We can all breathe a sigh of relief and thank Tea Party and conservative activists for making this happen. Corrupt Maricopa County Supervisor Don Stapley has filed to run for Congress in Arizona's new 9th district. He saw the writing on the wall. Although Stapley has successfully escaped prosecution so far by pretending that Sheriff Arpaio and prosecutor Andrew Thomas were wrongfully going after him, everyone knows Stapley is guilty as sin. The Arizona Project 2012 Tea Party made it a priority this year to clean up the Supervisors' office in this year's elections, sending Stapley a loud message that they would be running a candidate against him. Conservative Steve Chucri has launched an aggressive campaign to run for Stapley's supervisor seat.
Arpaio and Thomas tried to prosecute Stapley for misreporting on his financial forms and spending $70,000 in campaign funds on luxury personal items for himself and his family. Stapley was running for president of the National Association of Counties and had no opponent. He went around telling people he needed contributions for that campaign, then turned around and spent the money on expensive things you and I could never afford.
Remember the "libertarians" who ran for state legislature a few years ago and got into deep trouble with Clean Elections for spending the money on lavish dinners? They had to repay it all back. Not if you're Don "the Don" Stapley. He destroys the lives of anyone who tries to prosecute or arrest him instead.
Here is the full list of what he spent the money on.
And here are just a few the things Stapley spent campaign money on that jumped out at us. You decide whether they are campaign related. We couldn't even begin to start counting the restaurants and department stores listed on there, there were too many. We're sure they were all campaign related. And what is up with all the women's clothing?
luxury vacations for himself and his family to Florida, Hawaii and Utah. $12,042 for the condo in Hawaii alone. $1300 for hair implants $5036 in expensive stereo equipment from Bang & Olufsen psychological counseling animal grooming eyewear massages spas$99 at Bath & Body Works
home furnishings lots of groceries movies dermatology ASU event tickets Bloomingdale's Florists medical bills vitamins, minerals, herbs $1480 on Mesa water/trash/sewer $471 at Donna Karan for women's clothing fitness center Nordstroms
$350 for an art show in Pasadena Phoenix Zoo $104 for women's clothing from Rampage $630 for Broadway tickets $420 for concerts at America West Arena $100 at Ulta for beauty $428 for the Utah Shakespeare Festival $775 for women's clothing at Zara in New York City
You tell us, does this man belong in office, ANY elected office? NOT EVEN DOGCATCHER! We find it despicable that he can skate past the laws the rest of us are held accountable to, and spend lavish amounts of money on himself using the political system while the rest of us are losing our homes and our jobs. He is going to lose this election bigtime.
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