Monday, January 16, 2012

U.S. Economic Freedom Drops for Fourth Year – Patriot Update

U.S. Economic Freedom Drops for Fourth Year – Patriot Update

U.S. Economic Freedom Drops for Fourth Year

January 16, 2012


The latest international Index of Economic Freedom revealed that the economy of the United States lost even more liberty for a fourth consecutive year, dropping from ninth to tenth place under the Obama administration and solidifying its designation as “mostly free” — earned in 2009, down from “free” the year before that.

The global trend was also disappointing to free-market advocates, with the world average falling as governments ramped up spending in a failed effort to fight the economic crisis.

The respected index, published by the U.S.-based Heritage Foundation and the Wall Street Journal, has ranked the economic freedom of almost 180 countries annually for the past 18 years. It uses a score out of 100 based on the average of rankings earned in 10 different categories: labor freedom, business freedom, trade freedom, fiscal freedom, government spending, monetary freedom, investment freedom, financial freedom, property rights, and freedom from corruption.

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11 Responses to U.S. Economic Freedom Drops for Fourth Year

  1. SaneRepublican says:

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  2. Captain PJ says:

    In the early 1800s, someone astutely predicted, “America will last until the populace discovers that it can vote for itself largesse out of the public treasury.” According to this saying, America will exist only until people realize they can vote gifts of handouts from the public treasury to themselves.

    Much of the public has discovered this, and politicians are bending over backward to let the rest of the people know. often politicians boast about how much money they have steered from the treasury to their constituencies for their pet projects. What few people point out is that this is the people’s money, not the politician’s money.

    I like the definition of socialism attributed to Winston Churchill: “Capitalism is the unequal distribution of wealth. Socialism is the equal distribution of poverty.” We have relinquished the free-enterprise economy the Founder gave this nation. We have followed the socialists, albeit a number of paces behind them, down this disasterous road. We are not suffering the consequences.

    But we have not even begun to see the consequences that are coming if the present trend continues. More important is what the federal government is taking from you and I. The government does not have any money that it does not take from us, and that’s an issue many people seem not to understand.

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    • LAbramson, Economist says:

      I like Churchill’s definition…very appropriate. It’s amazing how Americans have taken their eye off the ball. Government is not a producer; it is a taker, a taxer, and a spender.

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      • Captain PJ says:

        Every dollar spent by the public sector is a dollar the government must take from the private sector, from the workers and earners and investors. The dollar taken by government cannot be spent or invested by hat productive private sector. This is where our problems begin. if we continue the way we are going, we will even see semisocialized nations self-destruct just as the former Soviet Union did. It just may take them a little bit longer.

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  3. Jaime Cancio says:

    Settle down your rehetoric, after the regime change and socialist are in control handing you into full force communism; as in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia it was always the traitors to their own countries they executed first and each of those countries lost 3,000,000 citizens each when all freedom disappeared. Oh, by the way they also killed small children. There is an old axiom altered today for modern times which basicially says,…’after the bullet has entered your head you will not have to worry about politics any more!’

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  4. Hardtack says:

    US economic freedom drops?

    Gee! suprise, suprise.

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    • Captain PJ says:

      Though we’ve seen the Soviet Union come to a disasterous end, socialism is still alive and well in America. We use other names for it like the Welfare State, “a benevolent government,” progressives, but it’s the same thing. The names sound so compassionate, don’t they? Even Christian. We are trying to help people–it is always good intentions that bureaucrats play to that lead us into such disasters.

      But what we need to understand is that the federal government is inefficient and creates far more problems that it solves. As professor Thomas Sowell said: “The amount of money necessary to lift every man, woman, and child in America above the poverty line is one-third of what, in fact, is being spent on poverty programs. Clearly, much of the transfer ends up in the pockets of highly paid administrators, consultants and staff.”

      Hum….? I wonder if that’s why two “bedroom counties” of Washington, D.C.–one in Virginia and one in Maryland–have the highest per capita income in America today?

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  5. tod says:

    Dr.Ron Paul 2012 to take back our Beloved Country,and Constitution back !!!

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  6. Jack Hotchkiss says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    As Thomas Jefferson said,
    “When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.”

    Hear ye, Hear ye, Hear ye.
    To use the quote “ Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their Country”, State, City and neighborhood should be added. In order to form a more perfect Union we must band together to hold our beloved Constitution safe from all enemies foreign and domestic.
    Will you help, will you stand and will you share?
    The fight will be huge. The cost will be great. The rewards will be freedom.
    We need a State-by-State league joined at the hips to protect the US Constitution. I propose this be the start of The Arizona League.
    I’m open for input and or information.

    Respond, as you will.
    Jack Hotchkiss
    Kingman, Arizona

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