Barack Obama Impeachment Bill Now in Congress
Let President Barack Obama be duly warned.
Rep. Walter B. Jones Jr., R-N.C., has introduced a resolution declaring that should the president use offensive military force without authorization of an act of Congress, “it is the sense of Congress” that such an act would be “an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor.”
Specifically, Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution reserves for Congress alone the power to declare war, a restriction that has been sorely tested in recent years, including Obama’s authorization of military force in Libya.
Former U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo claims that Jones introduced his House Concurrent Resolution 107 in response to startling recent comments from Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta.
“This week it was Secretary of Defense Panetta’s declaration before the Senate Armed Services Committee that he and President Obama look not to the Congress for authorization to bomb Syria but to NATO and the United Nations,” Tancredo writes. “This led to Rep. Walter Jones, R-N.C., introducing an official resolution calling for impeachment should Obama take offensive action based on Panetta’s policy statement, because it would violate the Constitution.”
Comments (159)
Robin from Arcadia, IN· 3 hours ago
He has violated the Constitution more than once. The time to take action is overdue! We simply cannot allow this to go on for another 4 years!
Ken· 3 hours ago
That is one of many of his impeachable offenses. Keep the ball rolling!
This wouldn't be his only constitutional violation either. Line them up, and get rid of this moron.
Jack F.· 3 hours ago
What about the rest of the idiots behind him?
Obama should be impeached, but it is a waste of time because a two thirds vote in the Senate is impossible. Keep Obama's failed leadership and dangerous failed policies in the news and make sure people who love America vote.
Linda· 3 hours ago
I agree that impeachment process should take place immediately. And that he has over stepped his bounds repeatedly.. His very first oath when he took office was to swear on the bible that he would follow and protect the constitution of the United States. And the very first thing he did was violate that oath by investing American tax dollars into failing companies even though he was warned over and over that those companies were failing. Using tax dollars for adventure investment is illegal. He has done nothing but attack the boundaries of the constitution since he's been in office and he needs to go now.
Jim· 3 hours ago
I believe this is the wrong approach. It would be far better to defeat him in the election in order to repudiate all that he stands for. In the unlikely event that he could be successfully impeached there would always be the undercurrent that he was railroaded out the back door. He would become a symbol and rallying point of the Left. It would be better to send him packing like Jimmy Carter so that he is irrelevant in the future.
Scott C in Spring Tx· 3 hours ago
As one who believes I understand the Constitution and the branches of our government, including the various roles of those branches, I must wonder why Obama is still in office, much less how in the H3LL did he ever get there? Where are the checks and balances that determine the qualifications of our political candidates? Especially that of President! Obama should have been impeached three years ago. We have a bunch of money sucking pansies in Congress. Let's clean house folks! Let's clean house!
For What Its Worth!· 3 hours ago
Geitners comment was telling about this administration. Perhaps President Obama is truly not in charge but rather is only a figurehead for a very shadowy government made up primarily of illegally appointed Czars. His handlers and his financiers are also of that ilk. Add to the fact that he may not even be a citizen of this country with even his religion being called into question. He came out of a Fabian (nicer communists) and Marxist background as did all of his "friends". No academic records available, no one except a room mate remembers him and his longstanding and quite well known relationship with very creepy characters (bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, Jerehmia Wright, Saul Allinsky, etc, etc). What can you reasonably expect when we put a bunch of subversives into positions of such power? Yes, I do believe that President Obama is truly not in command but the enemies of this country and its constitution are.
David· 3 hours ago
Each of Obama's unconstitutional acts, without any consequences to stop him, emboldens him to more and more. Four more years will see a dictatorship. He hates the constitution calling it a law of "negative" rights because it limits government.
samtman· 3 hours ago
This story is so insignificant , that even Fox din't report it.!
GUEST· 3 hours ago
Maybe this will help some of the people to wake up and realize they don't want to vote for him again so even if impeachment doesn't happen, it will go in front of people who helped put him there. Also, maybe the Dems will take him off the ballots. Only thing I would like to see even more is that he be removed from office as for what he is, a userper and ALL signatures and everything he has done will be wiped out, including all his appointments of czars and cabinet people who are hateful of the USA. USA USA USA.... Proud of the USA, not our userper in Chief.
Texas Patriot· 3 hours ago
This government has blatantly violated the trust of all America by stepping over the US Constitution. It is time for the American people to stand up and put this administration on notice and be willing to fight against this illegal trampling of our constitution. Talking don't work, and the Democratic Congress refuses to hold this administration accountable for their violations. The only solutions at this point is for an American Patriot Rebellion. The Founders of this great nation warned that there may come a time for the people to rebel against a corrupt government and that they must be willing to force the government to conform to the peoples will or they will find their freedom in danger if not lost!!!
Such a resolution will only backfire on the GOP. When they have a president in office and he wants to use force without congressional concent, the Dems will remind them of their inane partisan bil that doesn't create jobs...remember jobs the the GOPs number one wait. Jobs don't matter as much as getting a black man out of the White House. Violating the constitution is done knowingly all the time by both congress and the president. Bills are passed they know won't meet the constitutional challenge. Remember when they passed the anti-flag burning bill? They knew it wouldn't pass the Supreme Court, yet congress passed it and the president signed it. HORRORS! The president always consults congress before he makes acts of war. Sometimes it is not public for security reasons.
AMERICAN SEABEE· 3 hours ago
Sue· 2 hours ago
Let's face reality...NOTHING is going to get done, Obummer will NOT get impeached and he will "win" another term because the fix is in. This is just another bunch of BS to shut us up and keep us occupied while the media, the dems and even the republicans vote Obummer in for another term so he can finish off America once and for all. I don't trust anyone anymore -- I think somehow they are ALL in on the take down of our country.
Don't get your hopes up, folks!
Don't get your hopes up, folks!
Phillip in TX· 2 hours ago
Sorry guys, wrong approach. Impeaching "it's not my fault Obama" would mean he had a legitimate claim to the office which he does not.
cw· 2 hours ago
Ocommie needs to be behind bars. I don't care if it is before or after the election, either way, incarcerate the scum and then decide if he should be deported or hung or just left to rot.
I don't think it will do his campaign much help if he is in the middle of impeachment proceedings when the press is trying to gin up support for him.
I don't think it will do his campaign much help if he is in the middle of impeachment proceedings when the press is trying to gin up support for him.
Betsy· 2 hours ago
Texas Patriot is absolutely right. The threat of impeachment means nothing to Obama or his "minions". He's determined to render congress obsolete and congress is allowing it. Makes me wonder just what Obama has on these folks?!
Tank· 2 hours ago
We got to quit banging our heads an unite behind one canadate unfortunantly the best of the worst is Ron Paul the other 3 career idiots are a carbon copy of bama ai realize RP has some issues I dont like on forien policy but if we ever are going to get a hold on it so we can rope it back into submission we need to make some extream choices then correct next time . we need a full turnover in Congress an senate to show them we mean business with the exception of the 9 that voted for the last bill putting our rights ot due process in jepordy the rest need ot go an policy needs ot changeo n how they vote on bills , my dream canidate would be Ted Poe , he seems to have the most common sense I have seen on the hill , Tom Tancredo would be a good choice as well , t
Eve· 2 hours ago
I want this imposter out of the WH and a full investigation into his background and his actions as president. Anyone else would have been impeached or would have stepped down. NO ONE has the right to break our laws and go against our Constitution as he has. It is all about power and money. When it all comes down on their heads he will have plenty of company. I would like to see them all held accountable for the outrageous corruption they have tried to spread across this country on the American citizens!
AJP· 2 hours ago
It's going to be thre same old story we can't oust his butt out because he a NEGRO that BS if a white man was in elected office he been gone a long time ago
D.J.· 2 hours ago
Obama has committed many impeachable offenses, but apparently, only when he or his appointees essentially call Congress unnecessary and superfluous will Congress decide to take action. People have been calling for action for 3 years, but Congress has not listened, pooh-poohed our concerns, and sat on their hands, but now that THEY have been insulted, we might see some backbone emerging. If only the Senate is equally offended!
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