Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Nancy Pelosi and David Axelrod Open Their Mouths and We Make It Too Complex | RedState

Nancy Pelosi and David Axelrod Open Their Mouths and We Make It Too Complex | RedState

Eric Holder testified before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and he committed blatant perjury regarding his knowledge and involvement in "Fast and Furious." It is bad enough that we have a tax-cheat running the IRS (Timothy Geithner). How can Americans trust the government when the people selected to lead major branches of the federal government can't even abide by the rules of their own departments?

An independent special prosecutor must be appointed to investigate and prosecute this crime. As the nations top law-enforcement officer if he is convicted of perjury he should face the absolute maximum penalty.

TO: The Following Republican Members Of The United States Senate:
The Hon. Charles Grassley,
The Hon. David Vitter of Louisiana,
The Hon. Jeff Sessions,
The Hon. Orrin G. Hatch,
The Hon. Jim DeMint,
The Hon. Tom Coburn,
The Hon. James E. Risch,
The Hon. Mike Crapo,
The Hon. John Boozman,
The Hon. Mike Lee,
The Hon. James M. Inhofe,
The Hon. Saxby Chambliss,
The Hon. Johnny Isakson,
The Hon. Michael B. Enzi,
The Hon. Rand Paul,
The Hon. Roy Blunt,
The Hon. Mike Johanns,
The Hon. John Barrasso and
The Hon. Ron Johnsonrn
Jack Hotchkiss flyaway.jack@gmail.com
RE: The American People Demand A Congressional Investigation
Recently, 19 Senate Republicans penned a letter to Barack Obama questioning his backdoor amnesty decree and expressing "serious concern" over his circumvention of the law and his usurpation of Congressional authority regarding the issue. While we applaud the sentiments expressed in that letter, the plain and simple truth is that the time for talk has long passed. It is now time to take real action.
How far must Barack Obama and those in his administration go before Congress begins to realize that they are not simply ignoring the law? They are circumventing the law. In fact, Obama's recent dictatorial decision to enact backdoor amnesty via executive fiat is not an isolated incident. Congressman Steve King recently said: "This is the latest example of the Obama administration acting as if it does not have to enforce laws if it finds those laws to be inconvenient." And Congressman Lamar Smith echoed King's assessment: "Regrettably, this isn’t the only instance in which President Obama has been tempted to do things his own way. It is part of a broader pattern of ignoring the law."
Our Constitution is very clear, as is Congress’ duty. Congressman King again: "The President of the United States and all his federal appointees take an oath to the Constitution that requires that they 'take care that the laws be faithfully executed.' Our laws are to be enforced faithfully, not ignored or defied by the very people whose job it is to enforce them."
Congressman King and others have called for Congressional hearings into Obama's dictatorial backdoor amnesty declaration. Make it happen. Barack Obama and his administration have gone too far and their excesses must be fully exposed and stopped without delay!
Jack Hotchkiss flyaway.jack@gmail.com

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