Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Gmail - Obama Justice Dept: "Take down Grassfire petitions" - rejackh@gmail.com

Gmail - Obama Justice Dept: "Take down Grassfire petitions" - rejackh@gmail.com

Obama Justice Dept: "Take down Grassfire petitions"

Grassfire Nation alert@grassrootsaction.com to me
show details 11:24 AM (5 minutes ago)

From the desk of:
Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation


We just heard from Sheriff Joe, who told us he received a call from his "friends" at the Department of Justice and they weren't happy.

They told Joe that they were not pleased that he posted an update and photos from our petition delivery to his office demonstrating widespread grassroots support for the Sheriff's lawful actions to uphold the law.

The DOJ basically tried to bully Sheriff Joe into taking down any mention of the petition delivery!

So Obama's Justice Department is now bullying Sheriff Joe because of a citizen petition that condems DOJ's bullying attacks against the Sheriff!

Only in Obama's world!

Well, Sheriff Joe told us he's not backing down. And neither are we. Later this week, we will deliver these same petitions directly to the DOJ and key leaders in Congress. But we need your help.

+ + Let's Tell DOJ To Stop It's Bullying Attacks!

Jack, it is outrageous that the Department of Justice would stoop so low as to bully a county Sheriff because of a citizen petition. But this is just like the Obama administration. It's classic "Chicago politics." Right and wrong do not matter with these people -- just the raw exercise of power and threats against citizens.

Grassfire Nation will be delivering these petitions again THIS FRIDAY -- this time directly to DOJ and key members of Congress.

My staff has informed me that you have not yet signed this CITIZEN PETITION OF SUPPORT for Sheriff Joe. Please go here now to sign the petition and be included in the delivery to DOJ this Friday:


I must hear from you by NOON THURSDAY to include you in this important delivery.

Thanks for taking action!

Steve Elliott
Grassfire Nation

P.S. When we were handing the petitions to Sheriff Joe, he wondered aloud if we could deliver "another 100,000" to the DOJ. Would you consider moving us one petition closer by going here:


Then, please share this important campaign with your friends of Facebook.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
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+ + + + +
Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a realimpact on the key issues of our day. Copyright 2011 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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