Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Gmail - Romney's Record on Gun Rights, 70th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor Slideshow, Europeans and Gun Rights, The Cost of One Female Air Force Major's Fake Kidnapping, Returning the 'Intrepid 13' Heroes From Libya, the Capture of Saddam and more! - flyaway.jack@gmail.com

Gmail - Romney's Record on Gun Rights, 70th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor Slideshow, Europeans and Gun Rights, The Cost of One Female Air Force Major's Fake Kidnapping, Returning the 'Intrepid 13' Heroes From Libya, the Capture of Saddam and more! - flyaway.jack@gmail.com

Romney's Record on Gun Rights, 70th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor Slideshow, Europeans and Gun Rights, The Cost of One Female Air Force Major's Fake Kidnapping, Returning the 'Intrepid 13' Heroes From Libya, the Capture of Saddam and more!

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Guns & Patriots Newsletter
An Exclusive Publication of Human Events | Vol. 3, No. 49

This week in Guns & Patriots...
Neil W. McCabe, Editor

Dear Guns & Patriots readers,

It is impossible to understand the flush of emotions for Americans who lived through both the Japanese strike on Pearl Harbor and the Sept. 11 Attacks. It was not supposed to ever happen again. It did, and it will again.

The old World War II song went: "Let's remember Pearl Harbor as we did the Alamo/Let's remember Pearl Harbor as we go to meet the foe/We will always remember those who died for Liberty!/Let's remember Pearl Harbor—and go on to Victory!"

To remember and commemorate, we have put together a slideshow of historical photos to help maintain Dec. 7's context. Our Go button will take you to the Pearl Harbor National Park and our video this week is a Castle Films newsreel detailing the scope and scale of the attack with Navy footage.

Also this week, I want to point out our sponsor: The Elevation Group. Knowledge is power and with them, knowledge is profits, too. The Elevation Group is a new-look financial organization based on the lessons of the current economic collapse. Check out how their 2011 predictions fared and hear their forecasts for 2012. Good stuff.

Let me also mention our new free gun and accessory inventory software program: GunCount. There were tons of downloads in the last week, and we only heard two problems. The first was mistyped email addresses, which was easy enough to track down and fix. The second problem was trusting the Adobe Air program, which combines into one action, the download, unzip and installation. You just need to trust that it is as easy as it is.

Otherwise, the feedback has been off the charts. Thank you for your generous words. Many people were involved in making theGunCount a reality—and when you finally release a project to the world, there is the anxiety of wondering if it would really catch on. So far, so great!

If you have not tried it yet, download it here.

In this week's issue, we look at W. Mitt Romney's record on gun rights in Massachusetts, the bizarre case of an Air Force female major, who nearly cost us the use of an overseas air base and my interview with David Bellavia, an Iraqi War hero who is helping the families of the "Intrepid 13" bring their remains home with honor—and more!

As a special bonus, we have Brian H. Darling's article on Europeans and Gun Rights that he wrote for the UK's Daily Mail that they then pulled down in less than 24 hours for being too dangerous. We talk about it, too on this week's podcast, along with my interview with Stephen Russell, the officer in charge of the task force hunting Saddam Hussein about his new book "We Got Him!"

Neil McCabe signature
Neil W. McCabe
Editor, Guns & Patriots

podcast icon
Neil W. McCabe and Brian H. Darling

Editor Neil W. McCabe and Brian H. Darling, a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation discuss his column for the UK's Daily Mail, which was pulled from its website because it was too dangerous! Also, Neil speaks to Steve Russell, who led the task force that hunted down Saddam and historian Robert J. Laplander highlights a remarkable hero in his Medal of Honor Roll Call... Read More
Lt. Col. Oliver North, USMC retired

Excerpt: "Thanks to inept national security planning in Washington, there are more vulnerabilities today than there were just three years ago. At the top of the list: Iran."... Read More
W. Thomas Smith, Jr.

Excerpt: "Dec. 7, 1941: Japanese Naval air forces strike Pearl Harbor (Oahu, Hawaii), the main U.S. Naval base there, the anchored American fleet, and an Army airfield in a tactically successful albeit strategically ruinous 'sneak attack' that will fully thrust America into World War II."... Read More
The Elevation Group

33-year-old Texas man goes from broke waiter to millionaire by the age of 26 using this 1 secret... Read more
Robert J. Laplander

Excerpt: "During the first attack by Japanese airplanes on the Naval Air Station, Kaneohe Bay, Territory of Hawaii, on December 7, 1941, he promptly secured and manned a .50 caliber machine gun mounted on an instruction stand in a completely exposed section of the parking ramp, which was under heavy enemy machine gun strafing fire. Although painfully wounded many times, he continued to man this gun and to return the enemy's fire vigorously..."... Read More
Kathryn M. Delong

When W. Mitt Romney was the governor of Massachusetts he had the chance to promote gun freedoms and lighten the government burdens from the back of gun owners. What happened?... Read More
Emily Miller

To legally own a gun in the nation's capital, you have to take a gun safety class from a D.C.-certified instructor. Whether you have owned your guns (in another state) for 20 years or never touched one before (like me), you must take four hours of classroom instruction and one hour at the shooting range before Washington will let you register your gun... Read More
Glenn MacDonald

"It's been five years since former Air Force poster girl Jill Metzger claimed she was kidnapped in Kyrgyzstan and escaped to freedom by running 30 miles barefoot after "overpowering" one of her guards. No such abductors were ever found, despite millions of taxpayer dollars expended on a massive hunt for people that many of our readers at MilitaryCorruption.com believe don't exist... Read More
Brian H. Darling

"Dan Mitchell of the Cato Institute in the United States has raised a very interesting issue for those who believe that a complete collapse of European society is inevitable. Mitchell wrote a piece titled 'European Economic Crisis Highlights an Increasingly Important Reason to Oppose Gun Control' where he argued that many of the not so rich in Europe may need to arm themselves for personal protection in anticipation of a possible economic collapse. I agree..."... Read More
Guns & Patriots

Take a moment of reflection and lament through these photos for the souls who stood up and were cut down on that quiet Sunday morning at Pearl Harbor Dec. 7, 1941... Read More
Eric J. Andringa

I had an epiphany on liberal media bias. They're the real bigots they accuse the conservative right of being. Think about it. The media goes out to destroy with unbridled tenacity any conservative woman or minority: Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain--even going back to Clarence Thomas--they all became targets... Read More
Neil W. McCabe

An Iraqi war hero has joined the effort by family members to return to American soil the remains of 13 Navy sailors killed in 1804 fighting the Barbary pirates, now heading to conference committee... Read More
Jen Veldhuyzen

The State Department announced Dec. 2 that it will reconsider its stance against allowing M-1 Garands into the United States if South Korea offers another sale... Read More
John E. Nevola

Excerpt: "Private John Patrick Kilroy stood at rigid attention in company formation on the parade grounds of Fort Benning. He and the other boys of his training company proudly endured the brutal midday heat. There was barely a breeze to disturb the flags held upright by the Color Guard." Read More

An objection, of a nature different from that which has been stated and answered, in my last address, may perhaps be likewise urged against the principle of legislation for the individual citizens of America. It may be said that it would tend to render the government of the Union too powerful, and to enable it to absorb those residuary authorities, which it might be judged proper to leave with the States for local purposes... Read More

Check out our legal profiling! Join us.

Pearl Harbor National Park: Valor in the Pacific

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