Not Obama’s Most Empathetic Moment
When a woman asked President Obama about her husband’s current unemployment status despite having a degree and work experience, the President came off sounding totally baffled and out of touch. Obama said it is ‘interesting’ to him that her husband is unable to find work because the word he’s getting is that someone in the hi tech field ‘should be able to find a job right away.’ The President told the woman to send in her husband’s resume so he can forward it to companies that are in need of engingeers.
Comments (157)
Sending the resume to oboma would be like making a deal with the devil. Remember the devil and daniel webster?
He knows why the man is out of work, and if he does anything about it he will use it to his advantage.
Did Obummer also promise her a new house and car? What a joke this guy is, really. It really is true, how can you tell when Obama is lying? When he opens his mouth. He's worse than any politician I've ever seen.
Obama has his finger on the pulse of foreign investors and investments. He has been in the business of passing our jobs over seas along with our debt. This nation should not be in debt to ANYONE. If our leaders were doing their jobs and allowing our business leaders to do their jobs, if there were less government control on business in America and lower taxes on businesses we would again be the world's leader in industry and development. Along with this would come more tax base simply by the explosion of income that would take place. Another important factor is the entitlement sector of society.
Again he talks thru his hat .HE TELLS THE WOMAN please foward that to me and i will get to the bottom of it. Is that the same man who said 3 SOTU speeches ago so many things he FOLLOW up on. Isaw a video of all his state of the union speeches and in the last speech there was about 15 things that he repeated. They were all going to be FOLLOWER up on lol. The bull that comes out of his mouth is now being taken like the lies they are. In fact its getting comical to see how this man is a patholgical liar ....a muslim trait to lie to the infidels.give me a break!!!.
I hope Obama doesn't sent her husband's resume to "green" companies that may soon fold.
well maybe, he knows someone thats had a job before. he`ll check at the golf course!!
Amazing how Obama's facts and figures never quite align themselves with actual conditions among U.S. constituency but he won't miss an opportunity to insert some reference to his own "deeply concerned grasp" of the average citizen's plight. His vocal delivery is becoming more and more reminiscent of the HAL-9000 from "2001: A Space Odyssey" and the parallels between his presidency and the 'malfunctioning decisions' made by that computer are alarming!
He doesn't have a company that is not going broke. Everything he's supported are flat broke and what is even better,he knew they were in trouble before he supported them. Tell her to try a different area. Might not help,but anything is worth a try.I wish her and her husband good luck1
Obama has so insulated himself from everyday American life that of course he knows not what citizens truly feel, how his policies and pronouncements have financially hurt and damaged average people. Obama's handlers and advisers know differently but continue on their destructive path because of blind allegiance to Marxist ideology and Obama's own misguided belief that everyone in the counrty will be happy if they will just follow his mandates and demands. He fails to understand the lessons of history: a leader insulated from the people is eventually brought down by those suffering people. The King of France, the Czar of Russia ... Obama and his 'court' emulate them well and will be deposed for the same reasons.
What does this country expect when an illegal, lying, Kenyan Muslim is allowed to sleep in the White House at night and impersonate a US president during the daytime?
Very, very little is known about this liar, expect the fact he was born in Kenya, was a community organizer in the Chicago area, and spent 179 days as a senator before being illegally elected to the White House.
NO ONE knows him or his background. He does not have a US birth certificate or a legitimate Social Security number.
Neither the Congress, nor the Supreme Court, not the federal judicial system will do anything to send him back to Kenya.
Is it any wonder this country is being flushed down the toilet?
Very, very little is known about this liar, expect the fact he was born in Kenya, was a community organizer in the Chicago area, and spent 179 days as a senator before being illegally elected to the White House.
NO ONE knows him or his background. He does not have a US birth certificate or a legitimate Social Security number.
Neither the Congress, nor the Supreme Court, not the federal judicial system will do anything to send him back to Kenya.
Is it any wonder this country is being flushed down the toilet?
I tried to post a comment, but Urkel and Company are monitoring this website.
Pretty sad when Obummer is the only one who can supposedly find a job for this woman's husband. He has to do that to prove that he is on top of the game. Give me a break!!!! He's not in touch with the American people. He only wants to make himself look good. HIS POLICIES AREN'T WORKING? Vote Republican in 2012!!!
There should be an opening for President quite soon! The trouble is going to be, getting the old one to move out!
Obama is sooooo full of crap!
Maybe, with all of the "green" companies going bankrupt on the "taxpayer's" stimulus money and closing down, there is a glut of "high-tech" engineers currently on the market.
Maybe, with all of the "green" companies going bankrupt on the "taxpayer's" stimulus money and closing down, there is a glut of "high-tech" engineers currently on the market.
I am trying to be the first one to comment, but you will not print my comments. Everything I write is censored.
Now, what would that moron know about a job,he's never had one that wasn't handed to him and certainly not in the private sector. And...why would anyone ask him a question that requires thoughtfulness, he doesn't care about anyone but himself, why else would he hit the tarmac in Phoenix whining to Jan Brewer about her dissing him, when the country is going to crap. He thinks of himself only and should be as in the words of Allen West, run out of America.
Not only is he not empaphetic, he out of touch with reality. There are many people in the same predicament as that woman's husband.
obama does not live in the real world that we do......(but of course the economy is going great)according to the imposter are not important to this guy.....HE IS PRIVILEDED TO HAVE A CHECK BOOK THAT IS FUNDED BY THE '''WE THE PEOPLE"" that he can live a life that is spreading the wealth around.....and very substantially to him.... NOT RIGHT ...NOT FAIR ..CAN NOT CONTINUE ........VOTE THE ILLEGAL BIMBO OUT......
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