Dear Patriot, The ever-changing array of excuses and explanations from the Justice Department about Operation Fast and Furious has been mind-numbing. At first, DOJ claimed there was no gun-walking, and Congress should set aside its investigation of the matter because it might undermine criminal investigations.
Then, when evidence began to mount showing that gun-walking had not only taken place but had led to the death of US Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, DOJ tried to say it only affected ATF's Phoenix Field Division. As we began to see through those lies, Attorney General Eric Holder said before Congress that the Fast and Furious scandal did not reach the top levels of the Justice Department.
At the end of last week, DOJ released over 1,000 pages of documents that they hoped the media would ignore. These documents revealed that top Justice officials actually debated how best to protect ATF from the Fast and Furious fallout!
Holder's assertion that this did not reach the top levels of the Justice Department marks the second time he perjured himself before Congress. If you'll remember, he orginally told Rep. Issa that he had first heard of Operation Fast and Furious was sometime in April 2011, but we now know that he received memos outlining the details of the operation as far back as July 2010!
What we're seeing is a systematic attempt by a very powerful government department to cover up a politically motivated operation that got out of hand and eventually led to the death of a federal agent. And while DOJ has shuffled some of the low-level players involved in order to make it look like they've dished out punishment, maybe the biggest offenses have come from the Attorney General himself! He has twice lied before Congress in order to protect himself, and we should expect more from this country's chief law enforcement officer!
Eric Holder must be investigated, and if a prosecutor deems that he did in fact commit a crime, he must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law! If you agree that Eric Holder is not above the law, please take a moment to sign our petition today.
Thank you, Todd Cefaratti Freedom Organizer
P.S. Our strength is in numbers. Please help our efforts by forwarding to a friend.
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