The Crusades: Christianity v. Islam X
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Victoria Jackson gives an account of the briefing she attended at the House Office Longworth Building. The briefing was given by an ex-FBI agent. He showed pictures, names, dates, Islamic law books, Korans and Surahs. Victoria shares how the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated our highest positions in government and how they are working with Hilary Clinton to get 'Islamophobia' punishable by law. |
Do you want to be an infidel in a Muslim-dominated country? Honor killings are happening — not just in Iran, but in the United States of America! A raped woman is stoned for not being a virgin. A man kills his daughter for dating an infidel. A girl is sold into slavery to her her father. A Christian police officer is fired for rejecting training on Muslim faith. A US university professor is forced to quit when Muslim students persecute him for speaking the Koran in his comparative religions class...because he is an infidel. The media is not allowed to tell us when murder and terrorist acts take place "in the name of Allah." Muslims have infiltrated various arms of government. The daughter of the founder of The Muslim Sisterhood is an assistant to our nation's Secretary of State.... The largest growth in America by percentage is those of the Muslim "faith." 18,000 people have been killed worldwide by Islamist terrorists JUST SINCE 9/11. In 1,400 years 240,000,000 have been slaughtered at the command of over 100 verses in the Koran that require conversion to Islam or death. Can Christianity and Islam coexist? You decide! |
The Politically Incorrect Guide to the British Empire The world is going to hell in a hand basket. But never fear—the example of the British Empire is here, putting down savage rebellions, taming jihadist Muslims, sailing the seven seas, and instilling the ideals of limited government and freedom around the world. In his latest P.I.G., The Politically Incorrect Guide to the British Empire, bestselling author H. W. Crocker III describes—in brawling, rambunctious style—how the British Empire was the greatest establisher and defender of freedom in history. In TThe Politically Incorrect Guide to the British Empire, Crocker reveals:
Specifications: Paperback book; 384 pages |
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