This Site May be Monitored by Homeland Security
If you are reading this and make any comments, the people at the Department of Homeland Security may be reading what you say. A report that has just come out is telling us “the Department of Homeland Security has been operating a ‘Social Networking/Media Capability’ program to monitor the top blogs, forums and social networks online.”
While the report is new, the monitoring has been going on “for at least the past 18 months. Based on a privacy compliance review from last November recently obtained by Reuters, the purpose of the project is to ‘collect information used in providing situational awareness and establishing a common operating picture.’” This is code for “If we see something we don’t like, we can shut you down and there won’t be anything you can do about it.”
I suspect that in the future, because of our Alexa rankings, Godfather Politics (5554 US) and our sister sites Vision to America (3958 US) and Patriot Update (3923 US) will be added to the list. This means you are reading the right stuff. Here are some of the monitored sites:
Social Networks
- Myspace
- The Drudge Report
- The Huffington Post
- The New York Times‘s Lede blog
- Wired’s Threat Level
- Wired’s Danger Room
- ABC News’ investigative blog The Blotter
- “blogs that cover bird flu … news and activity along U.S. borders … drug trafficking and cybercrime”
- Hulu
- YouTube
- Flickr
Comments (45)
This is Guvm't IN ACTion! Doo they go-away with the mail/male "service"?
address book. I was almost immediately denied the access and had to go through a series of questions, all
of which were stupid, and finally was told to change my password in order to regain my internet access. The explanation
for this denied access was to determine if I was a "spam". Under the definition of spam as I understand it has
nothing to do with me forwarding an article from Godfather Politics that was critical of Obama. I still here you
Obama idiots and thugs so try to remove me again---are yoiu listening?
Republicans in the Senate
Interview with Scott Horton, New York attorney known for his work in emerging markets and international law, an expert in the law of armed conflict, a contributing Editor to Harper's Magazine where he covers legal and national security issues and writes No Comment, a widely read blog about human rights and international law. He also lectures at Columbia Law School and is a co-founder of the American University in Central Asia
I’d like to ask you some questions regarding the National Defense Authorization Act for 2012. Why is a provision that would allow indefinite detention of even American citizens being pushed through in this Bill?
That’s an excellent question. In fact, the Obama administration has been celebrating the success of military efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Some of the president senior advisors talk about a victory over Al-Qaeda, they say the members of the terrorist combatants have been reduced into the hundreds. But Republicans in the Senate had been pushing quite aggressively for a measure designed to declare a forever war, basically war that has no end and to designate the American homeland itself as part of the battlefield and in that connection the both of those matters somewhat controversial but in connection with this effort they’d also introduced sections designed to give a U.S. Statutory basis to the president’s authority to detain American citizens and I think that’s had quite a bit of negative backlash in the United States both among Conservatives and among Liberals.
Why would the U.S. want an open-ended war?
There are less than 3 million government employees. There are over 330,000,000 of us. The odds are on our side. While the gov may believe they have all the power, I can't imagine a military that is willing to point a gun at American citizens, and should push come to shove, I know the military will join the ranks of the patriots.
Remember: The Second Amendment is in place in case they ignore the others.
May God bless America and it's freedom-loving people.
May He give us the will, the wisdom and the stamina to fight the good fight
And may God expose and judge the enemy within.
Dear Homeland Security Snooper: Now that I have your attention, please know that our sympathies lie with you as you spend tedious hours spying on your fellow citizens and cataloging their diatribes and frustrations about the policies of an out-of-control government. I know that your life could be made easier if we all just shut up, kept our opinions to ourselves, and remained the slack-jawed, subservient, obsequiously obedient citizenry you wish us to be.
Sorry, but we can't help you there. No can do. Never make the mistake of underestimating the determination of a lionhearted patriot. I can, tho, recommend Preparation H for those hemorrhoids from those long hours of sitting.
Love and Kisses
Read more: This Site May be Monitored by Homeland Security