Sunday, December 4, 2011

Gmail - Obama's Abortion Mandate to be Tested in the Supreme Court -

Gmail - Obama's Abortion Mandate to be Tested in the Supreme Court -

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Obama's Abortion Mandate to be Tested in the Supreme Court

Martin Fox via to me
show details Dec 3 (1 day ago)
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National Pro-Life Alliance

Dear Jack,

Good news -- from the courts of all places.

It looks like Obama's pro-abortion biases are about to get their wings clipped.

While the Supreme Court is normally a guardian of abortion-on-demand, President Obama's recent actions have been even too much for the Court to stomach.

As pro-lifers know, during the fight over health care, the Obama Administration, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid set as one of their top priorities the channeling of taxpayer money to abortionists.

Since then, not only has Obama Administration funneled taxpayer funding for abortion from the federal government, but they are demanding that states cough up your tax dollars too.

In May, the State of Indiana passed a law forbidding the transfer of any taxpayer dollars to organizations that perform abortions.

Naturally that didn't sit well with the nation's largest abortion chain, Planned Parenthood.

So their lackeys at the Obama Justice Department jumped into the fray and sued the state of Indiana demanding the law be overturned.

Obama-appointed judge Tanya Walton Pratt nullified the law and forced Indiana to make payments to Planned Parenthood.

Fortunately, that's not the end of the story.

President Obama will now have to defend his pro-abortion policy before the Supreme Court.

Announcing recently that it would review the constitutionality of the so-called "Obamacare" program, the Supreme Court has agreed to examine among other things whether Obama's pro-abortion policy creates an unconstitutional coercion of the States.

This is a direct test of Obama's heavy handed attempts to order states to pay for abortions.

A ruling in our favor would once again allow states like Indiana to refuse to fund abortion providers.

But win or lose at the Supreme Court, you can be sure your National Pro-Life Alliance will continue the fight to shut off all taxpayer funding for abortion.

For Life,
Martin Fox
Martin Fox, President
National Pro-Life Alliance

P.S. National Pro-Life Alliance is entirely dependent on voluntary contributions to keep our vital programs running. We receive no government funding. To chip in with a contribution today, please click here.

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