Christian Apparel Company Refuses to Print Gay T-Shirts, Complaint Filed
40 COMMENTSA homosexual group in Lexington, Kentucky, has filed a discrimination complaint against a T-shirt printer after the company refused to honor a bid to produce apparel for an event.
The Gay and Lesbian Services Organization filed the complaint Monday with the city’s Human Rights Commission. Group president Aaron Baker told the Lexington Herald-Leader that the organization got quotes from several companies to print shirts for a “gay pride” festival and chose Hands On Originals because it had the best local bid. However, the company refused to take the order.
Baker says co-owner Blain Adamson told him the decision came about because Hands On is a Christian company.
The Lexington-Fayette Urban County Human Rights Commission says it will investigate the complaint. Executive director Raymond Sexton said Hands On Originals is subject to the city’s human rights ordinance because it deals in goods and services to the public.
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Gay and Lesbian Services Organization, Human Rights Commission, Lexington Kentucky
Read 1109 articles by V2AShowing 1-20 of 42 comments
- Fred_KDid the company know what the subject material of the printing was before submitting the bid? If not, they could refuse to finalize the contract, if there was one. The company should also have the right to discontinue doing business with anyone they choose to.
- GodisaliveI'm sure the Christian business wasn't picked for it's best bid, it was picked so they could cause trouble when their order was placed & refused.
- Pastor GernentzSince I read that the company gave a bid how could they refuse the business. If you don't want that business why give a bid or give one that is way out of range!!
- Boris yasdnilkovWhile I agree that a private business should be able to be selective as to whom they do business with, it is noted that this company provided a quote for the T-shirts. In doing so a business agreement was established. End of story, beginning of successful lawsuit for harmed party.
- Geraldj70I have and do know Gay people. Some who I welcome as friends (they are intelligent, well dressed and friendly and do not try to impose their beliefs on others) and others who are shameful and discusting (they take great pride in grooming "turning out" young boys and young girls to their lifestyle. I too am a Christian and believe you have a right to follow your beliefs. The print shop should have known what they were bidding on before submitting their bid. If they did not they have every right to refuse the job based on their beliefs but if they did and still bid and got the job they are obligated as Christians to fulfill the contract. I have also read through the following comments and most are intelligent and properly worded but their were others which showed by their wording that the author lacked intelligence and was only interested in showing their vulgar biased opinions.
- rushvillerocketI applaud this company for standing up for their beliefs!!! I hope they don't cave either. I don't know why gay people feel like they have to force their way of life on other people!!! If I ever have to buy quantities of T-shirts, I will definitely order from this company, and I will tell everyone I know to do the same.
- GDCFreedom WHAT FREEDOM? Free to have the sicko's force you to do what is against your will. What freedom is that? NONE it is becoming a Dictatorship and NOT just with Obama being a dictator but with ALL the wacko's being dictators.
- FredPathetic. You cannot force a person to do something against their moral opinion. I thought this was America but after Obama's remarks to the Russians, we might be speaking Communist before long.
- Queers need to be put back in their closets !!! Dr.Ron Paul 2012 !!!
- MarcClever way to get attention. rather like taking a gun into a liquor store and waving it around. people will notice. It was perfidious of the gay contingent to ask a christian company to submit a bid, I for one would love to see the wording of the offer, and then be Shocked, Astonished, and Heartbroken when the printer opted out. Even with a signed contract, both parties have 3 working days to opt out. This gay act of scheduling a wedding at a christian B&B, then have it rejected when the owners found out it was 2 lesbians, this print job, even gay men job seeking with kosher butchers in NYC is classic. The gays know the response before the ask, and Oh Dear, Oh My! file a law suit with in weeks.
I am a gay man and I find this sort of feigned action despicable. Fighting for equal rights is one thing, forcing others to accept you as 'normal' is quite another. There is just no need to be offensive and hostile to men and women who live a different lifestyle. - Wingedgodd3ssThank you for the very civilized well thought response. I totally agree with you.
- We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, no mater whom they lick.
- Geraldj70I believe in legitimate comments and opinions but your wording shows a lack of inteligence and is in itself offensive.
- If it's my company, I have the right to run it as I see fit. If that assails your sensitive feelings your gonna need a lot of tissues and hankies to stomp on and cry into.
- 1teapartyme2009I think we should take a lesson from the gay blades, we should have a STRAIGHT PRIDE PARADE I bet more people would attend, and we could make that company rich
- Dingbat36A private business is within it's rights to "refuse service" to anyone it chooses and they are NOT required to state any reason for that refusal. This piece of crud complaint will go absolutely NOWHERE. Just stirring the pot and making the perverts happy!
- Amanda ThompsonI guess next time they get an offer to bid on a future job for an organization they don't support that they had better quote the job on the HIGH side... If HANDS ON knew what kind of organization they were doing a quote for then, unfortunately, they should have to fulfill their obligation. If they did NOT know who the job was for and found out AFTER the bid then I don't see how they are obligated. But then how many "straight or Christian" groups ask a company to print "GAY PRIDE" on a t-shirt. That's a multi-colored print job which is def taken into account...much pricier than just black and white.
- NoobI'm sure they can find a liberal company to print some f a g g y shirts. Check companies owned by Pelosi. Maybe she owns one, paid for by taxpayers of course.
- SgarlowHurray for your stand against perversion and for free enterprise! People, you'd better wake up! We're in a daily war against evil and we MUST NOT lose!
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