| Dear Fellow Conservative,
 In 2008, I was dubbed "Joe the Plumber" by Sarah Palin and John McCain after a video crew caught me asking then-presidential candidate Barack Obama about his tax plan that would force me to pay more money to the government. Obam's response included, "I think it's good when you spread the wealth around," and the rest is history.
Now I'm running for Congress because President Obam's socialist agenda threatens Americ's future. I'm a plumber and an Air Force veteran. I've worked hard for everything I have, just like you. That's why I'm infuriated by President Obam's job performance—or lack thereof! Where are the jobs he promised with his $787 billion stimulus? Or his $447 billion jobs plan? They don't exist, because Barack Obama has failed America.
Herman Cain has endorsed my candidacy saying, "I'm happy that one of the people running for United States Congress in the state of Ohio, in a very challenging district, has adopted 999, and I am endorsing his candidacy, is my friend Joe the Plumber." Will you stand with Herman Cain and endorse me too by making an immediate donation of $25, $50, $100, $250 or more to my campaign?
I'm honored to have Herman Cain on my side, because regardless of whether or not you supported his 999 plan, it's a viable solution. And America hasn't seen any viable solutions in over 3 years. Barack Obama has focused all of his time looking for ways to redistribute wealth to help out the poor. As a result he's prevented the American economy from recovering and put us in a hole from which we may never dig ourselves out.
But what about the rest of America? I can't afford to pay higher taxes and I know you can't either. I also don't want to saddle my son and future grandchildren with debt they'll never be able to pay off. Right now, each American taxpayer faces $136,027 debt on our government's behalf. We could give our kids an Ivy League education with that kind of money!
It's time for middle class America to take a stand and I'm ready to lead the charge. But I urgently need your help. So will you follow this link right now to make a donation of $25, $50, $100, $250 or more to my campaign?
I will be the one to throw a wrench in Obam's socialist agenda, but I need to know you stand with me.Please make a generous donation to my campaign and together we'll end Obam's war on the middle class.
 Samuel "Joe" Wurzelbacher
P.S. I've been endorsed by Herman Cain and I hope you'll join him in supporting me. Please follow this link to make a donation of $25, $50, $100, $250 or more to my campaign and help me throw a wrench in Barack Obama's socialist agenda. Thanks—Joe

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