Tuesday, December 13, 2011



Dear Jack :

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The Alpha Publishing House
Visit www.alphapub.com where Essays and eBooks describing nature's law of absolute right can be read or downloaded FREE.

If you were asked to surrender your will, would you? Probably not. But have you considered the countless times people do surrender their will every day? "No," you say, "I don't, and I never would!"

Well, think about how you surrender your will to the laws of nature. Do you argue with gravity, ignore friction, grab a live wire, lean to the left turning right? People have learned to surrender to the natural laws they call laws of physics. But there is a natural law that virtually everybody on the planet has been ignoring.

In the past century, a natural law of behavior was identified by Richard W. Wetherill. In 1952 he presented it in the book, Tower of Babel. He called it the law of absolute right, and it specifies rational and honest thinking and behavior to replace choices based on people's likes and dislikes, judgments and beliefs.

Nature's law of absolute right states that only right action gets right results. As with all natural laws, if wrong results occur, the law was somehow contradicted, showing that this law is the final arbiter of what is right behavior.

What kinds of results are presently occurring? The news media report on terror attacks, uprisings and riots, natural disasters, and afflictions labeled "cause unknown."

At this point you might be wondering, who thinks that conforming to a natural law could stop all those wrong results?

The answer comes from persons who have surrendered their will to the law of right behavior. Enthusiastically they report right results when they respond rationally and honestly to whatever life delivers.

Clearly people's safety and security exist in trusting the laws of creation rather than the laws and beliefs of human origin. Natural laws require the action each law calls for to enable it to complete its intended, rightful purpose.

So to achieve success at whatever activity or task people engage in, they instinctively know they must obey nature's laws of physics.

Prior to the identification of natural laws, the ancients worshipped natural phenomena and/or idols. It required aeons until people identified the laws of nature, creating forces to safely guide their activities.

Think of natural laws as expressing the will of the creator, and thereby creation's plan of life for mankind. Rational and honest compliance is the surrender that enables people to resolve past mistakes, and provides them with a meaningful, productive future.

There is a natural law that determines the results of people's behavior, and it defines the two causal choices they can make--despite beliefs to the contrary, they are:
1. Conform to a natural law of behavior provided by whoever or whatever created natural laws.
2. Contradict or ignore that natural law and face failure, injury, and even death.

For several years, our one-page advertisements have appeared in national publications, explaining nature's behavioral law of absolute right. The law was identified by the late Richard W. Wetherill and is described in his book Tower of Babel published on January 2, 1952.

Nature's behavioral law requires people to think and act in ways that are rational and honest. In other words, whoever or whatever created natural laws intends people to behave rationally and honestly rather than in ways that result in confusion, chaos, and suffering.

Choice 1 provides guidance that enables people to experience unprecedented joy and success with all their relationships and endeavors. Choice 2 causes every unwanted result experienced for those who fail to conform to this self-enforcing, behavioral law.

In general, people tend to blame outside factors when they get unwanted results, as comparatively few have known what causes them. Getting a few pioneers to conform to the behavioral law, despite criticism from others, took several decades.

They found that conforming to the law was truly liberating and dealt with situations formerly labeled "cause unknown", because when properly identified, thoughts causing unwanted results had released.

Keep in mind that the organ of thought inside our heads controls bodily functions, and unless irrevocable damage has occurred, when those wrong thoughts are rescinded, they are released.

The evidence is that people often prefer to die rather than face the fact that it is their conscious and unconscious wrong thoughts that are ruining their lives.

People understand that they must conform to the self-enforcing laws of physics, but they often mistakenly resist learning of the law of absolute right because its implications show that people's problems and trouble are self-inflicted.

Inasmuch as it usually takes a calamity to get the public's attention for a needed behavioral change, this message intends to draw attention to the calamities that have long been accepted as just a part of life.

Have you ever questioned why people are born to die? Is that true or instead are they born to live rational, honest lives? Would a creator of human life do so in order to destroy it? Creation by its very nature could not call for destruction.

If people unwarily act on their motivation, the intent of creation is blocked, and it is the blocker who suffers. This writing directs people's attention to the natural law that provides guidance for people's robust health, congenial relationships, and successful activities. Read about the law at our website.

FREE On-Line eBooks - read or download at www.alphapub.com

How To Solve ProblemsHow To Solve Problems & Prevent Trouble
Our free online book, How to Solve Problems and Prevent Trouble, tells you how to greatly reduce the dilemma and difficulties of life. Problems and trouble will cease to be a compelling force in your life. The information has been tested and is in daily use by successful business leaders and private citizens. The knowledge reveals a dynamic lifestyle based on a natural law of behavior identified by the late Richard W. Wetherill.

Tower of BabelTower of Babel
Today our world suffers from warped and twisted thinking. That affliction is caused by hidden distortions of logic. Those distortions are fixed, inflexible tools of thought that cause all of our mistakes. Humanetics exposes the exact nature of those distortions. It shows their causes, their results, and their remedies. It constitutes a new science of perfective thinking. This free online book will help you understand Humanetics and guide you to a wonderful life.

Right Is MightRight is Might
You can discover why Right really is Might and how the natural laws of the universe make it a reality. This free online book is based on thirty years of research and experience, which explains the negative consequences of unethical behavior in both personal and public life. The book also shows how ethical behavior creates emotional health, personal joy and professional success.

Be Right or Go WrongBe Right or Go Wrong
All through the centuries people have believed they were free to behave as they chose, whether within the constraints of moral parameters or with total abandonment to their desires. The Right-Action Ethic developed by the late Richard W. Wetherill is a lifestyle based on his discovery of anatural law of behavior. Wetherill called it the law of absolute right: Right action gets right results, whereas wrong action gets wrong results. People who apply the Right-Action Ethic think it is vital to stem the tide of wrong results washing across all levels of society here and abroad. Read about soul-level experience. Paying attention to your particular difficulty and changing the outcome is the basis of this online book.

Leadership into 21st CenturyLeadership into the 21st Century
Practical Application of Wetherill's Right-Action Ethic This book is about a performance. It is not primarily about a person or celebrity. It is about leadership and successful living. People who read this book will find it full of solutions based on principles as old as time itself but as new as the moment they live in.

Let Civilization BeginSuppose We Let Civilization Begin
People are told that our various wars were fought to make the world safe for democracy. But unsafe conditions still prevail. Individuals and groups keep seizing unfair advantages to the detriment of others who keep trying to fight back by doing the same thing. Subtle, unobserved dishonesty is involved. Such dishonesty is the natural consequence of reasoning from urges based on personal motives. The remedy is to reason from reality: fill the need of the situation. In this book, Wetherill points out the importance of absolute honesty and shows how to identify and drop dishonest rationalizations. There are four experiential articles also included that were written by people who have described the application of the law of absolute right in their daily lives.

Dictionary Command PhrasesDictionary of Typical Command Phrases
Unchain Your Brain! Release Illogical Thoughts! If you have problems you cannot seem to solve or relationships you cannot seem to work out, you should get this book. People unknowingly lock their brains in chains. As Wetherill makes clear in How To Solve Problems And Prevent Trouble, people's behavioral problems are caused by their emotionally charged commands to themselves. You can "unthink" your way out of problems.

About us
During six decades of teaching, broadcasting, writing and consulting, Wetherill addressed thousands of people via his nationwide study groups. Hundreds of miraculous changes were reported. He taught people how to maximize their talents for a more effective life. He was able to show that conforming with right action resolves problems and prevents trouble. Among those who listened were families with behavioral dilemmas, people eager to improve their relationships and those with health questions or habits they couldn't control.
This public-service message is from a self-financed, nonprofit group of former students of Mr. Wetherill.

The Alpha Publishing House, PO Box 255, Royersford, PA 19468
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This email was sent to flyaway.jack@gmail.com as a subscriber to the Offers from Carefully Selected Offers from Third Parties e-mail list.

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