PETA Kills 95% of Animals They Rescue
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals have always been against the cruelty or abuse of animals. They have fought to ban all laboratory use of animals and for that manner, any use of animals. They swear to being vegan or vegetarians. They won’t use any products made from animal material such as leather, furs or feathers. Some of the members of PETA go so far as to abdicate the necessary extinction of mankind so that animals will be free of our cruel treatment.
PETA is supposed to be the most animal friendly organization in the world.
However, this may be one of the most animal cruel and hypocritical organizations in the nation. The Center for Consumer Freedom, a non-profit organization, obtained documents from the Virginia Department of Agriculture that sheds an entirely different portrayal of the animal rights group.
According to the documents received by CCF, they show that PETA, which is headquartered in Norfolk, Virgina, has killed more than 27,000 animals since 1998. Those animals killed by PETA represent nearly 95% of those that were supposedly rescued by the group. CCF said that last year PETA found homes for only 24 pets while killing nearly 2,000 cats and dogs. Furthermore, the report indicates that nearly 85% of the animals rescued by PETA are destroyed within the first 24 hours and before they can even try to locate a new home for them.
In 2005, two PETA employees were arrested by police who observed them throwing the dead carcasses of dogs and cats into a dumpster in North Carolina. It was learned that the animals had been killed in the back of the PETA van before being dumped.
PETA has an annual budget of about $37 million and while they may advertise for donations to care for and find new homes for rescued animals, one has to wonder exactly what they do use their millions for. Since they are a non-profit organization and they obviously are not using their donations for the purposes stated, someone in Virginia needs to investigate them and bring them to justice for fraud and cruelty to animals and have their non-profit status revoked.
Comments (12)
I think it is terrible too, but the fact that some people do things we as people find distasteful, and go against the organization happens. With money and no structure comes crime!
Before rejecting this, why don't you check it out. If it is true then raise hell and demand PETA do something to correct this
Read more: PETA Kills 95% of Animals They Rescue - Godfather Politics