Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Gmail - Obama to use foreign aid to promote homosexual agenda abroad - flyaway.jack@gmail.com

Gmail - Obama to use foreign aid to promote homosexual agenda abroad - flyaway.jack@gmail.com

Obama to use foreign aid to promote homosexual agenda abroad

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Obama to use foreign aid to promote homosexual agenda abroad

WASHINGTON (AP) The Obama administration is announcing a wide-ranging effort to use U.S. foreign aid to promote rights for gays and lesbians abroad, including combating attempts by foreign governments to criminalize homosexuality.

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Go on Welfare, Live Large at the $1.2 Million Lake House

Must be nice. A Seattle couple is on welfare, food stamps, disability and housing assistance, and is living in a beautiful $1.2 million Lake Washington home. The couple received more than $1,200 in housing assistance meant for public housing vouchers, yet used a loophole in the law which allowed them to move to a location of their choosing. They also received federal and state disability benefits and food stamps.

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Police clear out Occupy New Orleans camp

NEW ORLEANS (AP) - Scores of police officers marched into an encampment of protesters and homeless people across from City Hall before dawn Tuesday, forcing the dozens of occupants out and removing tents in a peaceful eviction that drew loud, sometimes raucous complaints but did not result in violence.

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Bachmann: Romney, Gingrich both have 'flaws'

(AP) - Rep. Michele Bachmann said Tuesday she still thinks she has a good chance of winning the Iowa Republican caucuses, saying presidential campaign rivals Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney "have significant flaws."

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Al Gore -- The Media Reported only 1% of What Went On in the Clinton Years

So Bob Woodward, famed investigative journalist, doesn't like to be seated next to former Vice President Al Gore at a dinner party or Washington event. Yet he and his comrades were willing to foist him upon the nation for eight VERY LONG YEARS.

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Romney says he supports payroll tax cut

WASHINGTON (AP) - Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said Monday he supports the extension of payroll tax cuts, a proposal President Barack Obama is championing.

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NAACP wants new voting laws struck down

WASHINGTON (AP) - The NAACP has been collecting information about early voting advocacy by black churches in Florida, hoping to convince the Justice Department to strike down a slew of new state voting laws it claims are intended to thwart growing minority participation at the polls ahead of next year's presidential election.

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