We have just learned that the debate and vote on the Blunt "Respect For Rights Of Conscience" Amendment will likely take place BEFORE NOON EASTERN TODAY. If you haven't done so already, please go here now to schedule your faxes:
Also, call your Senators:
Senator McCain 202-224-2235 Senator Kyl 202-224-4521
See below for more details
(Original message from yesterday)
GRASSFIRE NATION UPDATE Please carefully read this update. The Left has been lying about the so-called "birth control" controversy. And while we have been distracted, Obama and his team just pulled off one of the greatest attacks on our liberties we have ever seen. Now, a key vote is about to take place. See below. On Thursday, the Senate is expected to vote on a measure to stop President Obama's recent attack on the rights of conscience of every American. This vote is about our fundamental fight against the Left's statist agenda -- and the leftist media are doing everything in its power to hide the truth.
The fact is, the Obama Administration’s recent moves to require all companies and health insurers to fully fund certain medical services is a direct assault on the Constitutional liberties of every American. This issue is much more fundamental than the specific procedures that have dominated the debate, such as birth control, chemical abortion or sterilization.
The real question is, can government require citizens and companies to provide and pay for government mandates that violate our conscience and deeply-held beliefs? + + Obama Stripped Away Our Rights
The Obama team has been playing a massive game of political misdirection. And while we have been distracted, Obama and his team just pulled off one of the greatest power heists we have ever seen. Consider this... Obama's alleged "compromise" actually made the situation worse for our liberties by directly requiring that insurance companies provide specific health services, paid for 100% by companies and their employees.
Senator Roy Blunt (R-MO) has introduced his "Respect For Rights Of Conscience Act" as an amendment to the Transportation bill. The amendment will restore the rights of conscience secured by the Constitution that have always been honored by our laws -- until ObamaCare and the Obama mandates stripped away those rights.
The Blunt Amendment states that individuals, companies and insurers shall not be forced to "provide, participate in, or refer for a specific item or service contrary to the provider’s religious beliefs or moral convictions.” This is almost the same language that leading Democrats supported a few years ago! + + Key Vote Tomorrow. Action Items...
As noted above, the Senate is expected to vote by THURSDAY NOON on the Blunt Amendment (Amendment #1520 to the Transportation bill).
That means citizens have just a few hours to get their message through to their Senators and other Senate leaders.
Action #1 -- Send Faxes Now
To expedite your grassroots involvement, Grassfire Nation has set up a citizen FaxFire that will deliver your faxes directly to the Senate before the vote. The faxes are one of the most cost-effective means to get your message directly to Senate offices (the cost is as little as 60 cents per fax).
Go here now to schedule your faxes for immediate delivery:
As always we encourage you to send your own faxes. We provide sample letters and fax numbers at the above website.
Action #2 -- Call Your Senators
It is important that Senators hear from constituents right now. Please call your Senators and let them know where you stand on Sen. Blunt's "Respect For Rights Of Conscience" Amendment (#1520).
Senator McCain 202-224-2235 Senator Kyl 202-224-4521
Again... Obama and the Left are lying. They are saying this HHS mandate controversy is about birth control when in fact this is about a massive power grab by an out-of-control statist government.
This is one of the most important votes in the Senate this year. Please let your voice be heard. Grassfire Nation
P.S. Yesterday, Nancy Pelosi paraded a college student before a House hearing as an expert witness on this issue who suggested that students will face financial ruin if the government doesn't provide free birth control. Again, the Left is using misdirection to distract Americans from the real issue of Obama's violation of our rights of conscience. Please take action.
Go here to send faxes: http://www.grassfire.com/22097/offer.asp Resources For You: Mitch McConnell: What The Debate Is About Pelosi: Students will go broke without the Pill Sen. Blunt's "Dear Colleagues" Letter (.pdf) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + (Note: Please do not "reply" directly to this e-mail message. This e-mail address is not designed to receive your personal messages. To contact Grassfire Nation with comments, questions or to change your status, see link at the end.) + + + + + Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Copyright 2012 Grassroots Action, Inc. + + Comments? Questions? http://www.grassfire.com/email.asp?ind=10 + + Technical questions only: For technical questions regarding this email, go here: (Not for comments/feedback on this update) http://www.grassfire.net/r.asp?U=78152&CID=22097&RID=34415396 + + + + +
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