Socialism’s First Casualties
Written on January 21, 2012 by David L. Goetsch
I have already described the economic aspects of socialism in an earlier article in this series. Socialism is bad enough when viewed strictly from the perspective of economics, a fact that has been demonstrated throughout the world wherever it has been tried. The inefficiency, monumental waste, and poor productivity associated with the former Soviet Union were all by- products of that nation’s socialist economic system. As bad as socialism is when viewed strictly as an economic system, it is even worst when seen for what it really is: a misguided and destructive worldview. The more one investigates the reality of socialism, the more disturbing the observations become.
In a free-market setting, the individual is personally responsible for deciding what course of action will best serve his economic interests. Having decided, he has the individual liberty and economic freedom—within the bounds of morality, ethics, and legality—to act in his own best interest. In a socialist setting, things are radically different. Socialists view the world through a different prism. In order to accept the socialist worldview, one must accept the premise that the state knows better than the individual how people should live and what people should believe. The highest authority to a socialist is the all-knowing, all-powerful, all-authoritative state. In other words, to a socialist the state is god. As god, the state controls all aspects of the individual’s life. Personal liberty and economic freedom are the first casualties of socialism.
This state-as-god mentality is why socialists willingly submit to centralized government control of not just the economy, but all aspects of their lives—what they should believe, how they should live, and what they should think. Hence, socialism resembles religion in that it is based on faith—but not in God. Socialists have faith in the providence of the state. Adherents of socialism are willingly to give up their liberty and freedom for the security they think an all-powerful nanny state can provide them. It’s a bad bargain. Invariably, socialism robs individuals of their freedom and liberty without providing the security they seek. But socialists are nothing if not faithful. Faith is why they cling so stubbornly to their misguided worldview in spite of socialism’s consistent record of failure. Liberals like president Obama believe socialism can work simply because they want it to.
When discussing socialism with students, I use the example of grades to make my point. I explain that a socialist grading system would involve computing the class average for the final exam and giving all students—no matter how well or how poorly they scored individually—the same grade: the class average. Of course the better students are appalled at the thought of using such a system. In fact, only the worst students in class—those who admittedly would probably fail the final exam—opt for the socialist grading system. And this is one of the most fundamental problems with socialism—it rewards the non-producers in society and punishes the producers.
This article is the fourth in a series on Socialism.
What’s So Bad About Socialism? (Intro)
How Do You Define Socialism? (Part 1)
Beginnings of American Socialism in Public Education? (Part 2)
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It’s because people are lazy and have expectations is why Obama and Socialist are their choice. They have a brotha who’s going to take care of them by taking from the rich and give to the poor. Obama is their svaiors and that’s why I think the following will happen.
I really hate to tell you people this but I still feel the parasites and those who hate the rich , wealthy and well to do are going to be the ones who vote Obama back into office for four more years. He’s an appeaser, a showman and is in touch with the people. They may all be brain-dead and in the same category as those who admire movie stars, rick stars, rappers and professional footballs player and in some cases drug dealers but “they” are the ones who love their country just like it is. free this, free that and free the other. These are the same people who feel the government is required to take care of them and its those who work for a living that should pay higher taxes to see that this is done. It’s really sad from my prospective. These are the same people who think there should be a job for everyone and that having an uncontrollable birth rate is all good. Why? Cause those rich people will just have to pay more taxes to take care of them. These are the same people that don’t realize we are now entering an era where there’s going to be cuts in wages by 50% and an unemployment rate of the unskilled like we’ve never seen before and it doesn’t matter who gets into office. The simple fact is, there will NEVER be a job for everyone, we have to many people in this country and due to this fact we are heading to look like most of the third world nations we are in a war with. For this reason you’re going to see more people control regulations, disarmament, and total government control to the point where we too someday will look just like Libya and have to do to our leaders as they did to theirs. Yes sir buddy, your greediness and “you’s owes me” jive-ass turkey punks tribal attitude are taking you to the road of a better life isn’t it.
isn’t it kinda like getting a medal for ninth place???
In fact, only the worst students in class—those who admittedly would probably fail the final exam—opt for the socialist grading system. And this is one of the most fundamental problems with socialism—it rewards the non-producers in society and punishes the producers. and there you have it wrapped up in a nutshell. These are the very same people who’re going to put Obama back into office for four more years.
‘Road to Serfdom’
As F.A. Hayek said in his book above,
In centralized economic systems, “the worst rises to the top”.
The above comment from Hayek only proves that even in economics as in science,
‘fat floats to the top’.
If you want to see pure socialism at work go to any Indian reservation, but don’t even roll down your windows. You will be stunned. It only works as long as it can run on other people’s money.
The Two Minute Conservative at for political analysis, science and humor. Daily on Kindle.
Obama will stifle incentive within the United States. Other countries are outpacing us in GNP and exports and Obama wants us to sit back and rake in the benefits of socialism. If socialism takes root, people will stop new marketing, inventions and striving to reach the top of any skill. Why should we if everyone gets the same salary, live the same lifestyle-it will be a boring life. Lined up at the clinics for medical care waiting hours, fewer products on the grocery store shelves etc. We will be a pitiful nation!
Doesn’t look like a lot of difference between socialism and communist Russia to me. It’s amazing how we spent 50 years or more fighting against this form of government only to have the young punks of today turn us into the very people we hate..and killed for decades. I guess that should tell all those who want socialism what we think of them and will do to them when the revolution comes.
I was a solider once I took the Otha to kill any one that threaten the United States of American Foreign and Domestic so guess what I will do if it comes to it
If you sincerely consider socialism and those who follow it, they do so out of a clear case of insanity.
hey man you left out the word ASS and obono
THINK before you vote for the Socialist Dog who currently occupies the People’s White House.
Headline: The toad with warts wins 2012 election!
I recall in the early 60s when some friends escaped Cuba to come to the U.S.; these young men had fought “with” Castro against a corrupt government. Castro fast confiscated my friends’ properties and killed their family members who were smart enough to see a wolf in sheep’s clothing. With about sixty-six thousand graves to child star Che and Castro’s credit, the communists couldn’t even harvest their own sugar cane in Cuba during the 70s. Well-meaning, blind liberals who thought Castro was cute went to Cuba to harvest his sugar cane in the 70s. This in a nutshell is a real-life parable for the significance of America’s presidential election in 2012.
Never before has our great nation’s future been more in the balance. Let me fast remind you, dear reader. American free enterprise has produced more, inspired more, and enabled more than any other country in the history of the world, key words: freedom and free-enterprise. We have the best medicine in the world. We have more self-actualized social mobility than anywhere in the world; why else would we have so many wanting to move here with their families. We have the most responsive financial systems in the world, where else can investment , invention and entrepreneurship flourish as it does; as much as our current government vilifies success, most of the millionaires I know work sixteen hour days and have three or more employees.
We currently have a government that is dedicated to reducing America to third-world status, because of some dumb college classes they took where tenured professors taught them that America is a colonial oppressor with a ruthless military and exploits the underprivileged of the world. The sophomoric naiveté of such over-simplification is embarrassing and historically wrong. The emotional, socially divisive rhetoric this government justifies itself with cannibalizes us and if re-elected this government might just succeed in achieving the third-world status they say “we deserve”.
Republicans don’t have any charismatic or loveable candidates vying for nomination in 2012, however a Republican toad with warts is a toad with warts and not a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Dear reader, vote right, vote American and vote Republican.
I like the example of the college students who have socialist ideas but weren’t willing to give their high grades to a student with lower grades because they earned their grade. Unfortunately they don’t understand how telling that is. Idealism on one hand and realism on the other.
Socialist- In the state we trust
America- In God we trust
Which one are you? WE can see by our history,
IN GOD WE TRUST has worked the best!!!
Maybe the left hasn’t noticed, but business has been leaving this country and going overseas. When the successful achievers in this country have all gone and there are no jobs and no companies to provide jobs, who is going to foot the tax bill then to keep all the lazy losers in homes, cars, food, tv’s, clothes, etc.?
Everything comes from one of 2 sources, either God or the Devil. If it comes from God their will be freedom, prosperity and life. If it comes from the Devil there will be poverty, death and destruction.
John 8:32
32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
John 17:17
17 … thy word is truth.
Philippians 4:19
19 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
John 10:10
10 The thief (the Devil) cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I (Jesus) am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
The socialist, Communist and Marxist theories ultimately come from the Devil even if they don’t know it or even believe in the Devil. He can influence people without them even knowing it.