Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Gmail - Hours Remain to Stop Obama Debt Ceiling Increase - rejackh@gmail.com

Gmail - Hours Remain to Stop Obama Debt Ceiling Increase - rejackh@gmail.com

Hours Remain to Stop Obama Debt Ceiling Increase

Front Porch Politics news@frontporchpolitics.com
8:03 AM (4 hours ago)
to me

Hours Left To Stop Yet Another
Obama Debt Ceiling Increase...

URGENT: Barack Obama is demanding Congress fork over another $1.2 TRILLION DOLLARS of our hard-earned taxpayer dollars to raise the nation's debt ceiling to a staggering $16.4 TRILLION...

...That's more than $52,000 in debt for every man, woman and child in the United States!

In other words, Obama wants to fund even more of his radical big-government agenda on the backs of our children... our grandchildren... and even our grandchildren's children.

And the liberal mainstream media is already reporting that Congressional Republicans are all too willing to go along with the massive increase to Obama's credit limit.

Well, not if we have anything to do about it. It's time for the American people to draw a line in the sand. Just as everyday Americans have been forced to cut our family budgets in this Obama economy, so too must the federal government. And if the politicians in Washington refuse to heed our will, we will find replacements who will.

No more dog and pony shows. No more empty promises by so-called conservative leaders in Congress. No more increases to the debt ceiling...PERIOD!

ACT NOW: Send your blast faxes demanding Republicans finally show some spine and vote "NO" to raising our nation's debt by an additional $1.2 trillion dollars. Tell them it is time to draw a line in the sand and cut spending now.

There's No Time to Waste...

On Wednesday, just hours from now, the House of Representatives will vote on a resolution on whether or not to accept Obama's $1.2 trillion debt ceiling increase request to fund even more of his radical agenda.

And the Obama administration already is arrogantly claiming victory. That's because under the bogus debt ceiling "deal" that the Republican leadership struck against the wishes of the American people back in August, unless both the House and Senate pass a so-called "resolution of disapproval" denying Obama's request, it happens automatically...

As Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-S.C). said,

"The deal we cut in August: that's a joke. ...I do have some anger with my own leadership. ...I know that I am not alone."

And now, Obama and the big-government politicians in Congress are banking on the idea that you are tired and have given up the fight... That the American people will just shrug their shoulders, sit on their hands and let them get away will mortgaging away our nation's future.

We must prove them wrong and we must do it right now. Remember, the vote in the House will take place in a matter of hours from now.

America's debt is now larger than our country's entire annual economic productivity. Adding 1.2 trillion dollars to our already staggering 15.2 trillion dollar current debt makes no sense. It's economic suicide. Washington must not get the green light to spend more money that we don't have.

ACT NOW: Send your blast faxes demanding Republicans finally show some spine and vote "NO" to raising our nation's debt by an additional $1.2 trillion dollars. Tell them it is time to draw a line in the sand and cut spending now.

When is Enough Enough?

In 1940, our nation's "debt ceiling" was set at $40 billion. Ten years later, it was $275 billion. Another ten years later: $293 billion.

Then... Congress just started raising the debt ceiling every single year, and sometimesmore than once during a single year.

  • 1970: $395 billion
  • 1980: $925 billion (then again, to $935 billion)
  • 1990: $3.195 trillion (then again, to $3.23 trillion; then AGAIN, to $4.15 trillion)
  • 2000: $5.95 trillion
  • 2010: $14.294 trillion


America's debt ceiling has now been raised THREE times under Obama's presidency in as many years and if Obama gets his way, we will add more to the national debt under this president than every president before him...COMBINED! Just think about that for a moment.

It is simply not sustainable. Our nation's future is at stake. And if the politicians in Washington keep spending like drunken sailors, the United States of America will become the next Greece.

You know it, Barack Obama knows it and the Republican leadership in Congress knows it...

In fact, upon receiving Obama's latest request to raise the debt ceiling, Brendan Buck, spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner, said:

"Washington's mounting debt is a drag on our economic recovery, and this request is another reminder that the president has consistently punted on the tough choices needed to rein in the deficit and protect important programs for American seniors from going b ankrupt."

But to be totally frank, TALK IS CHEAP. We have been duped too many times. It's no longer enough for our so-called conservative leaders to talk a good game then cave in to Obama's demands.

The time is now for Congress to say "NO MORE!" And it is up to us to make sure that happens... right here and right now.

ACT NOW: Send your blast faxes demanding Republicans finally show some spine and vote "NO" to raising our nation's debt by an additional $1.2 trillion dollars. Tell them it is time to draw a line in the sand and cut spending now.

Yours In Freedom,

Jeff Mazzella
Center for Individual Freedom

Center for Individual Freedom
917-B King Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: 703-535-5836
Fax: 703-535-5838

CFIF is a 501(c)(4) not-for-profit constitutional advocacy organization
with the mission to protect and defend individual freedoms and individual rights.
Contributions to CFIF are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

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