Obama walks a thin line on SOPA statement
The White House waded into the red-hot online piracy debate with a statement Saturday that won’t satisfy either side.
In a blog post penned by three administration officials, the White House said it opposes any bill that would make it easier for government to censor the Web or make the Internet less secure, but it stopped short of saying whether that includes two bills that have sent the tech industry into a panic.
If that sounds like a careful effort to walk a thin line, it is: Some of the president’s biggest supporters in Hollywood and Silicon Valley and beyond are sharply divided over the bills, and the White House needs a way to keep both sides happy.
The Stop Online Piracy Act in the House and Protect IP Act in the Senate are an attempt by business interests led by Hollywood to crack down on people pirating movies and music and stop the sale of knockoff goods.
But Web companies and Internet freedom activists have cried foul, saying the bills would put restrictions on the Web in a way that could destroy the fundamental openness of the Internet and prevent the next generation of Facebooks or eBays from getting off the ground.
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Obama you will be gone by the American way. Obama, accept your fate. Your hollywood party budides are not going to help much. Obama, your hollywood buddies spend millions on one movie. If that movie is not viewed, rented, and ignored they do not make any money. The biggest and best movies are Made In America. It is called Capitalism. All of your hollywood supporters will drop you like the plague that you are. Me and my constituents have already boycotted anyone one of your supporters in hollywood. Any producers, directors, the children that act (you might call them the stars) will not be viewed on any media. It is called American. Obama, Americans do not like you.Obama, your hollywood party buds will dump you if they look bad by supporting you. Americans will NOT support them by purchasing their products, movies.
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