Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Gmail - Take Action Against Unconstitutional Nominations - rejackh@gmail.com

Gmail - Take Action Against Unconstitutional Nominations - rejackh@gmail.com

Take Action Against Unconstitutional Nominations

Heritage Action for America info@heritageforamerica.org via bluehornet.com
8:00 AM (4 hours ago)
to me
Heritage Action: Urge Congress to Combat Unconstitutional Nominations. Having trouble viewing this email?
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Urge Congress to Combat Nominations


President Obama's "recess" appointments of Richard Cordray to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and three members to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) were unconstitutional and outrageous.

>> Now it's time to take action against these unconstitutional nominations.

The Dodd-Frank law explicitly says that the head of the CFPB must be confirmed by the Senate. Bypassing the Senate violates that law – the one President Obama signed!

Even worse, two of the members appointed to the NLRB haven't even gone through the required background checks. President Obama appointed them before giving the Senate a chance to vet them. This is nothing more than an unconstitutional power grab.

>> Email your Members of Congress: they need to combat these nominations.

Thanks for standing up for the Constitution and ensuring that Congress take action. We are making sure that your Members of Congress know what's at stake with these egregious appointments, and urging them to take appropriate steps to restore the Constitution.


Russ Vought
Political Director
Heritage Action for America

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