Round Three: Arizona versus Obama
Round One of Arizona versus Obama started with Arizona passing tough immigration laws because the Obama administration refused to enforce the federal laws. Soon after Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed the immigration bill into law, and the Obama administration filed suit against the state. In fact, the bell has not yet sounded to end Round One as the feds continue to use it to attack Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Round Two battle.
Round Two started with Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio announcing that he was launching an official investigation into Barack Obama’s eligibility to appear on the 2012 ballot in Arizona’s largest county. Not long after the sheriff department’s cold case division started their inquiry, the Obama administration launched an all-out fist fight with Arpaio and the sheriff department. The DOJ was sent in to make false accusations against the law enforcement agency for racial profiling Hispanics. They stripped Arpaio and the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Department (MCSD) of their federal immigration badges. As I write this, Rounds One and Two are still being fought in the political and judicial arenas.
Round Three has now been officially started as the state legislature is taking up action to prevent the Obamacare contraceptive mandate from taking effect in all of Arizona. The Center for Arizona Policy and the Alliance Defense Fund have been working on a bill to go before the Arizona legislature that would remove the contraceptive mandate from current state law. Deborah Sheasby, legal counsel for the Center for Arizona Policy said,
“We had a mandate that put an obligation on religious employers to provide certain insurance coverage regardless of whether they had a religious objection to doing so, and this has been in the national press recently with what the Obama administration has been doing with its rules under the new ObamaCare program in requiring employers to provide certain coverage that violates their religious beliefs.
“We clarified that religious employers are protected from having to provide coverage and being compelled by the government to provide insurance coverage for services that they disagree with – things like abortion, sterilization, contraception, and regardless of how you feel about those particular services, there’s no reason why a religious employer should be forced to pay for them or provide coverage for them.”
From the way that the Obama administration has been attacking Arizona for exercising its Tenth Amendment state’s rights, I’m sure they will also go after Arizona on its attempt to protect religious institutions from the tyrannical dictates of the Marxist regime of oppression they have launched on religion and the American people.
Comments (29)
I only wish that I was a resident. Sheriff Joe and The Governor deserve much credit for their stance. When common sense is applied to a problem the current administration gets very upset.
The silent majority (which needs to wake up) of Americans are with you.
Read more: Round Three: Arizona versus Obama - Godfather Politics