Friday, March 16, 2012

Obama Signs Bill that Ends Free Speech | Vision to America

Obama Signs Bill that Ends Free Speech | Vision to America

Obama Signs Bill that Ends Free Speech

After last year’s tragic shooting in Tucson, Arizona that killed six people and wounded twelve others including Rep Gabrielle Giffords, Congress started work on a bill that would help protect politicians.  With little fanfare, HR 347 was passed by the House and Senate and signed into law this week by President Barack Obama.
The official  release stated that President Obama,
“Signed into law: H.R. 347, the ‘Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011,’ which makes it a federal crime to enter or remain knowingly in any restricted area of the White House, the vice president’s official residence, or their respective grounds without lawful authority.”
While this may sound fairly mundane, the actual language in the bill can be easily construed to override the  right of free speech in many situations.
Some members of Congress saw the danger of the wording and voted against the bill.  Among them was Rep Justin Amash (R-MI) who said,
“Current law makes it illegal to enter or remain in an area where certain government officials (more particularly, those with Secret Service protection) will be visiting temporarily if and only if the person knows it’s illegal to enter the restricted area but does so anyway.  The bill expands current law to make it a crime to enter or remain in an area where an official is visiting even if the person does not know it’s illegal to be in that area and has no reason to suspect it’s illegal.
“Some government officials may need extraordinary protection to ensure their safety. But criminalizing legitimate First Amendment activity – even if that activity is annoying to those government officials – violates our rights.”
Rutherford Institute president, John Whitehead responded to the HR 347 by writing,
“The bill’s language is so overly broad as to put an end to free speech, political protest and the right to peaceably assemble in all areas where government officials happen to be present.

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This law is a good test to see if your congressman is a person of constitutional principle, or just looking out for themselves and their re-election. If it's the latter, get rid of them in November. Too many of them go to Washington with good intentions and get co-opted into thinking that it's a great career. If your congressman voted for this law, he/she is one of them and they are now worse than useless - they are now an enemy of a free republic.
7 replies · active 1 hour ago
Remember, now, Republicans are just as responsible for this bill than anybody else. This bill simply demonstrated the duopoly system. Both parties are traitors.
8 replies · active 24 minutes ago
Barry wants to remain in his delusional dream bubble where everything is perfect, and everyone loves his tyranny. No pesky citizens confronting little Hitler about his dictatorship.
1 reply · active 3 hours ago
lisa's avatar
lisa· 4 hours ago
Wouldn't have to protect himself so much if he wasn't such a damm threat to this country.
1 reply · active 3 hours ago
Dusty1's avatar
Dusty1· 4 hours ago
This law is intended to hamper demonstrations or protests about anything the president or government is doing. The result will be that we will be intimidated into silence.
4 replies · active 3 hours ago
PATRIOT's avatar
PATRIOT· 4 hours ago
AHHHHHH YES! I love the sight and smell of a drained swamp in the morning!
Scott C in Spring Tx's avatar
Scott C in Spring Tx· 4 hours ago
While this law is very wrong it also goes to show us that the poor little Obummer can not take the heat. He doesn't like the protests that are taking place everywhere he goes. While he approves of the Occupy Movement that bullies his opposition he can not take what he dishes out. He is such a wimp of a man. Perhaps one of his old boy friends can protect him. We have never had a president that is more of a nerd, wimp, screwball, puff of hot air than he is.
5 replies · active 2 hours ago
Patricia's avatar
Patricia· 4 hours ago
The House voted for this too. I would like to hear their so called justification.
6 replies · active 3 hours ago
snowbird50's avatar
snowbird50· 4 hours ago
hope we all remember all he has done come nov.i hate to think what he will do if he gets back in
Aimee's avatar
Aimee· 4 hours ago
A leader who does his job should never be afraid as long as he is respected....does this tell you that there maybe people who do not respect him! I learned a long time ago that respect is earned not given on a silver platter! 
Be afraid if a country has a leader that is afraid of the people in his country as you can go back in history and watch the leaders of countries fall.
2 replies · active 53 minutes ago
Larry's avatar
Larry· 4 hours ago
Barry Soetoro must really believe this "law" will keep the Patriots in this country from storming in and physically removing his sorry butt from his "Position of Authority". need to understand one very simple thing....YOU HAVE DONE ALL YOU CAN POSSIBLY DO TO SKIRT THE LAWS OF THIS COUNTRY. America's finest citizens will do whatever is necessary to remove you...whether you sign a socialist law into effect or not! You are a cancer unpon this nation, and the only way to cure the patient is to remove the cancer! How many laws have you personally broken? How many lives have you permanently damaged? There are not enough Secret Service agents in the world that would be able to protect you if you keep pushing the citizen's of this country the way you keep pushing!
2 replies · active 51 minutes ago
Save all of obozo's bills for the obozo's when they go back to africa, they'll need toilet paper!! 
They could start using it now, they like recycling so much, they should try it!!
muleskinner's avatar
muleskinner· 4 hours ago
Citizens of the U.S.A. we are F!!!!D.
silvernotes's avatar
silvernotes· 4 hours ago
This is a true travisty. I do not like occuping buildings and running in crowds of protesters, but restrictions like this are part of a long slippery slope. There are certain things we HAVE to live with if we are to remain a free society. Terrorism is one of them (we all need to take responsibility for our safety) and freedom of speech we do not like is another. 

Action is REQUIRED. Call and write you representatives, find out how they voted and dump them is they voted for this bill. No more talk, it is time for the silent America to wake up.
4 replies · active 28 minutes ago
Brenda's avatar
Brenda· 4 hours ago
I have already contacted my Senator for an explaination and I sugges that everyone else does the same. We have a right to know why this intrusion on our first admendment was made. There was already a law on the books to protect the non-public areas of governemnt.
4 replies · active 3 hours ago
DOOMED's avatar
DOOMED· 4 hours ago
Anything to undermine OUR Constitution. If OUR Constitution were written today, what do you think it would contain? It would be one line: The people have the right to do anything they want...provided government approves it. Because the NEW Constitution would be "by the government, for the government, and of the government". Our new Constitution would be pre Magna Carta, (year 1215).
jake 's avatar
jake· 3 hours ago
What the F--- is this??????? It getting like Russia around here.....Now we got to let these morons in Washington say and do anything they want in public or risk getting Pinched.Or worse.....We may as well all just get a little red star iand wear it on our hat now. No use in waiting for the Chinese to take over. The Socialist/Communist mindset is here.....Than You Comrade for listening to my rant.....
3 replies · active 59 minutes ago
Mannafeast's avatar
Mannafeast· 3 hours ago
The legislators responsible for bringing this legislative excrement to life are Representative Tom Rooney (R-Fla.) in the House of Representatives and Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT.) leading the Senate version. Rooney is my congreesman who was also a JAG lawyer in the Army, so he knowingly and willingly desecrated the Constitution. 

The House vote tally which took place 02/28/12, was 338 for and 3 against. The three dissenters were Rep.Paul Broun R-Georgia, Rep. Justin Amash R-Michigan and Rep. Keith Ellison D-Minnesota. Rep. Ron Paul was reported earlier as having voted against the bill, but that was based on the original vote conducted 02/28/11. Rep. Ron Paul ABSTAINED on the final vote. LOST!!!! More freedom lost with HR347 signed into law by the Tyrant Obama 
The senate passed this bill without taking a vote, by senate consent, thereby no recorded vote tally or personal responsibility to the people. And you THINK(?) they represent you? No they govern you, you are their subjects, nothing more.
bigfoot's avatar
bigfoot· 3 hours ago
Just found out my State Rep votes YES for HR 347. I will be working hard to get him voted out of office when he up for his next election.
make and keep a list of all these stupid things to be thrown out along with this government that either wont, cant, or doesnt bother to read bills it votes on, remember fall cleaning is coming and it involves more than politicans, fire the czars, appointments,and needless depts created to act outside our constitution and congress.
3 replies · active 23 minutes ago
Charlie's avatar
Charlie· 3 hours ago
jmoses's avatar
jmoses· 3 hours ago
I hope everyone is ready for what is coming. If obamma is re-elected, the first thing that will happen is " THE F---KERS WILL BECOME THE F---KEES . think about it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3 replies · active 2 hours ago
Welcome to Nazi America! The brainless on the left fought for it, and the silent majority sat silently by.
2 replies · active 2 hours ago
Topcat's avatar
Topcat· 3 hours ago
If our politicians worked for the people, instead their own radical agenda , they wouldnt have any need for added security . When they pass legislation that they know is not going sit well with the people , but promotes their own agenda, they create their own fear through guilt , even when their is no reason. The tragic happening to rep. Gifford was not political she was liked by Democrats and Republicans alike. Her policy was fair , true to her beliefs, whether you agreed or not. However it was a wakeup call to all who know they are working against the people . Who would rather pass laws to protect themselves than change their policy . The truth is laws dont protect you in these matters , if someone wants to violate your space they will get it done , regardless of this new law. Look at John Kennedy and Ronald Regan just to mention some examples , this law would only have helped them after the fact , too late for the victim , so why violate the peoples freedom to make yourself feel good.

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