Friday, January 13, 2012

Is Obama Just in Over His Head? | Conservative Byte

Is Obama Just in Over His Head? | Conservative Byte

Is Obama Just in Over His Head?

Talking about Barack Obama. Now, some of you might not think this is really that big a deal, and some of you might think that you understand. There’s no reason to provoke people by accusing Obama of being a bad guy. The conventional wisdom is — no, no, Snerdley, don’t look at me that way — you know as well as I, the conventional wisdom is that if you talk that way you’re gonna send the independents running back to Obama. The inside-the-Beltway conventional wisdom. The political consultant conventional wisdom. The Republican Party conventional wisdom. If it could be proved to Romney that Barack Obama was purposely doing this, he still wouldn’t say it.

You know, people say, “Why don’t you run for office?” I couldn’t. If you have to couch what you really believe, I couldn’t do it because I don’t believe for a minute he’s in over his head. Unless — Good Lord, oh, my. Ho. Ho. No, man. I can’t even tell people what I just saw without getting into big trouble. I just saw a picture of Hillary on TV. That’s as much as I’m gonna say. My point is this. (interruption) Well, I had to explain the reaction. It’s not fair to react that way if people don’t know. I had to explain it, but that’s as much as I’m gonna say. The only construct where Obama is in
over his head. (interruption) Yeah, I was right again. But then I’d have to remind people about what I was right about, and that’s the problem, I’m not gonna do that. I’m just saying, whoa.

You know where I come down on this Obama business. And Giuliani’s right. This guy’s an Alinskyite. He has been taught, he’s been raised, educated, whatever, he’s got a deep resentment for this country. You know me, I have told you, I’m willfully naive, I guess. I can’t get my arms around the fact that there are people born in this country who hate it. I know they do, and they can explain to me the differences in ideology and so forth, I’m never going to intellectually or emotionally understand it. Even though I can explain it, it still makes no sense to me. Yet I know that those people exist and I know that they are the people that taught Obama. They are among those who educated him, both in his family and at the institutions of higher learning and academe that he attended.

I know that he thinks this is an unjust country, that it was immoral in its founding, for reasons including but greater than slavery. He thinks it was economically unjust and immoral. He thinks a bunch of rich white guys, this 1% versus 99% stuff, that’s how he thinks the country was founded and that the 1% has maintained themselves in total control of all the wealth since the days of the founding and that they take purposeful steps to keep everybody out of that club. He believes it. He thinks the only remedy for it is to take everything the 1% has and give it away to everybody else.

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303 Responses to Is Obama Just in Over His Head?

  1. bsfurg says:

    He knows exactly what is hs doing and he knows he is getting away with and will keep getting away with it cause the GOP is full of duds that have no guts… I am so disapointed in the GOP that I could sit down and cry at the stupid thing they are doing to our country or (I should say they are not doing and thats they are letting Obama destroy America. Our beatiful country is beind destroyed and if they let obama go on it will go to the muslims and they will destroy all of our beautiful country…..

    • TooBig says:

      if obama keeps acting like a dictator we need to send all congress home and look at the Billions of waste we would save. We don’t need that many jerk offs sitting on their butts getting free rides from the taxpayers. Pelosi bar bill would save us lots of money

      • Mad Mike says:

        Great idea “Too Big”. If we follow your advise, that will leave Obama in total control, without limits to destroy all of his opposition at will. Obama and his democrats are running on their propaganda of a “do nothing congress”. That is a lie. They are doing exactly what we elected them to do in 2010! HaltObama and the Democrats wild spending and “dictatorial” passage of socialist laws and programs like “Obamcare”. That is the only thing they can do until we “send in the calvery to help them”! (elect all republicans to the congress, senate and white house).

        • John Griffin says:

          Mad Mike!!
          I totally agree with your assertion that we need to bring change in the Saenate and Whitehouse. The only thing is that we don’t need to send in the “calvery”!!! We should instead send in the CAVALRY!!!

        • Steve M. says:

          Yes but………………….elect all tea party CONSERVATIVES. This is the progressives (NWO and world gov’t) against the conservatives.

          • SCSOCAL says:

            Daves-Maybe you should tune in to Rush, you might learn something instead of being spoonfed the MSM
            Have an argument with facts, at least, to back up what you say, otherwise why waste your time posting? Do you think anyone is paying attention to your comments and not laughing out loud?

        • Peg says:

          Thank you Mad Mike, this is from “Preturbed” Peg – too often we are too quick to think negatively about a situation without using the brains the Good Lord gave us to look at the situation objectively. So we know what we have to do….get more help for the Congress, send in the Republican reinforcements. And for the sake of this Country, keep praying and trusting God to bring justice back to our Country. Remember the lines of that Longfellow poem….”God is not dead nor does He sleep, the wrong shall fail, the right prevail…with peach on earth good will to men.”

        • Patriotic nut says:

          M. Mike, your right in a way, however, Obama is already bypassing congress with much of his agenda through his multitude of different departments and crooks who work directly for him. He is also doing it with his executive orders and “recess” appointments. Yes the representatives that we elected in ’10 are doing much of what we elected them to do but it is making no difference because the senate is still controlled by the demoncrats. Our fault for not getting enough conservatives in the senate.

        • George2 says:

          Rush…you took a whole lot of words…to say not a damn thing. Why cain’t you talk plain talk so people don’t have to hunt for something, some MEANING, in your words. I really think you MEAN well, but you just don’t know a thing about conveying your meanings to people. And Mad Mike? They haven’t stopped ANYTHING. They haven’t even SLOWED HIM DOWN! He has even speeded up his oppression…MAKING offices…putting people INTO these offices… “executive” usurping authority. Totally acting like a dictator, and getting away with it…because our elected OFFICIALS are too busy helping THEMSELVES to tax payers money to do something that’s RIGHT! MOST of the time, I am able to control my emotions…but this time I just had to let it go.

          • kellid says:

            George2- You go boy! I am having the same problem with my emotions. Thanks to this kind of outlet, alot of my frustations come out. Alot of the time you think your the only one in your circle of friends that have an opinion about what Washington is slamming us with. I don’t know if it does much good but this helps.( A LTTLE)

      • kellid says:

        Follow the money, come on GOP! Someone, put 2 and 2 together, its so painful to watch ALL of you act as if there is nothing you can do! We sent you there to be a reasonable voice, to take care of our rights as Americans. YOU ARE FAILING !! Do you want to be the ones standing by while THEY destroy our beautiful country, and act as if there was nothing yall could do about it. ^WE ARE WAITING* and angry.

        • Patriotic nut says:

          Kellid, again, what is it that you think the house can accomplish by itself? They have passed a lot of legislation, just to have it shelved in the senate.

          • kellid says:

            Patriotic Nut -Who can do something then? Everyone acts like they can’t stop him from going around the laws put in place, like they are scared to do anything about it. If they cant who can?

      • scott says:

        That is true but if you sent them all home King Obama would use every trick in his evil, constitution stomping book to pass all kinds of laws and regulations that would finish us off this ASSHOLE needs to go, by hook or crook I bet you if given 4 more years he will refuse to leave the white house and try to do away with term limits. Don’t believe me he has already taken most of the Congress power already.

      • GINNY says:


    • Grandparay says:

      BSfurg: You are exactly on the money. The tea party is good for this country, and a lot of so called tea party candidates were elected, however I feel most of them lied. Therein lies are problem. No politcal candidate knows how to tell the truth anymore, they will say whatever is necessary to get what they want.

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