabe Idi Amin needs to go elsewhere.
Upaces's avatar

Upaces· 2 hours ago

Ginger, I would like to propose a thought. Impeach him; Give him AF! to take the Moose with him and then find a way to put a freeze on all of his accounts where the Saudi(s) gave him an "X" amt of $$ to destroy us.

He doesn't even have to bring AF1 back -- just GET OUT!
Harold's avatar

Harold· 2 hours ago

Wow, you don't remember the ELECTION in 2008. Bush was an "elected" President for 8 years and tore this country down. Thank G*d he was someone you'd want to drink a beer with.
Patriot's avatar

Patriot· 2 hours ago


Bush may have torn the country down, but you may have not noticed that Obama not only completed the tear down of
our country, he put it in more debt in three years than all presidents combined in the history of the U.S. I wouldn't brag to much on this illegal occupier of the White House.
Harold's avatar

Harold· 2 hours ago

Bush illegally occupied the White House, not Obama. Obama was elected by a majority -- the sane.
Obama, even though not a Natural born citizen, got voted into office by quite a few dead people as well as a flock of sheep that fell for his lies. I guess some people just don't care who they vote for, huh?. And I'm sure Obama will try to get away with it in 2012 too if the people don't put a stop to his illegal shenanigans. That's not to say I liked Bush, or Clinton, or Daddy Bush any better . . . they have all done their part to appease their puppet masters in the destruction of this Nation. I don't think I'd brag on any of our recent past Presidents . . . all of them work(ed) for the NWO elite and have sold their Nation out for personal gain. Ron Paul is the only Candidate I really trust that will actually work on behalf of the people and that will actually HONOR his oath of office. The rest, including Gingrich, Romney, etc. will just keep the wars going and cater to the businesses that finance their Campaigns.
Lovedtheoldudabetter's avatar

Lovedtheoldudabetter· 1 hour ago

Blow me, Harold. You're an idiot.
Patriot's avatar

Patriot· 2 hours ago

The only problem with your statement is, that we don't need a new president, we need a legal president, one who meets all the requirements of the Constitution which Obama does not.
He's made so many 180 degree turnarounds on so many things, no wonder he is floundering - he's dizzy! If you want to see what liberals are saying about conservatives (some of the articles are hilarious, some are pathetic), look at Today they have a story on "Republican prudes are still desperate to control your sex life"!

Luis R Vazquez's avatar

Luis R Vazquez· 2 hours ago

I agree one hundred percent.
Donna's avatar

Donna· 2 hours ago

What this joker needs to do is find a new country ....any 3rd world country will do. So he stops trying to make this a 3rd world dump.
slick mick's avatar

slick mick· 2 hours ago

You said it right, This should be on ever e-mail we send. ( We need a New President / not a new Govt. )
linda's avatar

linda· 2 hours ago

Right on honey....why the House has not appointed a Special Prosecutor to investigate this inept corrupt man and write up a Bill of Impeachment is beyond me....if Watergate was Nixon's seminal moment....Fast and Furious IS this corrupt Chicago thug's Watergate and NO ONE was MURDERED during Watergate now were they?
Seeing all the positive replies to this message means there's plenty of Ron Paul supporters--the only one who even talks about the Constitution and has built his time in Congress around respecting it.
JohnM's avatar

JohnM· 1 hour ago

Where does he get off trying to change something that has been working for more than two centuries! He doesn't even understand the government, he spouts off what he happens to dream up...he is NOT an absolute! When is the Congress going to grow a pair! He hasen"t even read his own health plan, and now he's trying to change the rest of the government. Look at his record, not exactly leading the pack. Why don't you try and get the country out of the hole YOU got us in before you try and screw up anything else!
rayr's avatar

rayr· 1 hour ago

What he is not saying is that this is nothing more then an easy way to make a power grab by putting more parts of government under his control.
howardfrombroward's avatar

howardfrombroward· 1 hour ago

remember in november. this arrogant commie has to go.
Jack Hotchkiss's avatar

Jack Hotchkiss· 1 minute ago

Dead on the money "Noob". Ole Berry just needs to gain some weight an ounce at a time.
ellen's avatar

ellen· 11 hours ago

Absolutely correct - We need a new President and New Congress to uphold the Constitution that our country was founded on. Who are you to change our laws? Being a marxist with no record, you're certainly NOT QUALIFIED!
4 replies · active 38 minutes ago
We do not need a Department of Fascism.

But we do need the Executive reorganized and I am waiting for Ron Paul to trust taking on that task.
5 replies · active 22 minutes ago
mimi's avatar

mimi· 9 hours ago

5 replies · active 1 hour ago
Airangel's avatar

Airangel· 9 hours ago

Um no Mr. President, we need great leaders again with enough character to uphold, enforce and honor existing laws and not have a personal interest in lining their pockets or whose ultimate goal is to be Pharoh over endentured servants! The Bible says you'll have better luck shoving a camel through the eye of a needle than a rich man going to Heaven....Money and Power corrupt the soul and let evil take over! Our founding fathers through perseverance and honor paved the way for America to rise and shine and prosper because they modeled the Constitution after God's laws. The path we're on now is Satan's doing.
3 replies · active 2 hours ago
Obama's idea of streamlining executive agencies is to replace their authority, which has congressional oversight, with czars, which do not have that oversight. He has to be stopped!
stephen russell's avatar

stephen russell· 8 hours ago

One could do this:
Rename NASA=Natl Aerospace & Sciences Admin & merge with NOAA NSF.
CUT DC bureaucracy alone by 100K X month.
Scrap Dept Ed, Labor, Interior, Energy, HUD, HHS.
Merge HHS & HUD.
Privitize Govt Food Services.
Outsource Govt Online Systems.
Privitize KSC, JPL.
alone for some savings.
6 replies · active 9 minutes ago
Obummer and company wants to take over America.
6 replies · active 1 hour ago
Obama says he'll be taxing you.
1 reply · active 2 hours ago
Mari's avatar

Mari· 3 hours ago

WOW! We all know that Obama is DONE! Obama is just like an ant continuing to try to find its way when the path has been exterminated- no brains, no ability to think, and only concerned about its own food source.

Team Conservative, we need less government . We are already taxed and abused way too much with excessive government. Obama IS the abuser.

Do not fall in the Obama trap. Obama is not an American. Obama is clueless and inept. Laugh at the Obama buffoon. Support and encourage your conservative candidates to quit fighting with each other and start attacking the enemy-Obama. The conservative we choose may not be my favorite but that person will promote the values of our country.
3 replies · active 32 minutes ago
Ken's avatar

Ken· 2 hours ago

That is the first time in four years he has hit the nail on the head. We do need a new government starting with him being removed.
1 reply · active 2 hours ago
Patrick Henry's avatar

Patrick Henry· 2 hours ago

obuthole is about to do away with congress.......
4 replies · active 1 hour ago
As long Obama is not part of it.
Bndwgn's avatar

Bndwgn· 2 hours ago

I believe this restructuring is outside his job description. Congress needs to say no! They also somehow need to get rid of his croney czars.
2 replies · active 21 minutes ago
muslims are Pigs's avatar

muslims are Pigs· 2 hours ago

What we need is not a NEGRO in the WH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5 replies · active 1 hour ago
Kathleen3's avatar

Kathleen3· 2 hours ago

If Congress grants this Marxist-in-Chief one more ounce of power over and above what he has already stolen Obama should be impeached and every person who aided and abetted him should be recalled.

Instead of consolidating agencies I would suggest he mandate Holder, Napolitano, Morton, Perez, and Solis do the jobs we pay them to do instead of working full time on designing schemes that elevate illegal aliens to preferential status. This administration is teetering on the brink between dereliction of duty and treason.
6 replies · active 54 minutes ago
Caroline's avatar

Caroline· 2 hours ago

I say yes to all that was said!!! wake up all true Americans!!!
2 replies · active 1 hour ago
voteright2012's avatar

voteright2012· 2 hours ago

So why is anyone surprised. This has been his objective from the day he became a community organizer.
1 reply · active 44 minutes ago
Henry V. Lake's avatar

Henry V. Lake· 2 hours ago

By the time Obama gets through with his time in office we will not need a new government, but we will have to remove all the damage he has done.
When will the other elected congress people pull the plug on him?
Cap the debt and see how he can find ways to spend.
Part of the problem is congress will not take a position to stop him.
5 replies · active 23 minutes ago
WT's avatar

WT· 2 hours ago

I agree, for once, but---the gov't we need does not include the Obamas at all!! They are bad news and need to be deported!! At least that--if not worse!!
dale ahern's avatar

dale ahern· 2 hours ago

most brilliant comment so far - a new government without you and the rest of your thieves and a governmnet that works for the people and not for you. you are so transparent. what god has raised up, god will also take down.
1 reply · active 15 minutes ago
PaminTex's avatar

PaminTex· 2 hours ago

This is just another of Obama's tricks to force this wonderful country down the road to communism with himself as premier. We must get him out of the White House whether it's by election, constitutionally, impeachment, or through the courts.
1 reply · active 2 hours ago
Roscoe Bonifitucci's avatar

Roscoe Bonifitucci· 2 hours ago

On this point, Obummer is right....we need a new government! One that is free from HIM! And his leftist cadre.
America needs a government that plays by the Rule of Law and follows the Constitution. America needs NO lifetime or professional politics.
Return America to We the People.
No Leftist Occupiers.
Obummer is Right....we need him out of government!
1 reply · active 2 hours ago
Charles's avatar

Charles· 2 hours ago

OBAMA, we don't need your streamlining!! We need leaders who will up hold the oath they take before mthey can become our leaders. That is to up hold the Constitution and our laws, not your personal agenda to destroy us and our nation!
1 reply · active 2 hours ago

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