Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Gmail - One Tool You Need Right Now -- Sold Out in a Crisis -

Gmail - One Tool You Need Right Now -- Sold Out in a Crisis -

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One Tool You Need Right Now -- Sold Out in a Crisis

TheTeaParty.Net to me
show details 1:08 PM (2 hours ago)

Below please find a special message from one of our sponsors, Independent Living. They have important information to share with you. Thank you.

Please note that the following message reflects the opinions and representations of our sponsor alone, and not necessarily the opinion of

If you can't evacuate your home in five minutes flat, then drop what you are doing and read this email right now.
Dear Forward Thinking American:
You've known it deep down for quite a while…
the urgent need to take measured precautions against mounting dangers that continue to unfold in these extraordinary times.
In my 23 years of publishing on crucial issues of security, freedom and personal independence, never before have I seen so many potentially imminent threats building up all at once.
It's as though all the bad decisions this country has made over the past two decades are coming home to roost at the same time, and at the same time we seem to be getting slammed with unusually severe weather events and wildfires.
Whether it's further economic crises… interruption of our tenuous food and fuel supply chains… the next inevitable terror attack on U.S. soil… failure of America's aging infrastructure (highways, bridges, water systems, the electric grid)… disruption of public safety services (due to public employee strikes, act of war, or budget constraints)… or a natural disaster (such as recently hit the US cities and states named above and many more) – the next straw on the camel's back could be the one that plunges our nation, our communities or our families into utter chaos and fight-or-flight syndrome at any moment.
So that is why I have developed – for my own personal use and that of my loved ones – the Total Home Evacuation and Emergency Barter Pack (E-PACK, for short).
I've also prepared one of my exclusive E-PACK kits for immediate rush shipment to you. Let me explain why I've done this, and why I hope you'll give me your okay to ship it to you without a moment's delay.
Needed: Smart, Basic Preparations against Any Number of Emergencies
In a moment, I'll give you the nitty-gritty on the items I've personally selected for your E-PACK, from lifesaving shelter, sustenance, and medical supplies… to barter items sure to be in peak demand in times of social chaos or civil unrest… to essential "creature comforts" I want you to have.
First, let's review the many scenarios under which the need for one of my personal evacuation packs could become instantly urgent.
Lee Bellinger Surrounded by E-Pack MaterialsI personally selected each of the E-Pack's invaluable
tools to help you weather both natural and
man-made emergencies.
A simple scan of today's headlines shows that our country is pretty close to coming unhinged very suddenly. We face so many problems at the same time, the noise is deafening…
  • Our fragile U.S. economy is hanging by a thread, as housing and employment remain in a long-term quagmire with no apparent benefit from trillion-dollar "stimulus."
  • Public services are staggering under the weight of 43 million hungry dependents now on food stamps, millions more exhausting their unemployment checks inaddition to the masses who are foolishly relying on bankrupt public retirement programs and medical services to be there for them. With government finances teetering on the brink at all levels, it all adds up to mega-potential for civil rebellion from the dependent class.
  • Failing infrastructure, oil and food supply shocks, the growing threat of hyper-inflation and dollar collapse, and the high potential for a nuclear or bio-terror assault all threaten to pour gasoline on the smoldering flame of economic pain gripping scores of U.S. cities.
Meanwhile public sector responders (many of whom face the bitter throes of fighting to protect their platinum plated benefits amidst radically reduced state and municipal budgets) are woefully unprepared to meet the daunting challenges that are building steam almost daily, such as hazmat disasters, electric grid shutdown, commerce-crippling cyber attacks through the Internet, failure of aged public water systems, pandemic flu or other disease outbreak, or social chaos triggered by any number of pressing economic, political, or cultural factors.
And that's before considering the unthinkable such as the earthquake/tsunami/nuclear crisis on a scale of destruction that recently turned the ultra-modern nation of Japan inside out, leaving millions without power, clean water, homes, or jobs.
Get the Cheapest, Best Social Chaos Insurance Policy Found Anywhere, Bar None!
We're way past the point where only extremists and survivalist nuts see the urgent need to take basic precautions. The key here is to act now, while you still have freedom of action.
Having the ability to "bug out" or hunker down for an extended period isimperative. Even our behind-the-curve emergency government planners have finally gotten around to warning the public that they need to get themselves ready for the unexpected.
Unfortunately, against the backdrop of America's mounting problems, a great deal of alarmist claims and super expensive "solutions" by hucksters are often presented as a false all-or-nothing choice. From half-million dollar emergency bunkers to other platinum-plated "end-of-the-world" schemes, it is unsettling how so few offer basic, smart and effective precautions without going overboard.
For all these reasons, the complete E-PACK field kit I've prepared for you is a must have! Your E-PACK is generously stocked with the exact same emergency items for barter and sustainment that I have in my own kit – each item carefully selected by me to serve your family's needs in virtually any situation.
Even if you do elect to stay at home and ride out any emergency, my well-plannedTotal Home Evacuation and Emergency Barter Pack is designed to give you highly sought items to sell, trade, or use. Exactly the kind of must-have, in-demand items that black marketeers "offer" at exorbitant rates in the aftermath of hurricanes, earthquakes, social upheaval, and other disasters.
My E-PACK will prepare you well for staying put in your home in an emergency – if this is at all possible. It will help you survive until help arrives if ever you are stranded somewhere in your car (great for college students who travel to school out of state). It will keep you fed, warm, and healthy. It sets you up with key barter items to trade or sell in a pinch. And most of all, it's ideal for gettin' out of town when immediate evacuation becomes your last best option, and while the gettin' is still good!
Become E-Pack ProtectedThe well-stocked yet lightweight E-Pack makes getting out
quick and easy – literally throw it over your
shoulder and go.
The most important feature of my Total Home Evacuation and Emergency Barter Pack is that itlets you get on the road in the critical first moments of an emergency. You simply grab it and go, just before the general populace wakes up to the fact that trouble is brewing and panics!
While everyone else is running around like chickens with their heads off, you can be calmly and deliberately implementing your personal plan to vacate immediately and move to safer quarters. Secure that everything you need is right there, in a durable, specially-designated bug-out bag packed with all your essential emergency needs.
Included with your Total Home Evacuation and Emergency Barter Pack is a comprehensive departure check list you should review the very first moment your package arrives. (And in a moment, I'll tell you about the many specialized reports and exclusive manuals that I will include with your shipment so you can be truly prepared for any eventuality!)
Don't Waste Precious Evacuation Time Ransacking Your Own House for Essentials
If you make the decision to evacuate, you can be a critical 30-90 minutes ahead of the crowd because you will be 100% ready to jump in the car and go immediately. No time wasted futzing about. Or a frantic rush out the door as you try to fill an improvised check list of needed items.
Bottom line: We've already spent the time thinking everything through on your behalf, and aggressively testing what you need so you won't waste precious time getting on the move – or realize to your horror later that you don't have things you desperately wish you had!
If you've ever been caught in the path of a hurricane (or even seen news coverage of such horrific events), you know exactly what I am talking about. Fist fights at Lowe's over the last sheets of plywood. Batteries, flashlights, and emergency water disappear from stores. Parasitic hoarders and black marketeers swoop in and rip off the unprepared, the procrastinators, the flat-footed.
Public Mayhem Has Numerous Potential Flash Points
The pattern of poor national preparedness repeats itself in every hurricane, natural disaster or other significant emergency. All you have to do is pay attention to see this for yourself. As Yogi Berra said, "you can observe a lot just by watching."
Time wasted at home trying to figure out what you might need makes it nearly impossible to hit the road before the traffic grids jam. Ransacking your house for critical supplies means a loss of valuable time and increases the risk of getting marooned in heavy traffic.
By the way, it's not just those who live in the southeastern United States as I do who need to be wary of hurricanes. Long Island, Connecticut, and western Massachusetts were shredded by a Category 5 hurricane in 1938, killing upwards of 700 people in what were then largely rural areas. It's only a matter of time until a Katrina-style 'blow' hits a major U.S. northeast city such as New York or Philadelphia, and millions of unprepared Americans are thrown into a sheer panic and mass exodus. Elsewhere in the country, every resident is just one mudslide, wildfire, flood, or tornado away from having to get out fast.
I remember years back when hurricane Hugo hit my home town of Charlotte, North Carolina, some 133 nautical miles inland. The odds of a hurricane ever hitting here were so "remote" that everyone was caught by surprise. My own mother didn't get her electricity restored for a month. I had to bring her flashlights, batteries and other essential supplies!
Emergency Federal Evacuation Orders Could Happen on Short Notice
From bio-terror attack, to public mayhem sparked by widespread financial desperation and cash-strapped public handout programs, any number of scenarios exist in which martial law could be imposed with no warning or notice. (Not far-fetched – the Pentagon and federal planners have martial law contingencies for far too many emergency scenarios to document here.) We've already seen numerous evacuation orders from state and local emergency management officials this year, due to floods, fires and severe drought conditions.
We've Thought of All Your
Immediate Emergency Needs!
All this led to me personally developing the E-PACK. I selected and tested every single item it contains – my selections were based on many conversations with law enforcement and terrorism experts, military people, and Homeland Security contractors. Not to mention critical "street-smart" input from perceptive survivalists who understand the need for prudent, measured precautions against the possibility of social chaos driven by hyperinflation or any number of other "black swans" that threaten the U.S.
Hints of a dangerous future justify a prudent level of caution and reasonable preparation for the unexpected. I'm sure you've noticed tens of thousands of angry public sector union workers taking to the streets demanding more money from beleaguered taxpayers in states with reform-minded governors. (A precursor of things to come when the government gets rocked by a cash-flow crisis and millions of baby boomers expecting Social Security checks and Medicare benefits get the bad news that Uncle Sam can't deliver on his promises.)
Many Crises Are Rocking America's Foundations. Here's How to Set Yourself Up NOW.
My Total Home Evacuation and Emergency Barter Pack covers all your bases. We've carefully thought through a checklist of critical supplies to tide your family over in an emergency.
We've even been through several other so-called emergency kits from various sources and found them all woefully deficient in significant ways. All lacked the basic item duct tape, for example – a must-have field necessity no military unit would move without!
As a result of talking directly with various military and non-military survival experts, we have assembled a superior collection of items, each personally examined and tested by me and my associates in our homes and offices. And we've completed the entire kit at very competitive pricing – especially as compared with the lesser kits that are out there.
It all comes in a special high-quality "bug out" duffel bag you can toss into your car on a moment's notice. One thing we noticed about other emergency kits on the market – they tend to come in the smallest pack that will hold the contents. Instead we've chosen a bag that will leave you room to add a few extra bottles of water, reading glasses, sandwiches, personal medications, wad of cash, silver coins or what have you. The bag comes packed with dozens of essential items –
  1. Flashlight/Emergency Beacon/Radio & Universal DC Adapter:
    Let's start off with one of the most versatile and useful of all the items in the entire kit. At first glance, it looks a bit like a handheld cordless shaver, a computer mouse or a tv remote control but without so many buttons. This little gem is actually an ingenious multi-function emergency powerhouse! Built into this lightweight but sturdy handheld unit are all of the following functions, each personally tested and approved by me:
    E-Pack Multi-use FlashlightThe E-PACK's emergency flashlight, beacon , radio,
    and universal DC adapter.
    • AM/FM radio powered by a sturdy hand crank. No batteries or external power supply needed! Just turn the handle a few times and it generates its own internal power. Complete with a 4" telescoping directional antenna.
    • Emergency flashlight and beacon. Push the button once for a brilliant triple beam flashlight to illuminate your way. Depress the button a second time and the beam flashes continuously as an emergency beacon. It's powered by the same hand crank, so it never goes dark and never needs batteries. I tested the emergency beacon at night from the top of a 20-story high rise in a brightly lit urban environment; the signal was sharply visible to passersby on the street below!
    • Alarm/siren. Pull a hidden tab and sound the alarm to signal your whereabouts to rescuers, or to ward off unwanted intruders. A real attention getter!
    • Universal DC power supply. Devices like cell phones are a must-have in an emergency, until they run out of power! With this super convenient feature, you can charge up the internal battery with the hand crank (2-3 minutes), then transfer that power to your cell phone or any other battery powered device! It works like the cigarette lighter in your car, yet you can easily carry it in your pocket.
    I'm excited to include this versatile and hard-to-find item in your E-PACK. It's not only hugely practical, it brings a huge peace-of-mind factor knowing that you'll never be out of emergency light, cell phone power, or essential radio communication.
  2. Family-Size Field Hygiene Kit:
    These first rate supplies include everything you need to keep clean in the field. Includes toothbrush and container, toothpaste, twin blade razor, cotton wash cloth, cotton hand towel, shampoo, shaving cream, body lotion, mini deodorant stick, mini deodorant soap, and other essential supplies for staying clean on the run. I've gone even DEEPER to meet your trading and hygiene options! My E-PACK system even includes a steel dental pick so that your gums and teeth can be maintained at an optimal level of hygiene and health!
E-Pack's Solar Powered Outdoor ShowerYou'll be glad to have this family-size solar powered
outdoor shower. Anyplace the sun is shining, you can
get a hot shower.
  1. One Family-Size Solar Powered Outdoor Shower:
    Keeping yourself clean and comfortable in an extended emergency is a major health and psychological issue. Our jumbo heavy duty camper's shower heats 5 gallons of water in the sun to as much as 120 degrees and can be used over and over. This compact large capacity shower has an on/off control, hose and shower head. It is ideal for keeping your family clean and comfortable with fresh hot water and can also be used to wash dishes or meet other sanitation needs.
  2. Two Emergency Ponchos:
    These must-have ponchos can help protect you from rainy or windy weather. Pocket-sized, lightweight, reusable and one size fits most. Emergencies are stressful enough without being soaked to the bone in a downpour! You may even find a special use for the zip lock bag it comes in.
  3. Two Body Heat Retaining Emergency Reflective Sleeping Bags/Blankets:
    These waterproof emergency sleeping bags are compact and designed to prevent hypothermia. You will be glad you have them if you have to bug out of your home unexpectedly, or get stranded in your car somewhere. They retain up to 80 percent of body heat, which can save your life if you are ever without heat or shelter, yet they're small enough to carry in your pocket.
  4. One Roll of All-Purpose Duct Tape:
    Don't laugh! Every military person, outdoorsman and survivalist who has lived in the field loves duct tape. It can be used to bind wounds, mend shoes and clothes, make stop-gap auto repairs, fix tents (or even allow you to turn household sheets into a wind breaker) and too many other applications to mention.
  5. Five-in-One Maximum Duty Survival Whistle:
    This little survival gem contains a compass, a storage compartment for matches, a reflective mirror for signaling, a flint fire-starter and a super-shrill whistle. I love the fact that it comes with a lanyard so you can wear it around your neck for added security and peace of mind.
E-Pack Emergency Tube/Tent ShelterWe tested the tent on a warm day, using the foil
sleeping bag as a groundcover. The tent's nylon rope
doubles as a clothesline.
  1. Emergency Tube/Tent Shelter:
    Easy-to-use and reusable tube tent that can protect you from the elements and under the right circumstances can save your life. Made of high-quality, fire-retardant materials you can depend on in the wild. This 8' long tent can fit two adults.
  2. Stainless Steel Combination Camper's Multi-Function Tool:
    You won't believe all the gizmos this gadget has – it would do James Bond credit! A multi-function tool with both short and long blades, and can also serve as pliers, wire cutter, wire crimper, small/large slotted screwdriver as well as a Phillips head screwdriver, bottle opener, can opener, fishhook remover, ruler, and file, – more than 13 functions in one handy tool! Includes tactical protective storage sheath with belt loop.
  3. Four Hand Body Warmers:
    Cold hands or feet can hamper both mobility and morale! These chemically activated heating pads are must-have for emergency situations. Up to 18 hours of pure heat per pack of "little hotties"!
  4. Emergency First Aid Kit:
    A high-quality 80-plus-piece emergency travel first aid kit. This all-in-one kit comes with numerous bandages, first aid guide, aspirin, ibuprofen, extra-strength non-aspirin tablets, exam quality vinyl gloves, butterfly wound closures, antibiotic ointment packs and much more.
  5. Plenty of High-Quality Emergency Rations:
    Gaining access to nutrition when on the go and you are not in a position to cook meals is a must. Each E-Pack contains a generous portion of ultra high calorie emergency rations to tide you over. These bars are the result of sophisticated nutrition science and packaged with essential vitamins, have a five-year shelf life, and are great to eat, sell or trade. United States Coast Guard approved. I have personally taste-tested these bars for palatability. They will get you through in a pinch.
  6. 50 High-Quality Water Purification Tablets:
    Don't lose track of these little survival jewels. They will be impossible to get once an emergency situation begins. Each tablet disinfects one liter of unsanitary water. Great for trading if you have secured a reliable supply of potable water. Shelf life, five years.
Other key items for survival and comfort I've made sure will be in your Total Home Evacuation and Emergency Barter Pack:
  • Several packages of pocket tissue plus a roll or two of toilet paper
  • One emergency candle
  • Sturdy garden trowel, ideal for outdoor uses including digging a "cat hole" when sanitary facilities are not available. Made by Fiskars, world leader in quality outdoor equipment.
  • Two disposal bags for human waste or other noxious materials
  • One note pad
  • Two standard No. 2 pencils
  • Two filter masks, wrapped. These type N95 masks are efficient in filtering particles as small as 0.3 microns, including dust mites, pollen, mold spores, animal dander, aerosol sprays, and pathogens. The mask meets or exceeds CDC standards to help prevent the spread of the influenza virus, including H1N1 and the Avian flu.
  • Three packages waterproof matches. They're a small part of the overall kit, but these little wonders can save your life. We soaked 'em in the kitchen sink and they still fired right up! Just wipe the water off the strike panel. Ours lit on the first attempt. For emergency kindling, use a small amount of the toilet paper.
  • One pair of all-purpose work gloves.
  • Two twelve-hour light-sticks, yellow, non-toxic, weather proof, will not attract insects.
  • Pair of collapsible drinking tumblers, 4 oz.
  • One 5-gallon collapsible water carrier with handle and pouring spout.
  • 50 foot rope made of super sturdy material that won't rot or fray.
  • One deck standard playing cards in case you make it to safety but have nothing to do (even better if you remember the inspirational lyrics to the Tex Ritter classic, "Deck of Cards").
  • Items of comparable quality, utility and value should an unanticipated change in suppliers or product selection beyond our control become necessary.
Now you could easily take this list over to your favorite discount store and try to put together this kit on your own. In fact that's a much better option than throwing this letter away and simply hoping for the best when the you-know-what hits the fan, just like most of the "sheeple" in this country will do.
Get These Must-Have Items under Your Direct Control Now, While You Still Can
But having put the E-PACK kit together myself, I can tell you you'll never find all these items under one roof. You'd probably have to devote a full weekend running from the discount store to the home center to the close-out joint to the sporting goods outlet. And chances are you still wouldn't come up the complete set of high quality items I've assembled for you here.
You don't have the time for that. (Especially since I've done all the work for you.)
And you'd discover something else pretty quickly. In order to serve my loyal and devoted readers, I've obtained all these items in bulk at wholesale prices. And that's only after I ran my staff ragged driving hard bargains to obtain quality items at rock-bottom prices. If you try to replicate this kit on your own, you'll be paying retail, in addition to doing the work yourself.
But that's not all. There's much, much more value here – additional items you will not find anywhere else but from Independent Living! Because included with your firstTotal Home Evacuation and Emergency Barter Pack, you ALSO get a substantial library of emergency preparedness and response reports, including:
E-Pack 8 Reports/Manuals E-Pack 8 Reports/Manuals E-Pack 8 Reports/Manuals E-Pack 8 Reports/Manuals E-Pack 8 Reports/Manuals E-Pack 8 Reports/Manuals E-Pack 8 Reports/Manuals E-Pack 8 Reports/Manuals
  • Social Chaos Survival Guide: Smart, Savvy Precautions to Make Yourself Self-Reliant in These Dangerous Times (189-page manual)
  • How You and Your Loved Ones Can Survive A Nuclear Attack or Accident (288-pages)
  • 20 Inexpensive Items to Buy Right Now to Build a Germ Warfare "Clean Room" In Your House (white paper)
  • The Emerging Dollar Collapse Barter Kit: 14 Essential Items You Should Have Now (white paper)
  • Smart Hoarding 101: Do It Right and Save Big Money By Stocking Up on Food, Water, and Yes, Fuel (white paper)
  • Life Saving Basics: Make Your Own Antibiotics at Home(white paper)
  • Secrets for Surviving the Coming Terrorist Germ Warfare Attacks Against U.S. Population Centers (162-page manual)
  • The official U.S. Army Survival Manual (the only item on this list that's not an Independent Living exclusive, but we have gone to the trouble of finding and reproducing it for you.)
These key documents – by themselves worth $297.90 at their original retail prices – tell you everything you need to know about making preparations for coping with an emergency situation. No guesswork. No hassles. No wasted time.
BUT THERE'S EVEN MORE. Act today, and I'll throw in a complimentary 12-month subscription to Independent Living newsletter, America's largest self-reliance advisory!
We've thought through all your needs for an emergency. All you have to do is jump in your car and go. And if you stay put, the items in my Total Home Evacuation and Emergency Barter Pack are ideal for trading, or selling. It is good to go either way.
Again, taken together, the total value of my E-PACK system is something well north of $500. And while you could go out and buy many of the items I've listed for you here today, I have taken important steps to ensure the quality of the contents of the E-PACK system.
I Have E-PACKS in Stock, but Don't Expect Them to Last Due to High Demand
I currently have a limited number of Total Home Evacuation and Emergency Barter Packs in stock right now. Your kit (including ALL of the FREE valuable reports that come with it) is ready to ship immediately. In fact, I assure that your pack will ship out within 72 hours of receipt of your order (weekends and holidays excluded) or shipping is free! (I have another way you can get free shipping – read on!)
Let me say it again: My entire E-PACK total preparation system, including the great FREE BONUS REPORTS, is valued at $511.69. My price to you for one Total Home Evacuation and Emergency Barter Pack is just $197.00. And that INCLUDES THE GREAT FREE REPORTS LISTED ABOVE AND THE FREE ONE-YEAR SUBSCRIPTION TOINDEPENDENT LIVING NEWSLETTER.
E-PACK pack comes to you stuffed to the brim… loaded up with the very necessities of life – and even a few well chosen 'creature comforts' to help you (literally) weather any storm, whether an Act of God or some type of man-made disaster.
Each E-PACK weighs in at under 18 pounds… the limit of what we felt we could do and still keep the pack portable even by a smaller adult who might also be carrying a second bulky item (say a knapsack of spare clothing).
But I realize you may also be thinking of the needs of additional family members in other cities or households. You may wish to have a back-up E-PACK for your car, truck, vacation home or office (remember that many of the displaced victims of the 9/11 attacks were in their offices when the need struck to get out fast).
Buy More Than One E-PACK For Your Family and Get FREE Shipping! Here's How
So if you'd like to double your protection, or extend the safety net to loved ones with additional E-PACKS, I'll ship all your units for free.
An E-Pack Safe FamilyTake care of yourself and those you care about.
Order your E-Pack(s) today.
That's right – simply order two, three, or four E-PACKS and you pay nothing for shipping. (Due to inventory constraints, orders for five or more E-PACKS may be delayed so we can assure that every subscriber gets at least one pack right away. Thanks for understanding! But anticipating strong demand, we are prepared to ship up to four E-PACKS per order at the present time, which not only saves you on shipping, but protects you against any price increases that may be passed along by the many suppliers we rely on to be able to bring you this unique and comprehensive pack.)
These E-PACK kits could be priceless in an emergency. And might well save the life of someone you care about, too. The uses of multiple E-PACKs include:
  • Put an E-PACK in your spouse's car and anyone else in your family who drives.
  • College students who attend school out of state.
  • Discretely deploy a couple of E-PACKs to your favorite getaway at the beach, mountains or elsewhere.
  • Give to close friends, business associates or others you care about.
It's your decision now. All you need do is get started, which is why I am writing you now. Too many people are imitating the ostrich – with their heads firmly planted in the sand, oblivious to the many looming threats that could force you, me, or any of our friends and loved ones to have to evacuate our homes on a moments' notice, or to shelter in place for days on end without access to the resources we too easily take for granted – grocery stores, public utilities, transportation, or working sanitation.
I've assembled the Total Home Evacuation and Emergency Barter Pack to protect myself and my loved ones during these very challenging times. I've used my supply contacts to order these exact same supplies in bulk and pass the savings on to my cherished readers. Yes, you get every single item in the exact same quantities as I've prepared for immediate family members and myself.
Please order today, to avoid disappointment and take advantage of the current low price. Frankly, I know many people would likely pay several times my current asking price when the you-know-what hits the fan and the clock strikes midnight.
Let me stress that within a few hours of the Japanese reactor crisis back in March, buying emergency supplies here in the United States suddenly became very difficult. (That's because most survival supply sources are little more than mom and pop operations with very little excess inventory to handle unexpected surges in demand!)
You cannot wait until panic strikes before acting to prepare yourself. Preparation, by definition, means acting in advance.
Yours in savvy preparedness,
Lee Bellinger
Lee Bellinger, Publisher
Independent Living
You know you need to make emergency preparations right now, so please do take advantage of this opportunity. If you choose not to, at least please go through the entire list of emergency items you need and buy them yourself. Do not be caught unprepared for all the social chaos and other threats to security and safety. For just $197, you have a little insurance policy should any kind of crisis hit.
My Total Home Evacuation and Emergency Barter Pack is no substitute for 'normalcy'. But it is a chance to fortify your body with clean water and several hundred calories of high energy food, to have desirable items to sell, barter or trade in times of need, and just maybe to live another day. I'm buying these packs out of my own pocket for my closest friends and loved ones. I hope and trust you'll do the same – if not for others, at the very least for yourself. Act today, please! Act today, and I'll also throw in a complimentary 12-month subscription to Independent Living newsletter, America's largest self-reliance advisory!!
ORDER ONLINE NOW. Supplies are limited. A single E-PACK kit (complete with GREAT reports) costs a mere $197. AND TO GET FREE SHIPPING, YOU SIMPLY ORDER MORE THAN ONE UNIT (Enter Coupon Code: EPACKFREESHIP)*!
If you wish to order by phone, call my 24-hour toll-free order line at 1-877-371-1807 (provide offer code: DEPACK10002).
Time is of the essence. The next hurricane, tornado, wildfire, flood, or even widespread outbreak of civil unrest could happen at any moment. Don't wait for events to leave you unprepared. Preparation means action in advance. And that moment is now.
Order Your E-Pack Now!
You MUST enter code: EPACKFREESHIP* in the "Coupon Code" box to receive Free Shipping on multiple E-Pack orders.
© 2011 Independent Living, published by American Lantern Press, Inc.
377 Rubin Center Drive • Suite 203 • Fort Mill, SC • 29708 • (877) 371-1807
* Code valid for U.S. domestic shipping only. Please call 1-877-371-1807 for international ordering. is forwarding this message to you from one of our sponsors. Sponsorship does not imply any endorsement of the products or services referenced herein by our organization or imply any exclusive arrangement with All personal information of subscribers is kept in strictest confidence and never shared with sponsors. | 1707 Pennsylvania Ave. NW,
Suite 300,PMB #433 | Washington, DC 20006
Toll-free: 866-928-6555
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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