Action Alert: Tell Prime Minister Netanyahu - You are not alone Reply
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Dear Friend,
Last week, Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with President Obama in the White House. None of us know for sure what was said in this meeting. But we all know that there are disagreements between the Prime Minister and the President over how best to prevent a nuclear Iran.
In his public comments from the White House, Prime Minister Netanyahu insisted Israel must be the "master of its fate" and that "Israel must have the ability always to defend itself, by itself, against any threat."
We agree. We believe that when it comes to defending Israel and the Jewish people, Prime Minister Netanyahu cannot defer to anyone else's judgements, red lines or timetables. The Prime Minister must resist pressure from any and all outside forces. He must insist that Israel live up to the fundamental promise of its creation -- to ensure that the Jewish people would no longer have to depend on anyone else for their survival.
Next week, we're flying to Jerusalem to meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu. When we see him, we will present him with a letter reminding him that he has friends in the United States who agree that the Israeli people must make the difficult decisions about how to defend themselves free from outside pressure.
When we present this letter, we want to tell the Prime Minister that it was signed by many thousands of Christians from across the country. Please click here now to add your name to this letter of support. And please share this letter with your family and friends.
The more of us who sign this letter, the stronger the message we send to the Prime Minister.
At this difficult and dangerous juncture, let's make sure that the Prime Minister knows he's not alone.
Blessings to you and those you love,
Pastor John Hagee
National Chairman
Christians United for Israel | David Brog
Executive Director
Christians United for Israel
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