‘Legalized Bribery’: How Bad is Congressional Insider Trading?
“How can we fix our country with this going on?” Glenn Beck asks Peter Schweizer.
“We can’t,” Schweizer responds, shaking his head. “And you know, Glenn, if we can’t fix this?”
“You can’t fix anything,” Beck says, finishing the sentence for him.
What are they discussing that’s so serious as to prohibit America from being fixed? Congressional insider trading.
In case you‘re unfamiliar with Washington’s most recent scandal, Peter Schweizer has written a bombshell book titled “Throw Them all Out” that carefully details multiple cases where members of Congress have made outrageous gains in the stock market by trading on information available only to them. Ordinarily, that’s called “insider trading” and it’s highly illegal. Yet, somehow, Congress is able to get away with it.
And it doesn’t end there. It seems that several people have been profiting from Washington’s insider information
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Line them up and get the firing squad ready; November 2012 is coming…thank the Lord.
Isn’t it strange that all of these friggin politicians are as crooked as the day is long. Why would anyone spend millions of $$$ to get a job that pays $174,000.00? Power and corruption? We need a total dump of the system and start over with normal working folks in the congress and senate. The corruption we have is unbelieveable. They are micromanageing changing baby diapers and everything else. They all need to go. The sooner the better. New guys come in with all of there true blue morales and the senior lawmakers tell them to play along or nothing they do will ever go anywhere. How about bribing the the dude in Nebraska so they could get Obumascare thru?There is no end to the tretchery these crooks live by.
To solve the problem just stop voting for lawyers and insurance salesmen.
Correct, the system is fine, it’s the people who are entrusted with
administrating the system that are screwing it up.
Is Ron Paul starting to look better to you as a President yet?
Hell NO!!!!!!
Audit the FED.
Dear David in MA: Dr. Ron Paul is a fine Gentleman. However in Politics, perception is reality and not reality is reality. The Liberal Media has successfully painted him as to soft to lead!
No, because anyone who thinks that they “sweet talk” their way into a decent relationship with Iran is NUTS!!!!
Insurance salesmen?. I resemble that remark.
Don’t vote for any of the turncoats that the “fair and balanced”
media keep presenting! For example: George Bush, John McCain, Romney, etc. McCain got the nomination and then
wouldn’t run; Romney could have gotten the nomination and
won in 08 but wouldn’t try; Bush was elected in 04 but wouldn’t
drill, control the border, stop the EPA, he just laid there and
then bailed out the banks to the tune of hundreds of billions.
When an “outside the beltway honorable” person runs,
such as Sarah Palin, the media including FOX, will eviscerate
him/her. FOX was so shocked when the people wanted
Huckabee that they hired him and could then tell him what to
We, America, are in big trouble! We had better elect Gingrich,
he is our best bet and clue: FOX wants Romney = “born to lose”.
Newt in 2012. BO needs to be exposed as to who and what he is! We don’t need another McCain. Newt knows where all the politcal bones are buried, starting with Nancy P, Reed, Shummer just to mention a few who fear Newt being elected.. Newt will chew BO up and spit hm out in a debate.
Very true
I still plan on giving Ron Paul my vote, I refuse to vote for someone who doesn’t have a moral compass, Newt is not a good man, if someone lies and cheats in his personal life, why would any of us trust him to represent our country?Ron Paul has always walked the walk in his politics and personal life and is far more intelligent than any of the other contenders, *******Ron Paul 2012*******
Newtie is a big time Washington insider, and knows exactly what is going on right now! He says what we want to hear so that he can get the votes, but look at his voting record. He wants to be in on the “winning side” and he sees what is coming. Why else would a man that made 100 Million last year as a lobbyists, would want to go back to a government job.
Newtie has one interest alone that is…………..what is good for Newtie.
He is a One World Government guy, and would finish up what the illegal has started.
If it’s against the law for me it damn sure better be for any politician to have an insider trading perk. Damn we need to call these idiots on this one and put a stop to it.
Absolutely- Pelosi is a big fat piece of manure. If we did what she did, we’d be in Blogo’s shoes waiting for the magic number. (as we speak). Then Pelosi has the nerve to say she’s got the goods on Gingrich. What a POS hypocrite!
its all the same corruption”coruption gone wild”.see it on local,state,federal level.thats how we got a state income tax,here in ct.had independant gov,proposed tax.needed one vote to make it suceed.one hold out democrat,voted for income tax.his brother recent college graduate gets job as assistant proc.attorney for state. nice job right out of college.they tell us they swear an oath to constitution.in reality they swear an oath to cronyism,corruption,and line my pockets.this same hold out democrat [worked for ceta] as a kid was this governors page in the district of corruption.the maverack republican senator ,had a democratic page.also this future state democrat rep,is a rhodes scholar,univ.london,oxford england,also attended school in hunguary,east germany 10 yrs before berlin wall came down.
I agree Sarge. The stench coming from Wash. D.C. is overwhelming. It is time to clean house on both sides of the isle. Insider trading is not the only problem. I resent them raising their salaries without voter approval – their pensions and health care is not the same as citizens. Its interesting to note they voted for Obamacare (when voters didn’t want it) yet they have private healthcare. We need honest people who have worked in their lives – run businesses and get rid of lawyers. Term limits is an excellent option.
Our Congress sold out long ago. They allowed Clinton to take away our rights with executive orders. Fema has all of our rights now.
Congress is now useless except for their own individual pockets.
Exactly! They gather to proclaim a special day such as professional baseball players and ignore the more difficult and pressing problems facing our society that are going to lead us into an abyss. Then after proclaiming that a certain day is to be set aside to celebrate something, they go home for a break-they are so tired and worn out!
If folks like you feel so strongly about these corrupt politicians, and believe you me….most of them are, when election time comes around so many of you vote them back in because you all think your elected member is doing a good job for you; Incumbency almost guarantees re-election because of so many people who feel exactly that way. So these bums get back in and continue with their corruptible ways. We need an attitude adjustment!
Congress approval rating 13% and these men and women who say they are working for us, would that be like telling everyone you sell ice water in Hell, this is so bad that if we tried cleaning up this dirt it would take years to do so. I would think that most American’s work hard stay with-in the law of the land and believe in the good Lord, and this insider trading that is going on is only a little dirt we know about, men and women we send to Washington who have raided S.S. of 2.6 trillion dollars who have a salary of $174.000 plus a health care plan we all would love to have and have more paid vacation time then anyone in this country. I say we need to STOP this madnest and put in part time Congressmen and part time Senate no exta health care plan or paid vacation time if they want health care then let them pay for it, as for retirement you guess it S.S just like what we have to try and live on. Folks this is so bad I truly feel we will never get are land back from these men and women who pull are string’s like we were puppets on the end of that string.
We don’t need a total new system. Why? because we already have a great system called the Republic. The ppl of this country have got to face the facts that this country had a coup De ta perpetrated against her in the 1800′s and then help re-inhabit our Republic that has lain dormant since 1861. Why? Because America was usurped by her enemy’ called THE CORPORATION. We were tricked into giving up our Sovereignty and freedoms through trickery!
On June 20, 1874, the President with advice of Senate abolished and replaced the 1871 government with a commission consisting of three persons.
18 Stat. at L. 116, chap. 337
American Governance
Both systems concurrently exist today. However, the corporate system has been gaining predominance in the last 70 years. Many Sovereigns (We the people) have contracted with the corporate system unknowingly, unintentionally, and or without full disclosure given.
Once you learn the difference, you may have to make a decision for yourself, family and posterity. That decision may require changes in how you conduct yourself. You will have to undo what has been done to make your Sovereign status known. This is not taught in the corporate government’s public school system, because you are not to know.
The elite of the “One World government” corporate system want
and need to have power and control over the population (masses)
they call “Human Resources.” USAvsUS.info.
“The illusion of freedom will continue for as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will take down the scenery, move the tables and chairs out of the way, then they will pull back the curtains and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.” – Frank Zappa
“I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is now controlled by its system of credit.
We are no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.” – Woodrow Wilson, 1919 (Referring to the Federal Reserve and the transition to a debt-based economy)
Meet Your Straw Man
Tuesday, 01 December 2009 10:57
This is must know information. Visit and download the Meet Your Strawman pdf and other related documents from FTP Server #1. LOOK in the “ExposingTheSystem” folder.
“Having heard all of this,
you may choose to look the other way…
…but you can never say again
that you did not know”
–William Wilburforce 1759-1833
The solution is a tax revolt. When significant people follow a course of action it becomes the norm. Make a personal declaration to not pay taxes, at any level, and see what happens. You can test the power of resistance in the same way that they test the power of incumbency. Disregarding their oath, they behave any way they choose. If you say I will not pay for this charade that is a message others can understand. On January 21, 2012, see how many people will show up on the Washington Mall to stand with you in a fiscal boycott of all revenue systems. Remember, all public systems are linked together. All public employees can be federalized.
The problem is ….. there is no penalty for their abuse of office.
WE THE PEOPLE need to drag them out by their heels and tell them that they no longer “serve” in their former position.
Sarge, my late former employer’s son once said to me during the New York City’s mayoral race; “I won’t need a ‘salary’ to run the City of New York, I can live and do very well living on illegal ‘graft’ alone.”
I totally agree with you; we do have a need to purge the entire membership of the Congress, Senate, and the White House, along with with some of Obama’s U.S. Supreme Court appointees. We can legally and constitutionally do most of these purges by declaring the foreign-born Muslim Communist illegal U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama II’s nightmares as NULL and VOID right now and not wait for the 2012 elections. Otherwise, we will still suffer the consequences with the tyrants Obama will have left behind. Why do our U.S. Representatives continue to ignore this illegal alien’s notorious background? And worst yet… why did our U.S. Representatives ignored Bishop Ron McRae’s sworn affidavit thatBarack Hussein Obama II was actually born in Kenya, Africa, and later became a citizen of Indonesia, and then afterwards, he was sneaked into the U.S. by his mother?
Where do we go from here when our rights to govern ourselves have been taken away from us? Think about this?
MSGT…buy more arms and get familiar with how they work. Stock up on ammo and emergency supplies because if things don’t start to improve we may have to defend ourselves from not only the criminals in the streets but also the criminals in the government.
We the people put them in there beleaveing the BS they tell us to get elected ,Than stick it to the same people who voted them in >. Pensions at 15 times what we who voted them in get, to steal our pension funds and than tell us it’s broke and raise thier pay by 3000.00 while cutting the elderlys C.O.L.A. for 2 maybe more years >. Guess that 170,000.00 dolaars is not enough for them to live on . And don’t forget the speaking fees that equals millions >> We and our employers paid in but that makes it an entitlement >> Taxes,Fica and empolyers money wasted
I agree, we should dump and of the current politicians that have been in office more than two terms, and if we see they are not living up to our expectations have a special election and get rid of the blood suckers. Why isn’t there a private organization of citizens that oversee all this insider trading, we could get some old retired people with the sense god gave a jackass to do this, I am sure they would be more than glad to have a few extra dollars in their pockets.
we do not have enough ammo to take care of all the ones that need to be taken care of.
Better start up our reloading process.
Too bad we have to wait till then to get them out!
This is like someone opened the flood gates, and all this vile filth comes pouring out.
Dear dntmkmecomoverther: People better wise up real quick! If the MORONS that voted for the destroyer of the American way vote him back in, it is OVER!
Or hangings…..and make them public! Maybe they would be somewhat inclined to knock off the b s if they see we mean business!
Dear PTCRUISERMAN: If america was a South American Country, you may rest assured there would have been hangings by now!
Can be really throw a congressman out? If someone serves a two year term in the House and then loses the election, he continues to receive 80% of a congressman’s salary for life. Even without health insurance, he will have all medical and dental care provided at no cost for the rest of his life. In addition, he can count on a job from one of the special interest groups. Usually such jobs consist of conveying bribe offers to former colleagues who are still serving in Congress. In addition, voters can be sure that the other party will find someone just as objectionable to run against a corrupt congressman. The laws must be strengthened, and congressman should do real prison time if they take bribes. But will any congressman vote to strengthen the law?
just think of what this means to Obama even if we vote him out, We still pay him, better he was put out now, as he is a liar and a fraud and traitor to America , Remember Pearl Harbor
The benifits for life needs to go. They don’t do anything to warrant that. When they’re term is up, so should be their salary and benifits. It’s not our job to support them for life. It should be like the Military. After serving your time, you should be able to go back to the job you had pryor or find new gainful employment. This whole thing has gotten out of whack and we have let them vote themselves the salaries and other thing while sitting on our butts.
Duke, like everything else, they have done all of this ‘without the consent of the governed.’
They have failed to mutually pledge to each other their Lives, their Fortunes and their sacred Honor, for which, they have none as they have proved to dishonored their Oath of Office.
I TOTALLY AGREE with that statement.
Their pensions are ridiculousd and unconscionable and needs to be changed. They should get the same as citizens – we save, pensions from our work is accumulated and upon retiring rolled over and we take what we need after retirement.
Pelosi and Dirty Harry should be the first to be recalled or impeached. Pelosi was the one who signed the certification for Obama as president. Congress is complicit and thus guilty for not vetting him despite Phillip Berg, a Democrat, filing a lawsuit saying Obama was not constitutionally eligible as well as Alan Keyes saying the same thing. Citizens in this country have suffered for her action as well as Congress. I wonder how many Congressmen/women were the receipents of Soros bribe money? I believe that the election in 2008 was fraudulent. Bribery (ACORN) from the Chicago criminal machine of which Obama was part and parcel? Indiana is now investigating fraudulent ballot petitions to put Obama on the ballot. Be aware of what is going to happen in 2012 – Obama will not go quietly. Best to make certain he is vetted and his birth certificate he has submitted after Trump demanded it, is not fake, as many forensic computer experts say it is. Call your congressional representative and Speaker Boehner as well as Sec. of States!
jacy, sometime ago I sent the House Speaker John Boehner all the evidences, including Bishop Ron McRae’s sworn affidavit that proves the illegal alien Barack Hussein Obama II was actually born in Kenya, Africa, and later became a citizen of Indonesia, afer which, his mother sneaked him into the U.S. without a passport.
The House Speaker John Boehner failed to respond, which later led me refer to him as a “wimp!” As with Senator John McCain, our U.S. representatives never learned that you do not make deals with American traitors in the House and Senate that undermined our U.S. sovereignty and our American heritage.
Dear Chvietvet: Yes, there are times that a Congreesman can be thrown out!
These monkeys see no evil hear no evil and talk no evil, must I say anymore ?
You better check your facts on the benefits congressmen get after serving one term, they are way off.
Bob, I don’t want you to think I’m criticizing you, but I really would like to know the actual benefits these representatives have set up for themselves without the consent of the people?
Only in a fantasy world is this possible >. Look at all the lawyers in Washington and still we have a Jester in the Whitehouse >> Needs a 17 day vacation with tax payers money as he is over worked reading a tell a promtor >> !7 days to destory what may prove where he was born >. Read his thies he and what his wife wrote about this country >>> All big secerts >> Vote wise in 2012 >>PASS NO LAW THAT DO NOT APPLY EQUALLY TO ALL PERSONS WHO ARE AMERICANS >> GET RID OF THE DOUBLE STANDARD >> I BELEAVE THE CONSITUTION SAYS ALL ARE CREATED EQUAL SO WHY DON’T THE RULES APPLY TO THE GOVERMENT PERSONAL ( THAT ‘WE’ VOTE INTO OFFICE TO REPRESENT ‘US’ ??) Lawyers are special they make the rules but leave loop holes to CTA
We could stop this, when the politicians term is over or terminated, so is his health benefits, retirement, (they only get what they paid in to the system), and all the other perks they receive.
I’m amazed it took the media this long to realize that this exists. Clearly somethings wrong when we have all these people getting elected, and then they become millionaires. This is the reason why our government became an unconstitutional corporatist globalist war machine. There doesn’t need to be any clandestine conspiracy that the entire Congress is in on together. They just have to be greedy pigs who will sell us out so they can live in the lap of luxury. This is how the multinational corporations, and banks influence our government. This is why China rules us, and why our economy is in the crapper. People should be volunteering to serve government for a short time, and for a minor income. Then they should go back to their real jobs at home. Nobody should be able to amass power, and wealth in government. If we eliminate that then we will have our nation back, and we will finally be free!
I couldn’t have said it better myself. Thanks Mr. Mike Knight.
Please name those bastards!
Nancy Pelosi
Pelosi is only the worst of many.
Dear Liz: Isn;t it funny that Nancy Pelosi ca not figure out what her property in California is worth. When she wants a loan on it, the value is 25 million. When she has to pay taxes on it, it is worth 5 million. Go figure!
ADD REID >> Remember it was the people of Nevada who VOTED him in to sell out this country
John Kerry from what I hear is a huge offender……………..oh, and by the way, if you have an IRA or a 401k, you are invested in the market…………….every time a crooked Congressperson makes money this way, the rest of us LOSE,
Bill Feist a physician was one, Pelosi, Dodd, Fwank, Baccus, Torecelli from CO and many more. They virtually are all corrupt and self serving. Discussing bills in secret and then going out and buying stock in anticipation that they know prices are going to increase. Pelosi is one of the worst of the worst, she has made $100,000 overnight. Even if they had term limits it wouldn’t stop the insider trading, they’d have two or four years to rake in the cash and then they’d leave and someone else would buy their way into congress for a lucrative position. They are pathetic and supposed to be patriotic and serving their constituents but instead they are servicing this country!
Pelosi is rotten to the core. She also did a deal that helped her husbands corporation. She, along with many, but especially Dirty Harry border on treason. I believe election fraud has run rampant in this country. Is it surprising that voting machines in Nevada, before the election, came out with Dirty Harry’s name? Washington State has had voter fraud with their mail in ballots – duplicate ballots sent to the same person; felons, illegals even Mickey Mouse have voted. When an illegal goes to get a Drivers License in WA. State they are given a voter registration??? Insider trading is only the tip of the iceberg in corruption in our Congress.
Beware of election fraud in 2012.
It may not be illegal for them do do this insider trading but at the least it is unethical. Any one of them with any scrupples should know better. Absent that, anyone who has done any insider trading should be kicked to the curb. We need people with ethics as it is the foundation of their worth with regard to all aspects of their service.
Just because something is not ‘illegal’ does not mean it’s ‘right’. The moral deficiency of the morons in DC has decimated our trust and their integrity. Our Republic was founded on the basis of a moral society and electorate who would know right from wrong, not legal from illegal…there is a HUGE difference. The current ‘geniuses’ in DC are corrupt beyond measure and must be eradicated.
It’s time for a complete ‘sweep’ of the halls of congress in Nov. 2012.
IT IS illegal for everyone else, why should Congress be exempt? Just another rule they have written (in secret) when nobody was looking. These people are crooked as a dog’s hind leg and need to be GONE. There have to be a few honest people in that 535. They need to rat the “thieves” out!!
Won’t EVER HAPPEN as they ‘re no honest people in goverment >>> How much money did our gun running attorny general make selling guns to drug dealers ???? You can add Sutton attorny general in New York to that list >. Putting border gaurds in jail for stopping drug dealers
Dear dntmkecomoverther: Years ago the Senate and Congress wanted to try to legisate, “morality!” Do you know why they failed? Because they would have had to start with themselves, no lie!
Washington, DC is America’s cesspool for liars, whores, and thieves.
Wait a minute, Whoring is a well respected profession, especially when compared to Politicians and Lawyers.
At least with a whore, you might get kissed while you are getting screwed.
Dear Dennis: At least “whores” get paid for getting a job done! Try getting work done from Congress and the Senate who are to busy buying these whores instead of working!
You are so right
go to …www.gov.com …..look up all the names of current senators ,congress and the president and vice president and then you will know the names of all the liers
check this out also:
Dear Jim: True and job well done!
We have 80 card carrying communists in Congress – names can be found on the web.
They all voted themselves to be above the law. It’s time to vote them all out and demand the new one’s revise the laws to apply to everyone… follow the same rules and regulations they place on society. They should be held to practice what they preach or be taken out and replaced by someone who will. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
Dear Christy: Does the Bible saying: “Beware of false prophets ring a bell?”
They should all be voted out except maybe a handful – however how is this going to happen? We have a large segment of our population who voted for a clown who may or may not even be a citizen. A large segment who does not pay taxes but relies on welfare/entitlements and Obama is out there saying eveyone should pay their fair share – tax the rich – in other words, socialism. Share your hard earned dollars with someone who doesn’t want to work. It will take everyone who wants this country back – to get out the vote. This was the greatest country in the world – a land of freedom and opportunities – until Obama.
we have found and watched how filthy our government is , we are also finding they have enacted laws to cover their ass , self protection runs deep , we need to take them bodily to the curb with no sevrance pay , no retirement , no medical let them like we do , barney frank is going to retire
can you believe this?????? he is far worse than madoff , he should retire to jail as the father of our downfall , obama should go to jail as the father of fast and furious , he has blood on his hands
BUT they all have this failsafe that they have covered themselves with and we cannot touch them and we have to wait and watch as they destroy until we can vote them out , IS THERE SOMETHING WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE ???????? GO to washington and throw the bums out