Saturday, January 21, 2012

Fox & Friends’ Epic Smack Down on Debbie Wasserman Schultz | CowboyByte

Fox & Friends’ Epic Smack Down on Debbie Wasserman Schultz | CowboyByte

Fox & Friends’ Epic Smack Down on Debbie Wasserman Schultz

During a relatively heated segment, DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz appeared on Friday’s Fox and Friends and engaged in a tête-à-tête with co-anchors Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade.

Doocy began the interview by asking if CNN was over-the-line for starting off the debate with a question about Newt Gingrich’s personal life.

“You know, I think it’s over the line to suggest that there is a partisan tilt to — to a question from a network…” Schultz hesitantly began.

“Never heard questions like that during Democrat debates!” Doocy interrupted.

“Like John Edwards and all the rumors that were swirling around him?” Kilmeade added.

“Oh, come on!” Schultz exclaimed, quickly moving on.

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412 Responses to Fox & Friends’ Epic Smack Down on Debbie Wasserman Schultz

  1. RUTH says:

    You are nothing but a POS and a disgrace to the seat you hold in Congress like the FRAUD-IN-CHIEF is a DISGRACE to the white house!

    • kenny1801 says:

      You SAID IT, Ruth!!!

      • D Fowler says:

        Let’s send Newt in to deal with her the next time. He would chew her up and spit her out for breakfast.

        • T-Texas says:

          I agree “D”

        • RPW says:

          Lets nominate Newt and send him in to deal with Obama one on one with no CNN moderators and (gasp) no teleprompter.

          • Suescritters says:

            And no ear buds either. He’d never survive one on one with Newt.

          • BUD says:


          • DeBunk says:

            We need to send in the Marines…and get his Kenyan ass out of office.

        • E says:

          Actually, he would chew her up and then vomit. You can’t eat contaminated stuff without regurgitating. (Does that explain why even the Liberals like Wassermann-Shitz can’t even finish their own sentences without choking up and changing the sentence?)

          • DeBunk says:

            It’s called subterfuge. Keep changing the direction of the conversation, make accusations, and then play victim when put on the spot for spoken falsehoods.

        • tod says:

          newt’s so crooked it drips off him in buckets !!! Dr.Ron Paul for the ONLY PROVEN HONEST(for Well Over 30 Years) ,God Fearing,Patriot running for President,PERIOD !!!

          • SadPatriot says:

            And once again, a wild-eyed RP fanatic tries to derail the topic and make it all about the good doctor. Knock it off! You make all Ron Paul supporters look like freaking lunatics! This is NOT about your beloved messiah (yeah, they tried putting one in the White House already and look how THAT turned out), it’s about the behavior of Democrat liars like Ms. Wasserman-Schultz and how they can’t address a single issue without spinning it, lying about it, and making evil sound like it’s a good thing. So please, take your Ron PaulBandwagon to a location where people are actually talking about him, and stop cluttering up discussions that have nothing to do with him, with your annoying, teary-eyed worship-rants. I like Dr. Paul, but I’m really beginning to despise his followers. Thank you. Now go away.

      • jim letourneau says:

        wait your highley train Steve (the weather man ) and Brain the sportcaster join the other exspert I mean the less then half term gov Sara who did attend 4 deferrent universitties and doesn’t like questioned about reading but is Tea Party favorite, this is good who wants balance budget and love what Bush did, unfunded tax cuts 2003, and unfunded war(we do know Iraq oil was in the news game B S. and they all never vacation in the Gulf area, they love Bush and had a big hand, w/ Channey rules was the term at the white house back then, BP should get Bush do there Gulf is beautiful again, butter sales is up alot. Oh good luck with exsperts in there fields, I hope Demo Como gets a chance too get his Republican’s that have become a team and are building NY clean up your Fox News . tap tap I hear clicking on this line,

        • Shadowrider says:

          Why don’t you go back to school and learn:
          1. How to spell,
          2. Proper grammar,
          3. Proper punctuation.

          Perhaps them someone will at least be able to understand your Liberal biased screed.

          • Ann in Nebraska says:

            I can’t respond to jim letourneau’s post either, Shadowrider, because I didn’t understand what he was trying to say. Pretty sad. I really wish I knew what he was talking about, but I don’t have a clue. Looks like a bunch of words (??) strung together in some semblance of sentences (??).

          • MadinIllinois says:

            Jim seems to be another “genius” product of the liberal educational system in this country, which is why the U. S. is ranked 35th in Math & Science in the world. I think we should also add – spelling and his composition structure.

          • slapjack says:

            Just another example of Libtards dumbing down America.

          • Eddie says:

            Shadow if he got a edumacation then he couldn’t be a liberal anymore. Reminds me of a story about Junior Samples. He was the overall wearing somewhat slow member of the cast of the TV show HEE HAW. Seems that Junior had a dog that had some puppies and he was telling everybody on the set that they were Democratic puppies. Of course everybody just went along with it but a couple of weeks later Junior was telling the folks that they were Republican puppies. One of the cast members asked how was it that 2 weeks ago they were Democratic puppies and now they were Republican puppies. Junior says…because now they have their eyes opened ! And this explians why liberals are so stupid. Their eyes are shut !!!

          • OAHS says:

            Obviously a product of our public schools …

          • Laura says:

            AMEN Shadow, Jim shows himself to be an IDIOT. Spending too much time occupying wall street with the other idiots !

          • Erich says:

            The really sad part is these people vote. No wonder this country is in the $hiter and the Dems have their hand on the handle, hold your breath while they flush us down the drain futher.

          • WillyT says:

            Hey, give him a break! Probably an illegal from France.

          • Vexed Vet says:

            Hey give Jim a break! He was born with a red boot on his neck!

            After all he is defiantly a ‘victim’ of the state run school and indoctronation…….er…. I mean what passes for education these days.

        • Art says:

          You’re full of s*** Jim

        • PaleHorseComes says:

          Whaa? Hunh?

        • krdave says:

          Now, that’s a real intelligent letter for you.—-However, it isn’t all that bad if English is your second language. And then, if it is, I understand your liberal bias.——Nah, I read it again. It’s just plain stupid.

        • teaman says:

          What can I say,
          Jim loves his Meth! Loves the Obambulating Manure Spreader! Loves the perverted direction this Nation is headed!
          But, he has the right to vote!

        • Clayton Wellman says:

          To Jim L. Just by the way you spell and your grammer we can all tell that you were educated in a left wing school . You do not sound knowledgable enough to vote. No wonder the country is in the shape it is.

        • jib jab says:

          Good grief, Jim letourneau, I cant make heads nor tails from your response. And the same with the DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz response is absurdly childish ignorant bias.

        • Jackiesue says:

          I have read your post twice and still have no idea what you are saying; however I am pretty sure I disagree with you.

        • Keith says:


        • Are you any relation to the Letourneau that likes to have sex little school children?
          I think everyone on here agrees, Your are an illiterate imbecile.

        • willip says:

          I think if you throw all of your words in a bag and shake them up and spread them out again it might make more sense.

        • steve gamble says:

          You are nearly illiterate. Your post is so poorly written that it is painful to read. I am sorry for you. It must be difficult to live your life without the ability to write a simple, comprehensible sentence. Most likely you can not read and comprehend a simple sentence as well. How sad.

        • Marilyn says:

          Jim, why don’t you go back to school and try to pay attention and learn something in English/Spelling class! MAYBE then you would learn how to spell and compose sentences that people could understand! I have no idea what kind of liberal nonsense you are trying to spew!

        • Edward says:

          Jim Letourneau probably just wrote down all the words he thought he could spell correctly and hoped we could figure out what he meant.

        • James says:

          To jim letourneau
          You have got your head up the Liberals RECTUM so far you can’t see or hear well enough to say anything that can be understood

        • Missy says:

          WHAT?????? What are you talking about? Are you on drugs?????

        • Russ says:

          Jim you would not make a pimple on a republicans ass why don’t you go back and kiss odumas palose you fool

        • Bokassa Kentucky says:

          Where are you from? Evidently they don’t teach history there or you skipped or slept through that class too. It is quite obvious that they never taught you spelling or grammar. You know one thing for you…its a good thing that you don’t have to take a test, be literate or have enough sense to come in out of the rain to be able to vote.

        • W WA says:

          What did he say?

        • ET says:

          Despite your grammar, which is no worse than many posters on this site, you make some valid points. As a product of the public school system I can string together some sentences and make a point. It is true that the “news team” at fox and friends are former weather casters and sportscasters -at least according to Fox. They are not journalists. This is a point that Jim was trying to make. Rep. Wasserman-Schultz did not, in fact, make her argument very well. It is however, disingenuous to say that the media only goes after Republican hypocrites, as later comments imply. The media go after the lowest denominator stories because that is what entertainment moguls like Rupert say the public wants. Of course it is just cheaper than hiring real journalists or investigative reporters.
          The question put to Newt was the talk of the day and it was put to him so he could answer it and move on. Newt did what he always does when he is asked to answer an uncomfortable question, he attacks the messenger in hopes no one will ask him the question again or look at his record. He attacked Fox’s own Juan Williamswhen he was questioned on his fully implied racist remarks and the crowd cheered. So much for answering a valid question about the intent of his remarks. It showed a lot about playing to the audience as well.
          By the way, if Obama has more people on food stamps it is because he has done more to ease the effects of the economic situation caused by the Wall Street crowd than past leaders. It was definitely insinuated by Newt that most of these people on food stamps would be black when most of the recipients are white through simple math. For him to tell people to get a job when there are few jobs to be had is a slogan and not either factual nor probable. If he has done so much to create jobs, where are those jobs today? As a matter of fact, a majority of the people receiving food stamps are also working, so he is wrong on all counts.
          He was a player – in all the ways, back in the 1990′s but he has not created a job except for himself, such as advising Freddie Mac on how to foreclose on real people, instead of focusing on who sold the bundled securities before Freddie and Fannie joined in. I suppose he might have hired a secretary or two so we will give him credit for 3 jobs at least.
          As for his former wife’s interview, she was there. In a case of he said, she said, only the one claiming to represent family values for the nation comes out smelling like rotten fish. Newt seems to have a penchant for being a serial hypocrite in three marriages and committing adultery each time. He also left each wife when they became ill – a real man who values the vows of marriage. He claims he has asked forgiveness for his mistakes but the words coming out of his mouth suggest the same hubris that got him fired as speaker of the House. This is a matter of character, and Newt fails the test to be the Commander in Chief. Santorum got this correct. When he says you never know what is going to come out of Newt’s mouth next, he is sounding a valid alarm. We cannot afford a man who consistently talks in a stream of consciousness manner. He may have big ideas but he never seems to follow through on them.
          To conclude, you made valid points about why we have a deficit now – two unfunded wars, unprecedented tax cuts in a time of war and expansion of Federal benefits ,like Medicare part D,without taxes to cover them. To quote a T-shirt slogan that has Bush saying “I screwed you all but thanks for blaming the black guy”, Obama inherited a cesspool and has been able to shrink it a little without much assistance from Congress-even when it was under the nominal control of the Democratic party. Whoever gets the White House in November, the cesspool left from the era of Bush-Cheney will be with us for a long time to come.

        • catfish says:

          What a dumb A–. Doe back in the closet.

      • David Stovall says:

        Sorry to tell you Kenny. That wasn’t Debbie cakes, that was Anthony Weiner sneaked back in with a wig on.

      • GrumpyOleMan says:

        Shout it LOUD Ruth! This B**** (supposedly) lives far too close to where I do. She’s an insult to the human race, never mind just the Demonic-crats!

    • danimal says:

      Blond and dumb. What more needs to be said.

      • airbornesf says:

        Its bleach, she is really a Brunet

      • Larry says:

        She’s a hell of a lot smarter than you. Have you got your GED yet?

        • D Fowler says:

          Ignore Larry. He is one of those unfortunates that went to a unionized public school…and clearly failed.

          • GIVEMEFREEDOM says:

            If you’re a LIB he passed with flying colors.

          • Misty says:

            No D Fowler, you’re only partialy correct. In the public school system in America where unionized teachers fare better than the students, he probably finished top of his class!

        • chris butler says:

          you’re an idiot. people who think like you are the biggest problem this country has. we need to put all of you morons on a deserted island together with odumbass as your leader.

        • James Andrews says:

          She’s not only a brain dead, leftist idiot, she wants to destroy the Constitution and take away MORE of our Billl of Rights. She is a dangerous woman, who needs to be booted out of office as soon as possible!

          • FIRE OBAMA says:


        • Allen says:

          Does a 4 year degree count? Or am I being un edgeyoumakated for asking? Is this the best argument you have? REALLY?!?!?! What makes you think this woman is smarter? I can at least answer a yes or no question with no spin. WAIT!!!!!!!! Thats right, I am a dum stoopid unedgeyoumakated rethuglican. Seriously Larry, get another argument. This same tired old saw doesnt work and makes you look like idiot.
          P.S. I know I cant EVER be as good as a Democrat or someone who has been to skool, however, the correct grammar in your sentence structure would be “Have you GOTTEN your GED yet?”

          • BGinTN says:

            Thank you, this morning I needed this.
            “I am a dum stoopid unedgeyoumakated rethuglican.”

            Still laughing, I needed it.

        • krdave says:

          Larry, If ya gonna make smart @$$ comments on here, ya gotta do better than that.

        • jib jab says:

          Larry, your funny, scripted, childish, liberal, socialist, bias, prejudice talking points are showing, come-on, wake up dude, you’ve been brain washed by the public and NEA dumb-ed down bias socialist educational system. Larry, Think Freedom not suppression.

        • Eddie says:

          If you’re going to be stupid you got to be strong !

        • Eddie says:

          Larry….if you’re going to be stupid you’ve got to be strong !

        • Larry,
          Are you trying to defend your little JAP sister?

        • OAHS says:

          Larry, if you think Debbie is smart, you must really be stupid!

        • Old geezer says:

          Larry, why don’t you, Curly and Moe make another cultural, enlightening movie instead of showing off you skills in literature!

      • Allen says:

        We have to stop the flapping lips that spew vile and untrue statements.
        Wasserman should also brush three times a day with fresh water and by all means use a mouthwash to cover that damn fecal smell that fills the air, when she opens her pie(butt)hole.

    • warren reynolds says:

      I would be interested to know just how many GM vehicles were bought with tax money for police and city and state officials? Subtract those units and lets see how they did. LOL

      • tedsmith says:

        Spent 30/40 yrs upper management auto business, was privileged to access of man & distribution numbers. Promise you ,if real sales, not gov induced or crony type auto distribution, were reported, GM is tanking, big time. Was blessed to have spent most of my time w/Ford & they have a real success story:albeit no gov bailout, no thank you, don’t need your strings attached, bullshit programs. Ford man all the way

        • jr says:

          Right on Tedsmith

        • Mary says:

          tedsmith . . . .
          Good for you, Mr. Ford Man all the Way!!!! I am a proud owner of a 2002 Ford Focus for all the same reaons you mentioned. I am also a very proud Republican. We will win in November -What a great comment!

          • poacher says:

            ford–building the cars americans want.
            gm—sucking the government tit and making cars the government wants you to drive. subsidized with your tax dollars and government force.

        • Larry says:


          You forgot to mention that Ford borrowed billions of dollars from the government to fund research.

          • Mary says:

            Your comment is laughable – such a sick liberal you are. You and your cheif play the blame game soooooo well.

          • GIVEMEFREEDOM says:

            Lets hear about it Larry. How much? what years?
            PROVE IT!

          • nellie says:

            Sorry, Larry, Ford Company borrowed money from the provate sector…meaning some the the largests banks/

          • Allen says:

            Typical butthole Dem. reply Larry. You make a statement you really don’t know anything about as well as can’t support. You know Ford never borrowed research funds from our government. But as a typical pinhead, limp dick Demoncrat, you fart before you speak. Get a damn job and pay your taxes turd. You really smell up the air. Where did I put my airfreshner?

        • jim letourneau says:

          Ahh we know everything, Bush caused nothing AGI set in Nov and Dec signed by Obama has paid back 20%, you know so much, Why didn’t you say anything when Bush had Channey 2002-2003 revamp Mineral Management Services wich was inacted by Congress 1983 too regulate deep water wells in the Gulf of Mexico, between 2003 and 2007 too entertain there big oil Reps and employees hed 118 golf events and spent 4.4 million tax dollars, Just throught why you couldn’t care less you weren’t pay any, the country bleeding 700,000 jobs per year involed in WMD’s and Bush & Channey on flim exspaining why deep water safety equipment wasn’t needed in the gulf od Mexico , which is a direct cause of the worst oi spill in world history, you can find the infomation, and that was Ragean administration and also Economic Freedom Act, raised tax to save country from crisis. unfunded Tax cuts, unfunded war longest in USA history, the Gulf still has tar balls on there beaches and globs in the water, Bush made history books, think you need to read.

          • Mary says:

            jim letourneau!

            Here you libs go with the blame game again. This is because you have nothing to brag about for your “chief” -he is a failed pres, so blame others so you won’t have to get stuck trying to find things about him to be proud of. Didn’t you know that BHO has been in the WH for going on FOUR YEARS?????????????????? Find someone new to blame – like Barack Hussein Obama – you don’t have to look very far to find TRILLIONS of things to blame him for. lMAO

          • D Fowler says:

            Man, another of those attendee’s of unionized public schools who never made it out. Sorry they did not teach you how to use a period. I read a few lines was gasping for air so stopped reading altogether. Here ladies and gentlement is a prime example of a neo-left supporter. Pity them.

          • Don says:

            You got that right Mary! This president has increased the national debt more that the past 6 or 8 presidents! You talk about missmanagement. This ??? organizer hasn’t a clue. Besides that, he is an illegal, socialist, kenyan muslim that is not qualified to be president! He should be IMPEACHED NOW rather than wait for the 2012 elections as it may be too late by then. Just pray that the Republicans can keep control of the House and gain control of the Senate.

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